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December 16, 2015

Title: The REAL Unemployment Numbers
Topic: Unemployment
Discussed by Patrice Lee
with Generation Opportunity

The Millennial Jobs Report for the month of November revealed that over thirteen percent (13%) of 18-29 years olds are now unemployed. During the month of November, 1.855 Million millennials dropped out of the job market because they just simply could not find a job. This number is embarrassingly high and horrifying to imagine. In just one month, my friends. One month lost 1.855 million millennials.

Patrice Lee is the spokesperson for Generation Opportunity. Patrice explains how the “effective” unemployment rate adjusts the numbers to include those who have simply given up looking for a job. The government doesn’t like to include the effective rate because it obviously makes them look bad. Additionally, the government likes to ignore the amount of people who are working part-time but would rather be working full-time. These numbers are extremely high, as well.

Patrice also discusses why millennials are waiting longer to get married and have children because they simply cannot afford to! Student loan debt is outrageous and it doesn’t seem to be getting better any time soon. “The cost of college sky-rocketed 500% because of the government’s intervention in the student financing model,” Patrice says. The madness needs to stop. Free college isn’t the answer. Student loan forgiveness is not an option. So, what is? Listen in as Patrice gives her opinion.

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January 27, 2015

Title: Free College (Not)
Topic: Free College (Not)
Discussed by Rebecca Coffman
with Generation Opportunity

What is going on with America? How did we get from JFK to Obama? JFK said, “Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country.” Obama says, “Free cell phones! Free food! Free welfare! Free college!”

Rebecca Coffman says that her generation – the younger generation – is fed up. They are tired of being fed lie after lie after lie. They are waking up to the fact that government is not their friend; it is their enemy.

Rebecca and her colleagues (and many others) are calling Obama’s free college tuition plan the “K-14 Plan”. It is simply another attempt for the government to keep control of our kids and indoctrinate them even longer. The taxpayers will, once again, bear the brunt of this madness, to the tune of $60 Billion (which is just the initial estimated figure).

Rebecca Coffman is one smart cookie. She definitely has a strong head on her shoulders. She, like so many other millennials, know that this new plan of Obama’s will only hurt them further. Listen in as she explains the President’s plan and what the future holds. Log on to for more on this and other issues.

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November 10, 2014

Title: Who Decided to Exercise their Right to Vote?
Topic: Election Re-Cap
Discussed by Corie Whalen Stephens
with Generation Opportunity

Did only old, white men vote in the 2014 Mid-Term Election? While elderly people, those over the age of 65, did account for just under 25 percent of the electorate, there was a surprising turn-out among the younger crowd. Corie Whalen Stephens says while most voters under the age of 30 do still tend to vote Democrat, more and more are leaning to the Republican side. They feel betrayed by Obama and the Democrats.

Corie talks about several races around the country, like North Carolina, Arkansas, Florida, and Ohio. For example, in Ohio, there was a 26-point swing in favor of the Republican candidate for Governor among 18-29 year old. That’s huge!

How did they do it? Are Republicans getting smarter? Are young people just mad because they cannot get a job? Is it the message or the messenger? Or is it a combination of both?

That’s a lot of questions to mull over and Corie, who is in the younger generation, gives her opinion on every issue. She says more young people definitely need to get involved and start paying attention to the issues or 2016 could be a disaster.

Corie says there are three issues the newly elected Republican Congress must focus on and get the younger generation fire up about. First, the Republicans must pass tax reforms, especially for the middle class. Secondly, they must address the ever-increasing student loan rates. And finally, the Republicans need to examine the import-export bank, which is basically a corporate welfare bank that is stealing from the younger generation.

When it comes to illegal immigration, however, Generation Opportunity doesn’t really see it as an “issue”. Should they be concerned? It greatly effects the black and even the Hispanic (legal immigrant) employment rate, especially among younger people.

If you have a teen or college student, encourage them to research these issues and become involved before it’s too late. Have them contact Generation Opportunity at  to learn more.

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May 8, 2014

Title: Your Kids do NOT Want to Pay off YOUR Debt
Topic: Out of Control Government Spending
Discussed by Patrice Lee
with Generation Opportunity

Generation Opportunity is a national non-partisan organization advocating for economic opportunity for young people. Today, Patrice Lee, the Director of Outreach at GO, discusses the real unemployment numbers for 18-29 year olds in America.

Patrice believes the government has lost its focus on what really matters. Young college grads don’t want – or need – cheap or free health insurance; they want a job. Period. They have student loans out the wazoo and no way to pay them back. They want to get married to their college sweetheart, but don’t because they simply cannot afford it.

The next generation of working adults (who actually aren’t working at all) cannot be saddled with OUR debt. And by “OUR” debt I mean “the government’s” debt.

