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October 26, 2021

Title: Wrath: America Enraged
Topic: America Divided
Discussed by Professor Peter Wood
with National Association of Scholars (

Part 1 of 3

Political debate has taken a front-seat in many Americans’ lives. Social media and the internet have made it easy to badger the “other side” without repercussions (or very few). But why are so many Americans so angry?

Dr. Professor Peter Wood is the President of the National Association of Scholars and a former professor of anthropology. He is a frequent media guest and the editor in chief of the journal Academic Questions.

Dr. Wood’s latest book, “Wrath: America Enraged”, can be purchased here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why are many Americans angry over politics? Dr. Wood explains that this has not happened overnight, but it has definitely gotten worse over the past decade with the rise of social media.

Who rioted first in 2016 when Trump was elected President – the Left of the Right?

Who does the media blame for the recent riots across the nation?

Is the ever-present flaming anger more prevalent today on the Right or the Left?

Was there a true insurrection on January 6, 2021? Dr. Wood says NO and explains what an insurrection really is and what happened on that day.

Has the Left silenced, censored, and criminalized dissent from the America-loving Right?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Wrath: America Enraged
Topic: America Divided
Discussed by Professor Peter Wood
with National Association of Scholars (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do America-loving Conservatives believe they have no traditional form of political protest? Dr. Wood explains that many Conservatives are afraid to speak up because their opinion is being morphed into criminal penalties.

Is the Left flat-out intimidating the Right?

Has the Left captured a range of issues leaving no legitimate issue left for the Right to champion?

What is happening at colleges and universities across the nation regarding free speech? Dr. Wood reveals that the majority of students on college campuses are afraid to speak their opinion in class for fear of being ostracized by their professor and fellow students.

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Wrath: America Enraged
Topic: America Divided
Discussed by Professor Peter Wood
with National Association of Scholars (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do America-loving Conservatives have justifiable anger? Dr. Wood says “absolutely” and explains that this is why he used the word “wrath” in the title of his latest book.

Must America-loving Conservatives seize control of government from the Leftist Elites?

Do Conservatives need to urge more like-minded family, friends, co-workers, and church members to vote for Conservative values?

Why is Dr. Wood referred to as the foremost “angerologist”?

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December 4, 2020

Title: Why Do Millennials Hate America?
Topic: Millennials
Discussed by Professor Peter Wood
with National Association of Scholars (

Part 1 of 3

In August 2019 the New York Times announced its “1619 Project”, which they hoped would transform history by tracing American institutions, culture, and prosperity to that pirate ship and the exploitation of African Americans that followed.

Professor Peter Wood responded to that “project” with a book, “1620: A Critical Response to the 1619 Project”, which is the topic for today’s program.

Click here  for your copy this fantastic book. Every parent with a teenager and/or college student should have this book in their home library.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is the New York Times’ “1619 Project”?

Is it now part of public school curriculum?

Is the “1619 Project” part of a larger effort to destroy America by those who find our nation unbearably bad? Peter says: “We now have a lot of teachers who don’t really know much of anything about American history other than the Leftist narrative.”

Who are some of the people who inspired the “1619 Project”?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Why Do Millennials Hate America?
Topic: Millennials
Discussed by Professor Peter Wood
with National Association of Scholars (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the “1619 Project” fake history and more dangerous than fake news?

The writers of the “1619 Project” state America was founded in August 1619 when a pirate ship landed in Jamestown with a group of captive Africans on board.

Professor Wood contends that America was actually founded in 1620 with the signing of the Mayflower Compact. Why?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Why Do Millennials Hate America?
Topic: Millennials
Discussed by Professor Peter Wood
with National Association of Scholars (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the “1619 Project” being taught in public schools and colleges/universities across America?

What can parents do to fight back against the “1619 Project’s” radical revision of history? Peter says “pay attention and vote”. He also admonishes parents: YOU must know what your kids are learning and teach them the TRUTH.

Are we in danger of losing our freedom and liberty in America?

For more from Peter on this topic, click here.

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November 20, 2020

Title: Why Do Millennials Hate America?
Topic: Millennials
Discussed by Professor Peter Wood
with National Association of Scholars (

Part 1 of 3

In August 2019 the New York Times announced its “1619 Project”, which they hoped would transform history by tracing American institutions, culture, and prosperity to that pirate ship and the exploitation of African Americans that followed.

Professor Peter Wood responded to that “project” with a book, “1620: A Critical Response to the 1619 Project”, which is the topic for today’s program.

Click here  for your copy this fantastic book. Every parent with a teenager and/or college student should have this book in their home library.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is the New York Times’ “1619 Project”?

Is it now part of public school curriculum?

Is the “1619 Project” part of a larger effort to destroy America by those who find our nation unbearably bad? Peter says: “We now have a lot of teachers who don’t really know much of anything about American history other than the Leftist narrative.”

Who are some of the people who inspired the “1619 Project”?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Why Do Millennials Hate America?
Topic: Millennials
Discussed by Professor Peter Wood
with National Association of Scholars (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the “1619 Project” fake history and more dangerous than fake news?

The writers of the “1619 Project” state America was founded in August 1619 when a pirate ship landed in Jamestown with a group of captive Africans on board.

Professor Wood contends that America was actually founded in 1620 with the signing of the Mayflower Compact. Why?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Why Do Millennials Hate America?
Topic: Millennials
Discussed by Professor Peter Wood
with National Association of Scholars (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the “1619 Project” being taught in public schools and colleges/universities across America?

What can parents do to fight back against the “1619 Project’s” radical revision of history? Peter says “pay attention and vote”. He also admonishes parents: YOU must know what your kids are learning and teach them the TRUTH.

Are we in danger of losing our freedom and liberty in America?

For more from Peter on this topic, click here.

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May 1, 2015

Title: The New Religion on College Campuses
Topic: Sustainability
Discussed by Professor Peter Wood
with National Association of Scholars (

Part 1 of 2

“Sustainability” is the new religion on college campuses across America. Professor Peter Wood, with the National Association of Scholars, explains that about 25 years ago, there was a UN commission that put the idea of “sustainability” into practice and it has, unfortunately, become more and more popular in the last few years.

This new thought of “sustainability” has very little to do with real preservation of the earth. Instead, it focuses on “rearranging human relationships in a way that creates their view of social justice”. It includes socialism, gay rights, equal rights, equal pay, and negative attitudes towards Christianity. Doesn’t sound so great now, does it?

The scary thing about this new religion is that many colleges have incorporated it into their curriculum for every course, not just those focused on earth science or social programs. In fact, Yale offers over 400 courses on sustainability alone. Professor Wood also reveals that, “Nearly 800 college and university presidents have signed The President’s Climate Commitment.” Listen in as he explains this and continues on the topic in the next segment.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - The New Religion on College Campuses
Topic: Sustainability
Discussed by Professor Peter Wood
with National Association of Scholars (

The one thing that has helped Professor Peter Wood keep his head straight during his years teaching anthropology has been his faith and trust in God Almighty. He has known for a long time that “sustainability” is not the answer to the world’s problems. He recognizes it for what it is: lies, lies, and more lies.

Professor Wood says, “Sustainability is actually anti-freedom.” Listen in as he explains why he believes this and why he has been denied access to college campuses across the country. No one will let him come.

George Will is a Pulitzer Prize columnist who is known for his conservative views. Robert Kennedy, Jr. is, well, a Kennedy. Listen in as Peter compares the two and what their stance is concerning “sustainability”.

You can find the article concerning this topic [here].

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