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December 12, 2016

Title: FDA Attacking Your Condiments Again
Topic: Food and Drug Administration
Discussed by Michelle Minton
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

The Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) recently submitted comments to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) opposing plans to pressure food makers to significantly lower sodium content in commercially processed, packaged, and prepared foods.

Listen in as new guest Michelle Minton explains why CEI has taken this position.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the FDA plan to set dietary sodium limits in manufactured food good or bad overall for consumers?

Instead of pressuring people to make a drastic change in how much salt they consume, should the emphasis be on educating people about improving the quality of their overall diet and how that can improve health and lower hypertension risk?

I know this seems silly, but it really is a legitimate question: If someone buys manufactured food and it is not salty enough, will the government then monitor their table salt purchases?

Would diabetics be placing themselves at a higher risk of dying sooner rather than later? If so, how?

I thought liberal progressives supported personal choice…

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March 25, 2013

Title: Is The FDA Fulfilling its Responsibility?
Topic: Food and Drug Administration
Discussed by Dr. Keith Smith
with Surgery Center of Oklahoma

Part 1 of 2

Recently, on national television, the FDA Commissioner stated that they, the FDA, cannot do their job protecting the public health by ensuring the safety, efficacy, and security of drugs consumed by Americas.

Yes, the FDA Commissioner actually admitted they stink at their job.

The FDA owns its own labs and does its own testing on drugs submitted to them for approval. But what about generic drugs? How are they tested?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Food and Drug Administration
Discussed by Dr. Keith Smith
with Surgery Center of Oklahoma

The current topic today with Dr. Keith Smith about a case pending in the US Supreme Court: Mutual Pharmaceutical v. Bartlett.

Karen Bartlett is now legally blind due to a reaction from taking sulindac, a generic drug prescribed for shoulder pain.

In 2011, the US Supreme Court ruled that generic drug companies have NO RESPONSIBILITY to update their warning labels with new or undisclosed risks. How is this even legal?

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July 28, 2011

Title: The Medical Community Keeps Changing Its Story. So What Do They Say Is Bad For You and Me Now?
Topic: Food and Drug Administration
Discussed by Julie Gunlock
with Independent Women’s Forum (

Tuna is bad for you….no, now tuna is OK. Carbs are bad for you….no…no…no…now, they are OK. Then it was eggs were bad…, they’re OK. Now: who is the bad boy?

Salt. Salt is bad. Cut down on your salt intake, but now, studies show that cutting down on your salt intake may not have that big of an effect on your health.

So the 64 million dollar question is: “Should government regulations be based on fast moving and every-changing science when one big effect is: HIGHER PRICES.”

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July 27, 2011

Title: Will the Consumer Be the Loser When It Comes To Genetically Engineered Salmon?
Topic: Food and Drug Administration
Discussed by Jeff Stier
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

Part 1 of 2

Several members of Congress are attempting to pressure the F.D.A.’s decision concerning genetically engineered salmon. Sounds fishy to me!

Members of Congress want to prohibit the FDA from approving the sale of genetically engineered fish, fish that the FDA has found to be safe after exhaustive studies. So where’s the beef? Hint: big businesses do not want the competition.

But how does the FDA work? Listen in now. 

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Food and Drug Administration
Discussed by Jeff Stier
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

If big business benefits from barriers to entry by innovators, everyone else loses, especially the consumer.

Too often big business lobbies for burdensome and unnecessary regulations which serve only to protect themselves from competition.

When it comes to driving down the price for Salmon, big business is lobbying their friends in Congress against the FDA approval, thus protecting their own profits.

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August 25, 2010

Title: Are Millions Taking Unapproved Rx Drugs? Is the F.D.A. Ignoring a Huge Public Health Threat? Part 1 of 2
Topic: Food and Drug Administration
Discussed by Dr. Sal Giorgianni
with Men's Health Network (

Dr. George Ahnny is a leading pharmacologist, teaches pharmacy at Belmont University, is a science advisor to the Men’s Health Network, and is chairman-elect of the American Public Health Association Men’s Health Section.

For over 50 years, the Food and Drug Administration has had the responsibility of assuring drug safety for American consumers. But can we all assume that a drug is safe once the FDA has approved it? Are millions and millions of prescriptions written by Doctors, filled by pharmacists and sold by companies with ALL knowing they are not safe?

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Title: Are Millions Taking Unapproved Rx Drugs? Is the F.D.A. Ignoring a Huge Public Health Threat? Part 2 of 2
Topic: Food and Drug Administration
Discussed by Dr. Sal Giorgianni
with Men's Health Network (

Pharmacologist and chairman-elect of the American Public Health Association Men’s Health Section Dr. Sal Giorgianni:

1. Today, for clarity, are we discussing over the counter, or are we talking specifically about prescription drugs?

2. Does the FDA actually test each and every drug, or does it rely on the test results of the pharmaceutical company?

3. What is holding up the testing of these drugs?

4. What is the role of money in this problem?

5. Are there unapproved drugs on the market illegally? Are they unsafe?

6. Are there FDA-approved substitutes for unapproved drugs?

7. Are “unapproved” drugs the same as “generics”?

8. How can patients insure that their medicine has been adequately tested?

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September 14, 2005

Title: Understanding the FDA
Topic: Food and Drug Administration
Discussed by Ted Parr
with Food and Drug Administration Official

How does a drug manufacturer obtain FDA approval? Do you trust your life with a government bureaucrat?

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September 1, 2005

Title: Understanding the FDA
Topic: Food and Drug Administration
Discussed by Ted Parr
with Food and Drug Administration Official

How does a drug manufacturer obtain FDA approval? Do you trust your life with a government bureaucrat?

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August 11, 2005

Title: Understanding the FDA
Topic: Food and Drug Administration
Discussed by Ted Parr
with Food and Drug Administration Official

How does a drug manufacturer obtain FDA Approval? Do you trust your life with a Government Bureaucrat?

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August 9, 2005

Title: Understanding the FDA
Topic: Food and Drug Administration
Discussed by Ted Parr
with Food and Drug Administration Official

How does a drug manufacturer obtain FDA Approval? Do you trust your life with a Government Bureaucrat?

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August 8, 2005

Title: Understanding the FDA
Topic: Food and Drug Administration
Discussed by Ted Parr
with Food and Drug Administration Official

How does a drug manufacturer obtain FDA Approval? Do you trust your life with a Government Bureaucrat?

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