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May 26, 2021

Title: Millennials Taking Activism to the Workplace
Topic: Millennials
Discussed by Robert Knight
with Robert H Knight (

Part 1 of 2

Recently, a few (very, very few) employees of Simon & Schuster stated that printing the Pence Memoirs would be a betrayal of the company’s promise to oppose bigotry and not to print any book that would make minority employees feel unsafe.

Robert Knight is an author and journalists with decades of experience and frequent guest on the What’s UP Radio Program. Today he discusses how activist millennials who once spoke out on the streets are now voicing (and forcing) their views in the workplace.

Click here for more information on this topic.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Was Vice President Mike Pence a bigot? Robert Knight points out that Simon & Schuster are huge supporters of the LGBTQ agenda and other liberal issues.

Did Vice President Mike Pence ever oppose racial justice?

Did Vice President Mike Pence ever work to oppress any community?

Did Vice President Mike Pence normalize violent behavior?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Millennials Taking Activism to the Workplace
Topic: Millennials
Discussed by Robert Knight
with Robert H Knight (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

The staffers at Simon & Schuster argued that printing the Pence Memoirs would be advocating for policies under President Donald Trump that were racist, sexist, and discriminatory. They even argued that publishing the book would “legitimize bigotry”.

Was the Trump Administration racist, sexist, or discriminatory towards any ethnic group?

Did Simon & Schuster want free reign to edit and fact-check Vice President Mike Pence’s Memoirs? Is this a common practice? Could this be classified as censorship?

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December 4, 2020

Title: Why Do Millennials Hate America?
Topic: Millennials
Discussed by Professor Peter Wood
with National Association of Scholars (

Part 1 of 3

In August 2019 the New York Times announced its “1619 Project”, which they hoped would transform history by tracing American institutions, culture, and prosperity to that pirate ship and the exploitation of African Americans that followed.

Professor Peter Wood responded to that “project” with a book, “1620: A Critical Response to the 1619 Project”, which is the topic for today’s program.

Click here  for your copy this fantastic book. Every parent with a teenager and/or college student should have this book in their home library.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is the New York Times’ “1619 Project”?

Is it now part of public school curriculum?

Is the “1619 Project” part of a larger effort to destroy America by those who find our nation unbearably bad? Peter says: “We now have a lot of teachers who don’t really know much of anything about American history other than the Leftist narrative.”

Who are some of the people who inspired the “1619 Project”?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Why Do Millennials Hate America?
Topic: Millennials
Discussed by Professor Peter Wood
with National Association of Scholars (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the “1619 Project” fake history and more dangerous than fake news?

The writers of the “1619 Project” state America was founded in August 1619 when a pirate ship landed in Jamestown with a group of captive Africans on board.

Professor Wood contends that America was actually founded in 1620 with the signing of the Mayflower Compact. Why?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Why Do Millennials Hate America?
Topic: Millennials
Discussed by Professor Peter Wood
with National Association of Scholars (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the “1619 Project” being taught in public schools and colleges/universities across America?

What can parents do to fight back against the “1619 Project’s” radical revision of history? Peter says “pay attention and vote”. He also admonishes parents: YOU must know what your kids are learning and teach them the TRUTH.

Are we in danger of losing our freedom and liberty in America?

For more from Peter on this topic, click here.

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November 20, 2020

Title: Why Do Millennials Hate America?
Topic: Millennials
Discussed by Professor Peter Wood
with National Association of Scholars (

Part 1 of 3

In August 2019 the New York Times announced its “1619 Project”, which they hoped would transform history by tracing American institutions, culture, and prosperity to that pirate ship and the exploitation of African Americans that followed.

Professor Peter Wood responded to that “project” with a book, “1620: A Critical Response to the 1619 Project”, which is the topic for today’s program.

Click here  for your copy this fantastic book. Every parent with a teenager and/or college student should have this book in their home library.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is the New York Times’ “1619 Project”?

Is it now part of public school curriculum?

Is the “1619 Project” part of a larger effort to destroy America by those who find our nation unbearably bad? Peter says: “We now have a lot of teachers who don’t really know much of anything about American history other than the Leftist narrative.”

Who are some of the people who inspired the “1619 Project”?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Why Do Millennials Hate America?
Topic: Millennials
Discussed by Professor Peter Wood
with National Association of Scholars (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the “1619 Project” fake history and more dangerous than fake news?

The writers of the “1619 Project” state America was founded in August 1619 when a pirate ship landed in Jamestown with a group of captive Africans on board.

Professor Wood contends that America was actually founded in 1620 with the signing of the Mayflower Compact. Why?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Why Do Millennials Hate America?
Topic: Millennials
Discussed by Professor Peter Wood
with National Association of Scholars (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the “1619 Project” being taught in public schools and colleges/universities across America?

