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March 4, 2015

Title: Canadians Coming Here for Health Care
Topic: Obamacare
Discussed by Dr. Keith Smith
with Surgery Center of Oklahoma

Canadians have government healthcare, but do they actually have access to healthcare? Dr. Keith Smith is the CEO and medical director of The Surgery Center of Oklahoma  and is a member of AAPS, the association of The American Physicians and Surgeons.  Dr. Smith says, “Canadians are traveling to Oklahoma to our facility for surgery because they can’t get it in Canada.” This speaks volumes about their quality of healthcare!

The only people who benefited from the passing of Obamacare are big insurance, big pharmaceuticals, and big hospitals. And, of course, the government. “Government officials should be required to wear NSACAR-type sponsorship jackets to show who they are really working for,” says Terry Lowry.

One of the goals of Obamacare was to increase the number of people on Medicaid. Listen in as Dr. Keith Smith discusses how the government lowered the eligibility requirements for Medicaid, but now fewer and fewer doctors accept that type of insurance! More people may have insurance now, but they can’t find a doctor to help them!

However, Dr. Keith Smith is optimistic! “The free market is pretty much the only hope for the people of America,” he says. Direct Care is an affordable alternative to Obamacare and even self-insuring. Listen in as Dr. Smith explains Direct Care and why the government is trying to ban them.

You can find Dr. Smith and pricing for his surgery center [here].

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March 4, 2014

Title: The $100 Aspirin and the Re-Pricing Scam
Topic: Steerage
Discussed by Dr. Keith Smith
with Surgery Center of Oklahoma

If you have ever had the unpleasant experience of an ER visit, surgery, or hospital stay, you have probably been charged $100 (or MORE!) for an aspirin or other type of “inexpensive” medicine found over-the-counter. The hospital collects $5 and “loses” the other $95.

This process is called “Steerage” and is getting out of control in hospitals nationwide. But it’s not just hospitals who are involved; it’s the insurance company, too!

President Obama says the solution to providing medical insurance to every person in the United States begins with us – the tax-payers. I say it begins with hospitals and the corrupt insurance and pharmaceutical companies!

You can find Dr. Keith Smith at

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September 10, 2013

Title: Can You Opt-Out of ObamaCare?
Topic: Obamacare
Discussed by Dr. Keith Smith
with Surgery Center of Oklahoma

Part 1 of 2

Once, Dr. Smith asked Senator Orrin Hatch if he could punch out of Social Security. Stating he would be happy to leave all his contributions with the government, Dr. Smith simply wanted to stop paying into a bankrupt system. Senator Hatch refused to answer his question.

Fast forward to today: can you decide to opt-out of ObamaCare?

The G.O.V.E.R.N.M.E.N.T needs ‘young contributors’ subsidizing the health insurance costs for seniors. Why?

Listen in.

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Title: Dead Politicians Began the Ponzi Schemes Called Social Security and Medicare
Topic: Obamacare
Discussed by Dr. Keith Smith
with Surgery Center of Oklahoma

Part 2 of 2

Politicians, in their day, collaborated with each other to spend OPM – Other People’s Money. Those who voted for Social Security, then Medicare, knew they could win election, and re-election, by buying votes with money from future generations.

Charles Ponzi went to jail. It would be hard to send the original politicians to jail that passed Social Security…for they all grew gray hair…and most have died.

Rush Limbaugh once stated: “It’s hard to beat Santa Clause when he is running for office.” True. But America needs a Statesman to stand and say, “Santa Clause is false, and America is broke.”

Listen in.

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May 31, 2013

Title: Hunger Games: HMO Style
Topic: Obamacare
Discussed by Dr. Keith Smith
with Surgery Center of Oklahoma

HMO’s often hold doctors in a “gate keeper strangle hold”, making it increasingly more difficult to obtain approval for minor and simple surgeries and care treatments.

“We lost the paperwork” or “You’ll need to talk to someone else about that…” are classic delay tactics that insurance companies use when attempting to deny treatment. Dr. Keith Smith shares a story today of how this Hunger Games-style approach is becoming common place in the medical field.

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May 6, 2013

Title: The Truth about Medicaid
Topic: Obamacare
Discussed by Dr. Keith Smith
with Surgery Center of Oklahoma

Part 1 of 3

Hospitals are shouting that they will not survive, unless serious expansion is made to Medicaid. Are people getting tired of the rhetoric though? Just like the little boy who cried wolf, if the hospitals cry too hard and for too long, will the government just stop coming to its rescue?

Do all the high costs hospitals claim to have really exist? Are hospitals really having a hard time making ends meet and going bankrupt?