For more information on Generation Opportunity and how you can join their fight for less government and more freedom, log on to

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February 19, 2014

Title: Youth Unemployment
Topic: Unemployment
Discussed by Corie Whalen Stephens
with Generation Opportunity

The youth unemployment rate is still astonishing high. For young adults 18-29 years old, the effective unemployment rate is 15.8 percent. For the black community, it is 23.9 percent and for Hispanics it is 16.7 percent. For women ages 18-29, the effective unemployment is 13.5 percent.

The Congressional Budget Office wasn’t lying when it reported Obamacare will reduce the American workforce by an additional 2 million jobs over the next few years!

Generation Opportunity is a national, non-partisan organization advocating for economic opportunity for young people through less government and more freedom.

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November 13, 2013

Title: What is in Store for our Youth?
Topic: Unemployment
Discussed by Corie Whalen Stephens
with Generation Opportunity

Part 1 of 2

The overall unemployment rate for 18-29 years is a whopping 15.9 percent in America.

Many have simply given up looking for work.

When you break the numbers down by race and gender, the numbers seem even more troublesome. Listen in as Corie Whalen discusses the grim figures.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Unemployment
Discussed by Corie Whalen Stephens
with Generation Opportunity

When it comes to being underemployed or unemployed, many have simply given up hope.

For those of you in college or with young adults attending college, please listen to these segments today with an open mind and an open heart.

Is that degree you are pursuing and paying thousands and thousands of dollars for really worth it?

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August 6, 2013

Title: The Dalits Of India
Topic: Out-of-Work Millennials Live at Home
Discussed by Corie Whalen Stephens
with Generation Opportunity

Only 43.6% of 18-29 year olds are employed full time. How is the hope and change working for them?

21.6 million Millennials are living with mom and dad. How is the empty-nest working for you, mom and dad?

Young Americans deserve better than this. Wait until they actually grow up, get a full-time job, get married and try to raise a family while paying for Obamacare and for our Social Security Checks.

They will revolt. Listen in.

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August 23, 2012

Title: Millennials and the 2012 Generation
Topic: Millennials
Discussed by Paul Conway
with Generation Opportunity

What is the youth unemployment rate for 18-29 year olds for July 2012? Specifically for African-Americans, Hispanics, and women in this group?

Can we point our finger directly to the Obama administration and say it has been the cause of the ever growing number of unemployed citizens?

How has the declining labor participation rate created an additional 1.7 million young adults that are not counted as "unemployed"?

If the labor force participation rate were factored into the 18-29 youth unemployment calculation, what would the actual 18-29 unemployment rate be?

Tell us more about generation opportunity and how our listeners can get involved!

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August 8, 2012

Title: The "Millennials" Deserve Something More Than To Live In The Basement or Spare Room With Their Parents?
Topic: Obama's War on Jobs
Discussed by Paul Conway
with Generation Opportunity

Part 1 of 2

Does the unemployment rate for July indicate an improving job market? What age group is being most affected by joblessness right now? What is the reason for this? Do the twenty-something's deserve better?

As a whole, will today's twenty-something generation be better off than their parents, will they fare the same, or will this be the first generation ever in America that will fare worse than their parents, again as a whole?

Do the twenty-something's, you call them Millennials, wake up each day to an economic reality which includes record high unemployment coupled with fewer and fewer job opportunities?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Obama's War on Jobs
Discussed by Paul Conway
with Generation Opportunity

What is the Obama administration doing about this and do the Millennials believe Obama is doing a good job? What were some of the results of the Generation Opportunity poll that was recently conducted? What could the federal government do to encourage economic growth?

77% of young people ages 18-29 either have or will delay a major life change or purchase due to economic factors:

44% delay buying a home;
28% delay saving for retirement;
27% delay paying off student loans or other debt;
27% delay going back to school/getting more education or training;
26% delay changing jobs/cities;
23% delay starting a family;
18% delay getting married.

Which political party is doing the most to "make economic growth happen"? How can our listeners find Generation Opportunity and what are some ways they can engage to help right what's wrong in America?

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June 7, 2012

Title: Generation Opportunity!
Topic: Obama's War on Jobs
Discussed by Paul Conway
with Generation Opportunity

Part 1 of 2

Has the Obama term in office been good for 18 to 29 year olds in America?

For the age group of 18 to 29 year old Americans:

1. Has Obama’s continued use of trillions of borrowed dollars been good?
2. Has Obama’s assault on manufacturing jobs in America been good?
3. Has Obama’s assault on fossil fuel usage been good?
4. What is wrong with Obama?

How can 18 to 29 year olds in America work with all other Americans to help right what's wrong with our country?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Obama's War on Jobs
Discussed by Paul Conway
with Generation Opportunity

77% of Americans 18-29 years old report delaying action due to the poor economy.

44% delay buying a home; 28% delay saving for retirement; 27% delay paying off student loans or other debt; 27% delay going back to school/getting more education or training; 26% delay changing jobs/cities; 23% delay starting a family; 18% delay getting married; 18% none; and 5% don't know.

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