What can parents do to fight back against the “1619 Project’s” radical revision of history? Peter says “pay attention and vote”. He also admonishes parents: YOU must know what your kids are learning and teach them the TRUTH.

Are we in danger of losing our freedom and liberty in America?

For more from Peter on this topic, click here.

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May 21, 2018

Title: Are Dems Losing their Grip on Millennials?
Topic: Millennials
Discussed by Brent Keilen
with Family Research Council (

If you are not Liberal when you are young, you don’t have a heart. But, if you are not Conservative as you get older, you don’t have a brain.

Are Dems becoming “so far left” that they are losing millennials to the right?

New guest Brent Keilen, a millennial himself, is the Director of Family Research Council Action, a division of the Family Research Council.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

In Congressional races in 2016, what was the ratio of millennials supporting Democrats vs. Republicans?

What do the numbers reflect now?

What issues are changing the millennials’ minds?

Who votes more often: millennials or seniors?

Are Conservative, family values still important and relevant to the future of our country?

What should we do between now and November to encourage more millennials to vote Republican?

How do we combat MSM, MTV, and Social Media’s bias against Conservative ideas and candidates?

Click here  for more information on this and other issues facing our country.

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May 18, 2018

Title: Are Dems Losing their Grip on Millennials?
Topic: Millennials
Discussed by Brent Keilen
with Family Research Council (

If you are not Liberal when you are young, you don’t have a heart. But, if you are not Conservative as you get older, you don’t have a brain.

Are Dems becoming “so far left” that they are losing millennials to the right?

New guest Brent Keilen, a millennial himself, is the Director of Family Research Council Action, a division of the Family Research Council.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

In Congressional races in 2016, what was the ratio of millennials supporting Democrats vs. Republicans?

What do the numbers reflect now?

What issues are changing the millennials’ minds?

Who votes more often: millennials or seniors?

Are Conservative, family values still important and relevant to the future of our country?

What should we do between now and November to encourage more millennials to vote Republican?

How do we combat MSM, MTV, and Social Media’s bias against Conservative ideas and candidates?

Click here  for more information on this and other issues facing our country.

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May 17, 2018

Title: Are Dems Losing their Grip on Millennials?
Topic: Millennials
Discussed by Brent Keilen
with Family Research Council (

If you are not Liberal when you are young, you don’t have a heart. But, if you are not Conservative as you get older, you don’t have a brain.

Are Dems becoming “so far left” that they are losing millennials to the right?

New guest Brent Keilen, a millennial himself, is the Director of Family Research Council Action, a division of the Family Research Council.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

In Congressional races in 2016, what was the ratio of millennials supporting Democrats vs. Republicans?

What do the numbers reflect now?

What issues are changing the millennials’ minds?

Who votes more often: millennials or seniors?

Are Conservative, family values still important and relevant to the future of our country?

What should we do between now and November to encourage more millennials to vote Republican?

How do we combat MSM, MTV, and Social Media’s bias against Conservative ideas and candidates?

Click here  for more information on this and other issues facing our country.

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May 14, 2018

Title: Are Dems Losing their Grip on Millennials?
Topic: Millennials
Discussed by Brent Keilen
with Family Research Council (

If you are not Liberal when you are young, you don’t have a heart. But, if you are not Conservative as you get older, you don’t have a brain.

Are Dems becoming “so far left” that they are losing millennials to the right?

New guest Brent Keilen, a millennial himself, is the Director of Family Research Council Action, a division of the Family Research Council.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

In Congressional races in 2016, what was the ratio of millennials supporting Democrats vs. Republicans?

What do the numbers reflect now?

What issues are changing the millennials’ minds?

Who votes more often: millennials or seniors?

Are Conservative, family values still important and relevant to the future of our country?

What should we do between now and November to encourage more millennials to vote Republican?

How do we combat MSM, MTV, and Social Media’s bias against Conservative ideas and candidates?

Click here  for more information on this and other issues facing our country.

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April 16, 2018

Title: “Do Your Own Thing” Right or Wrong?
Topic: Millennials
Discussed by John Horvat
with Return to Order

The 1960’s were all about peace and love and acceptance. Which are all great! We should desire peace and love everyone and offer acceptance to those different than us. However, did we go too far – and are we paying this price for it today?

Can we turn back the clock? Or is it too late? John Horvat has some thoughts on this subject, which he shares with us today.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Did Baby Boomers redefine freedom as being able to “do our own thing – when we wanted to, with whom we wanted, and how we wanted to do it”?

Did we help overturn societal morals and manners in our attempt to achieve freedom from the shackles of our parents?

For free-love, did we destroyed family structures, sexual morals, and marriage?

Are we now a society that knows no bounds to killing the living, the unborn, and the unwanted?

What can millennials learn from our mistakes?