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Title: Part 2 of 3
Topic: Obamacare
Discussed by Dr. Keith Smith
with Surgery Center of Oklahoma

Are you one of the millions of people in America without insurance or are you self-insured? Do you fear that a doctor or hospital will sue you if you cannot pay your bill? Well, you are definitely not alone!

Take a close look at your bill the next time you are hospitalized. Do you really know what you are paying for? Is it just for services you were provided or are you paying for someone’s care else too?

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: Obamacare
Discussed by Dr. Keith Smith
with Surgery Center of Oklahoma

The Surgery Center of Oklahoma is one-of-a-kind in America. People from every walk of life can come to receive high quality care at a much lower cost - because the doctors at the Surgery Center are devoted to making - and keeping - healthcare affordable to everyone.

Log on to Surgery Center of Oklahoma for more details.

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April 12, 2013

Title: Does Medicaid Expansion Solve Access to Care Problems?
Topic: Obamacare
Discussed by Dr. Keith Smith
with Surgery Center of Oklahoma

Part 1 of 2

Obamacare is “this”. NO, Obamacare is “this”. Obamacare will help “this”. NO, Obamacare will do “this”. Whatever side of the fence you are on, you MUST listen to the next 2 segments with Dr. Keith Smith.

Will Obamacare provide Universal Health Insurance or Universal Health Care? Or, is it just a government panel choosing who gets health care and when?

Folks, what you hear in the next segments are FACT. No half-truths. No gimmicks. No “read-between-the-lines” white lies. Just good, old-fashioned, honest to God facts.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Obamacare
Discussed by Dr. Keith Smith
with Surgery Center of Oklahoma

The hospital and insurance lobbies are deploying massive advertising campaigns to get more federal money through Medicaid expansion. It uses the usual technique of tearful patients telling how they lost their insurance.

It suggests that there are only two choices: 1) expand Medicaid or 2) let them die.

Obviously, one of those ‘options’ isn’t even really an option. So, what’s the plan?

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April 1, 2013

Title: The Story of the Carpenter
Topic: Health Care
Discussed by Dr. Keith Smith
with Surgery Center of Oklahoma

Part 1 of 2

There once was a carpenter (not the biblical one). This carpenter showed up with only 3 things to make a bid on a new deck: a pencil, notebook, and a tape measure. Seems outrageous? Just the opposite.

This is how the Surgery Center of Oklahoma works: be upfront and honest and you will rarely disappoint the patient.

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Title: Go Across the Ocean or a Few States Over?
Topic: Health Care
Discussed by Dr. Keith Smith
with Surgery Center of Oklahoma

Part 2 of 2

There is a big trend happening right now involving people traveling thousands and thousands of miles to a foreign country to receive cheaper medical care. Why do that when you can simply travel to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma?

Dr. Keith Smith and his medical staff have been providing cheaper since 1988. But don’t let the word “cheaper” fool you. These are top of their field surgeons and doctors who left their lucrative practices in order to put you - the patient - first.

But how do they do it?

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March 25, 2013

Title: Is The FDA Fulfilling its Responsibility?
Topic: Food and Drug Administration
Discussed by Dr. Keith Smith
with Surgery Center of Oklahoma

Part 1 of 2

Recently, on national television, the FDA Commissioner stated that they, the FDA, cannot do their job protecting the public health by ensuring the safety, efficacy, and security of drugs consumed by Americas.

Yes, the FDA Commissioner actually admitted they stink at their job.

The FDA owns its own labs and does its own testing on drugs submitted to them for approval. But what about generic drugs? How are they tested?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Food and Drug Administration
Discussed by Dr. Keith Smith
with Surgery Center of Oklahoma

The current topic today with Dr. Keith Smith about a case pending in the US Supreme Court: Mutual Pharmaceutical v. Bartlett.

Karen Bartlett is now legally blind due to a reaction from taking sulindac, a generic drug prescribed for shoulder pain.

In 2011, the US Supreme Court ruled that generic drug companies have NO RESPONSIBILITY to update their warning labels with new or undisclosed risks. How is this even legal?

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January 3, 2013

Title: Is Obamacare Just an Insurance Card?
Topic: Obamacare
Discussed by Dr. Keith Smith
with Surgery Center of Oklahoma

Part 1 of 4

Beginning in 2014, all American citizens will need to certify to the IRS that they have acceptable health insurance thanks to Obamacare.

And we all know what happens if you don’t have health insurance: you get fined. Dr. Keith Smith with the Surgery Center of Oklahoma shares some little known facts in this first segment.

