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August 23, 2012

Title: Millennials and the 2012 Generation
Topic: Millennials
Discussed by Paul Conway
with Generation Opportunity

What is the youth unemployment rate for 18-29 year olds for July 2012? Specifically for African-Americans, Hispanics, and women in this group?

Can we point our finger directly to the Obama administration and say it has been the cause of the ever growing number of unemployed citizens?

How has the declining labor participation rate created an additional 1.7 million young adults that are not counted as "unemployed"?

If the labor force participation rate were factored into the 18-29 youth unemployment calculation, what would the actual 18-29 unemployment rate be?

Tell us more about generation opportunity and how our listeners can get involved!

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August 8, 2012

Title: The "Millennials" Deserve Something More Than To Live In The Basement or Spare Room With Their Parents?
Topic: Obama's War on Jobs
Discussed by Paul Conway
with Generation Opportunity

Part 1 of 2

Does the unemployment rate for July indicate an improving job market? What age group is being most affected by joblessness right now? What is the reason for this? Do the twenty-something's deserve better?

As a whole, will today's twenty-something generation be better off than their parents, will they fare the same, or will this be the first generation ever in America that will fare worse than their parents, again as a whole?

Do the twenty-something's, you call them Millennials, wake up each day to an economic reality which includes record high unemployment coupled with fewer and fewer job opportunities?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Obama's War on Jobs
Discussed by Paul Conway
with Generation Opportunity

What is the Obama administration doing about this and do the Millennials believe Obama is doing a good job? What were some of the results of the Generation Opportunity poll that was recently conducted? What could the federal government do to encourage economic growth?

77% of young people ages 18-29 either have or will delay a major life change or purchase due to economic factors:

44% delay buying a home;
28% delay saving for retirement;
27% delay paying off student loans or other debt;
27% delay going back to school/getting more education or training;
26% delay changing jobs/cities;
23% delay starting a family;
18% delay getting married.

Which political party is doing the most to "make economic growth happen"? How can our listeners find Generation Opportunity and what are some ways they can engage to help right what's wrong in America?

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June 7, 2012

Title: Generation Opportunity!
Topic: Obama's War on Jobs
Discussed by Paul Conway
with Generation Opportunity

Part 1 of 2

Has the Obama term in office been good for 18 to 29 year olds in America?

For the age group of 18 to 29 year old Americans:

1. Has Obama’s continued use of trillions of borrowed dollars been good?
2. Has Obama’s assault on manufacturing jobs in America been good?
3. Has Obama’s assault on fossil fuel usage been good?
4. What is wrong with Obama?

How can 18 to 29 year olds in America work with all other Americans to help right what's wrong with our country?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Obama's War on Jobs
Discussed by Paul Conway
with Generation Opportunity

77% of Americans 18-29 years old report delaying action due to the poor economy.

44% delay buying a home; 28% delay saving for retirement; 27% delay paying off student loans or other debt; 27% delay going back to school/getting more education or training; 26% delay changing jobs/cities; 23% delay starting a family; 18% delay getting married; 18% none; and 5% don't know.

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