How can Baby Boomers help millennials see the error of their ways?

Is there still hope for America?

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March 13, 2018

Title: Why are so Many Millennials Single?
Topic: Millennials
Discussed by Lisa Anderson
with The Boundless Show (

Part 1 of 2

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Generation Y is the first generation in recorded history which is projected to be worse-off than those which came before. Is this why the majority of them are still single?

Lisa Anderson is the host of the radio show, “The Boundless Show”, and author of “The Dating Manifesto”. Today she will discuss this serious, yet often overlooked, topic.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why are so many millennials single? HINT: There is more than just one reason!

Are careers and financial stability major factors?

Is our society much more accepting of single adults than other generations?

Generation Y is the first generation in recorded history which is projected to be worse-off than those who came before. Does Lisa agree or disagree with this statement?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Why are so Many Millennials Single?
Topic: Millennials
Discussed by Lisa Anderson
with The Boundless Show (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How can singles mingle with other singles and be patient waiting on God’s guidance?

Is it okay to date without marriage in mind?

For more information about Lisa’s radio show, “The Boundless Show”, click here.

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June 15, 2016

Title: Millennials: Don’t Jump the Rope
Topic: Millennials
Discussed by John Horvat
with Return to Order

Pursue a life of purpose and meaning, but don’t jump the ropes, lest you trigger an avalanche.

John Horvat is the author of several books, including best-selling “Return to Order”. He recently met a “real, live millennial” – the kind that actually believes money isn’t important and people can do whatever they want without moral restraints! Yes, they do exist – in numbers many may find hard to believe!

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is a millennial and why did this young man John met identify as one?

During his conversation, John Horvat discovered that this young man had some very interesting ideas about the moral and social issues of today. While the young man wasn’t necessarily defensive in his opinions, he was very strong-willed. Listen in as John reveals what this young man thought and why it is just so plain scary!

Another point that John Horvat made in his article concerning this young man was his love of skiing. Why was this important to the conversation? Hint: This is where “Don’t Jump the Ropes” comes into play.

To read John Horvat’s article concerning this interview, click here.

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July 9, 2014

Title: The War on Millennials
Topic: Millennials
Discussed by Pete Seat
with Pete Seat (

Part 1 of 3

The baby boomers (those born between 1946 and 1964) are graying and retiring. Or, if you’re like me, you’ll work until the day you die.

What accomplishments have we made? Oh, I know we’ve given the next generation TV, the iPhone, electric blankets, and fast moving cars (plus a whole lot of other play toys).

But, what have we really done? Our children and grandchildren are being saddled with nearly $18 trillion in debt – and this figure is rising daily. This figure is without interest and to pay it off would mean an additional ‘house note’ on all tax payers.

Now, Obama and the bleeding hearts on the left are welcoming anyone inside our country. How are we to pay for their needs and our needs?

New guest, Pete Seat, is the former spokesman for President George W. Bush, U.S. Senator Dan Coats, and The Indiana Republican Party. Pete is currently a senior project manager at the Indianapolis-based Hathaway Strategies, an innovative public affairs consulting firm.

Pete has written a must-read book: The War on Millennials - Airing Grievances and Offering Solutions through the Eyes of America’s Next Generation of Leaders.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - The War on Millennials
Topic: Millennials
Discussed by Pete Seat
with Pete Seat (

A staggering amount of young people between the ages of 18 and 23 are still living at home. This really isn’t that surprising, given that many of them are in college at least part-time.

What is surprising, however, is that 29% of adults between the ages of 23 and 35 are currently living with their parents, also. They simply cannot afford to move out on their own.

Pete Seat discusses the reason why.

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - The War on Millennials
Topic: Millennials
Discussed by Pete Seat
with Pete Seat (

Pete Seat has some solutions – some real, workable solutions – for Americans who want to fight back against those waging War on Millennials.

He urges all Millennials to not sit back and watch “the socialists” take over our country. He urges everyone to get up, get out, and push back. He urges everyone to cry out: “We will NOT give the socialists our country without a fight! If you are a ‘gray-hair’, will help fight back – for our children and grandchildren’s sake?”

Log on to  to order a copy of his new book.

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August 23, 2012

Title: Millennials and the 2012 Generation
Topic: Millennials
Discussed by Paul Conway
with Generation Opportunity

What is the youth unemployment rate for 18-29 year olds for July 2012? Specifically for African-Americans, Hispanics, and women in this group?

Can we point our finger directly to the Obama administration and say it has been the cause of the ever growing number of unemployed citizens?

How has the declining labor participation rate created an additional 1.7 million young adults that are not counted as "unemployed"?

If the labor force participation rate were factored into the 18-29 youth unemployment calculation, what would the actual 18-29 unemployment rate be?

Tell us more about generation opportunity and how our listeners can get involved!

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