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Title: Part 2 of 4
Topic: Obamacare
Discussed by Dr. Keith Smith
with Surgery Center of Oklahoma

Is Obamacare really as good as it claims to be? Dr. Keith Smith tells people to that no one has the “right” to healthcare, just as people don’t have the “right” to be robbed or enslaved.

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Title: Part 3 of 4
Topic: Obamacare
Discussed by Dr. Keith Smith
with Surgery Center of Oklahoma

It’s no secret that many health care providers are not super fond of Obamacare.

When it becomes more and more difficult to actually help and care for their patients, Dr. Keith Smith believes many doctors will leave the “government system” and request that their patients pay cash. How much are you willing to pay to get quicker access to health care services?

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Title: Part 4 of 4
Topic: Obamacare
Discussed by Dr. Keith Smith
with Surgery Center of Oklahoma

Dr. Keith Smith co-founded The Surgery Center of Oklahoma as an outpatient surgery center in 1997 and is now co-owned by 40 of the top physicians and surgeons in Oklahoma.

Check out their services and pricing at

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December 5, 2012

Title: Is Obamacare Just an Insurance Card?
Topic: Obamacare
Discussed by Dr. Keith Smith
with Surgery Center of Oklahoma

Part 1 of 4

Beginning in 2014, all American citizens will need to certify to the IRS that they have acceptable health insurance thanks to Obamacare.

And we all know what happens if you don’t have health insurance: you get fined. Dr. Keith Smith with the Surgery Center of Oklahoma shares some little known facts in this first segment.

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Title: Part 2 of 4
Topic: Obamacare
Discussed by Dr. Keith Smith
with Surgery Center of Oklahoma

Is Obamacare really as good as it claims to be? Dr. Keith Smith tells people to that no one has the “right” to healthcare, just as people don’t have the “right” to be robbed or enslaved.

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Title: Part 3 of 4
Topic: Obamacare
Discussed by Dr. Keith Smith
with Surgery Center of Oklahoma

It’s no secret that many health care providers are not super fond of Obamacare.

When it becomes more and more difficult to actually help and care for their patients, Dr. Keith Smith believes many doctors will leave the “government system” and request that their patients pay cash. How much are you willing to pay to get quicker access to health care services?

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Title: Part 4 of 4
Topic: Obamacare
Discussed by Dr. Keith Smith
with Surgery Center of Oklahoma

Dr. Keith Smith co-founded The Surgery Center of Oklahoma as an outpatient surgery center in 1997 and is now co-owned by 40 of the top physicians and surgeons in Oklahoma.

Check out their services and pricing at

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November 27, 2012

Title: Surgery Center of OK - Affordable, Effective, Terry Lowry Approved.
Topic: Health Care
Discussed by Dr. Keith Smith
with Surgery Center of Oklahoma

Part 1 of 3

What initiative did you take three years ago that was considered to be radical in the health care industry? Why should people who need surgeries check out the Surgery Center of Oklahoma? What does real competition lead to?

The Surgery Center of Oklahoma is a 32,535 square foot, state-of-the-art multispecialty facility in Oklahoma City, owned and operated by approximately 40 of the top surgeons and anesthesiologists in central Oklahoma. The facility has been accredited by the AAAHC since 1998 without interruption and has annually provided care to thousands of patients.

If you have a high deductible or are part of a self-insured plan at a large company, you owe it to yourself or your business to take a look at our facility and pricing which is listed on this site. If you are considering a trip to a foreign country to have your surgery, you should look here first. Finally, if you have no insurance at all, this facility will provide quality and pricing that we believe are unmatched.

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Title: Part 2 of 3
Topic: Health Care
Discussed by Dr. Keith Smith
with Surgery Center of Oklahoma

It is no secret to anyone that the pricing of surgical services is at the top of the list of problems in our dysfunctional healthcare system. Bureaucracy at the insurance and hospital levels, cost shifting and the absence of free market principles are among the culprits for what has caused surgical care in the United States to be cost prohibitive. As more and more patients find themselves paying more and more out of pocket, it is clear that something must change. We believe that a very different approach is necessary, one involving transparent and direct pricing.

Transparent, direct, package pricing means the patient knows exactly what the cost of the service will be upfront. Fees for the surgeon, anesthesiologist and facility are all included in one low price. There are no hidden costs, charges or surprises.

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: Health Care
Discussed by Dr. Keith Smith
with Surgery Center of Oklahoma

The pricing outlined on this website is not a teaser, nor is it a bait-and-switch ploy. It is the actual price you will pay. They can offer these prices because they are completely physician-owned and managed. They control every aspect of the facility from real estate costs, to the most efficient use of staff, to the elimination of wasteful operating room practices that non-profit hospitals have no incentive to curb. They are truly committed to providing the best quality care at the lowest possible price.

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November 7, 2012

Title: Uninsured, Healthcare Reform, and Economic Myths
Topic: Health Care
Discussed by Dr. Keith Smith
with Surgery Center of Oklahoma

Are there really 18,000 plus deaths each year because people lack health insurance? Why will fewer poor and elderly patients see doctors because of Medicare/Medicaid?

Of the 1.5 million individual bankruptcies declared every year, an average of 62% involved medical bills and nearly 78% of those filing for medical bill reasons had insurance. These people had coverage, but for some reason their insurance didn't pay enough or the service was denied altogether. Is Obama going to put an end to this?

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September 10, 2012

Title: Obamacare To A Single Payer System - Is That The Long Term Goal Of The Central Planners?
Topic: Obamacare
Discussed by Dr. Keith Smith
with Surgery Center of Oklahoma

Part 1 of 4

Is the "deliverability" of health care in America beginning to break down? Is that why our central planners are pushing Obamacare?

Was Obamacare a bill written NOT to succeed but to intentionally make the American people fail? What is the tactic "incrementalism" all about?

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Title: Part 2 of 4
Topic: Obamacare
Discussed by Dr. Keith Smith
with Surgery Center of Oklahoma

What countries around the world have single payer systems? Do you know many people who travel from America to Canada to get medical services? Why?

Why would somebody from Canada or Europe come to your surgery center in Oklahoma City to be worked on?

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Title: Part 3 of 4
Topic: Obamacare
Discussed by Dr. Keith Smith
with Surgery Center of Oklahoma

In America, do we have a problem with individuals being able to obtain health insurance? Does having insurance mean people will receive care?

In America, do we need the government to come in and control health insurance and health care? Haven't they done a great job up to this point?

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Title: Part 4 of 4
Topic: Obamacare
Discussed by Dr. Keith Smith
with Surgery Center of Oklahoma

From spine to orthopedic surgery, why do you post your costs for all of your procedures online.

Do people come to you who have insurance? Do people come to you who don't have insurance? Do you have people come to you from other countries?

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August 23, 2012

Title: What Does "Free Market" Mean in Orwellian Newspeak?
Topic: Health Care
Discussed by Dr. Keith Smith
with Surgery Center of Oklahoma

Part 1 of 4

What DOES the "Free Market" mean in Orwellian Newspeak?

Are physicians across America fleeing the practice of medicine? If so, why?

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Title: Part 2 of 4
Topic: Health Care
Discussed by Dr. Keith Smith
with Surgery Center of Oklahoma

Where is your surgery center located? What has patients coming from across the countries, even from other countries, to see you in Oklahoma?

Do you think that our officials in Washington were bumbling idiots when they passed the "unaffordable" care acts?

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Title: Part 3 of 4
Topic: Health Care
Discussed by Dr. Keith Smith
with Surgery Center of Oklahoma

Please assure our listeners that R.O.F (reward our friends) happens every day in city council, country and state government all the way to Washington D.C!

Is the best way to control health care costs to control the wages of doctors?

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Title: Part 4 of 4
Topic: Health Care
Discussed by Dr. Keith Smith
with Surgery Center of Oklahoma

How is the price of college like the price of a Ford? Is the price for surgery set in stone?

Tell our listeners more about your surgery center! Are you prices equally, more, or less expensive than what others offer around you?

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August 7, 2012

Title: R.O.F Care v. Obamacare - Choose Your Government Healthcare Plan Wisely!
Topic: Health Care
Discussed by Dr. Keith Smith
with Surgery Center of Oklahoma

Part 1 of 3

Will anything that oozes out of Washington, D.C line the pockets of those who wrote it or promote it?

Which government health care plan is better in your opinion, Republican or Democrat?

If 'pro' is the opposite of 'con', is congress the opposite of progress?

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Title: Part 2 of 3
Topic: Health Care
Discussed by Dr. Keith Smith
with Surgery Center of Oklahoma

If one of our listeners somewhere in the United States needed a procedure, could they come to your establishment in Oklahoma City and pay a fraction of the cost?

How are the American hospitals and insurance companies acting like cartels?

What are some of the procedures that you do?

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: Health Care
Discussed by Dr. Keith Smith
with Surgery Center of Oklahoma

"But you have to rob me first either way right?" Dr. Keith, tell our listeners about the Austrians and their approach to politics! Does coverage mean care?

What is the result of the lack of a free market?

Do humans beings long for liberty?

What is the Unaffordable Care Act (UCA)?

Does a good tree yield good fruit, and a bad tree, bad fruit?

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