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November 6, 2015

Title: What’s the Beef with Beef?
Topic: World Health Organization
Discussed by Jeff Stier
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

The World Health Organization (WHO) research department recently released a report stating processed meats cause cancer.  Jeff Steir, the National Center for Public Policy Research Risk Analysis Director, is here today to say “It’s okay to eat bacon!!” Praise the Lord!

More importantly, however, Jeff explains how WHO came to the conclusion that processed meats are carcinogens. The World Health Organization Cancer Agency alleges that for each 50 grams of processed meats eaten daily, consumers increase their chance of colorectal cancer by 18%. Not “any type” of cancer only colon cancer.  And this is not a certainty; it is just a “risk”.

Without this context, it is easy to pay attention to the '18%' number without understanding context. It's like saying that living near a NASA facility triples your chances of getting hit by an errant space ship. It may be true, but it doesn't mean much,” Jeff Stier says. Furthermore, a person would need to eat this 50 grams of processed meat every single day for their entire life to meet this 18% expectation. That is highly unlikely.

As per usual, the MSM didn’t bother to dig deeper into the facts and started screaming “Don’t eat bacon! It will kill you!” PETA was cheering and applauding the fact that meat caused cancer. Why would anyone be happy that another human being was diagnosed with cancer? Simply put, PETA loves animals more than their fellow citizen.

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June 1, 2015

Title: Where’s the Beef? And the Chicken? And Even the Veggies?
Topic: GMO's
Discussed by Jeff Stier
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

Animal Rights Activists are at it again. Jeff Stier, Director of Risk Analysis for the National Center for Public Policy Research, says in a recently published article in the San Diego Union Tribute, “Animal ‘rights’ activists scored a victory earlier this year – not in court, but through political tactics….These cases are part of a broader campaign in which radical activists purposefully seek to blur the important distinction between ‘animal welfare’ and “animal rights.”

Simply put, animal welfare is the notion shared by all decent humans that we should take good care of animals. Animal rights, on the other hand, is a system where whales can be considered slaves and research chimpanzees have personhood. In fact, they want all animals, domesticated or not, to be protected under the 13th Amendment.

Animal welfare is important. We must protect and care for all God’s creatures. Jeff says, however, that these activists are doing more harm than good. He urges people to support your local animal shelters, but be wary of PETA and Human Society groups. Listen in as he explains how well-known animal rights groups actually spend donation money.

SHOCKING FACT: PETA actually has a program called “Holocaust on a Plate” which compares the killing of animals to the killing of millions of people at the hands of evil men. This is becoming the centralized issue in their agenda and, unfortunately, it is working.

Jeff’s article on this issue can be found [here].

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February 10, 2015

Title: Is a Bigger Prison Still a Prison?
Topic: Animal Rights Gone Crazy
Discussed by Jeff Stier
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

PETA believes that human kind should not own or keep any animal from land or the sea. No dogs. No cats. No horses. No chickens. No goldfish. No hermit crabs. No whales. No dolphins. Nothing. They don’t belong to us. They belong to the earth.

In fact, PETA believes that all animals are equal to humans. They deserve the same rights as humans. Jeff Stier, with the National Center for Public Policy Research, takes offense to that. While Jeff is an animal lover and he does think we should take care of them, they are NOT equal to humans and do NOT deserve the same rights as us.

Listen in as he explains how a Legislator in Washington filed a bill to ban the keeping of whales and dolphins. SeaWorld is trying their best to accommodate PETA by building bigger tanks, but that’s just not good enough! PETA says keeping whales and dolphins and all sea creatures down to the tiniest clown fish is imprisonment! The whales were being held in bondage – in slavery! PETA says SeaWorld is enslaving whales and dolphins in captivity! Give me a break!!!

The sad thing is that movies which depict suffering animals such as whales and dolphins have such a negative impact that PETA is actually winning this battle! And it’s not just about whales and dolphins. PETA is after your dog and cat; they’re after the cows and chickens. They’re also after the zoo!

Listen in as Jeff explains more about PETA’s worldview. He also encourages PETA members to lead by example.

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August 6, 2012

Title: The R.O.F Program: Reward Our Friends With Taxpayer Dollars.
Topic: The R.O.F Program
Discussed by Jeff Stier
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

Part 1 of 2

Why is Government Watchdog calling for Congressional oversight hearings to investigate illegal federal lobbying grants?

Why is the Center for Disease control handing out hundreds of billions of dollars in controversial grants?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: The R.O.F Program
Discussed by Jeff Stier
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

What types of laws is this money being used for to try to influence? If it walks like a duck, sounds like a duck, and looks like a duck, is it a duck?

What can we do to help the National Center for Public Policy Research pound on the CDC to enforce upon their grant recipients not to break the law?

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July 27, 2011

Title: Will the Consumer Be the Loser When It Comes To Genetically Engineered Salmon?
Topic: Food and Drug Administration
Discussed by Jeff Stier
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

Part 1 of 2

Several members of Congress are attempting to pressure the F.D.A.’s decision concerning genetically engineered salmon. Sounds fishy to me!

Members of Congress want to prohibit the FDA from approving the sale of genetically engineered fish, fish that the FDA has found to be safe after exhaustive studies. So where’s the beef? Hint: big businesses do not want the competition.

But how does the FDA work? Listen in now. 

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Food and Drug Administration
Discussed by Jeff Stier
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

If big business benefits from barriers to entry by innovators, everyone else loses, especially the consumer.

Too often big business lobbies for burdensome and unnecessary regulations which serve only to protect themselves from competition.

When it comes to driving down the price for Salmon, big business is lobbying their friends in Congress against the FDA approval, thus protecting their own profits.

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July 18, 2011

Title: Who Should Decide What Commercials Your Kids Watch on TV?
Topic: Food Police
Discussed by Jeff Stier
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

Is there an obesity problem in America? Are too many kids overweight? Should the solution be: Food Police?

Jeff Stier joins us again discussing commercials aimed at kids encouraging them to eat food products, that if eaten in moderation are OK but when eaten to the extreme, they may cause weight problems.

Children see too many commercials that use sex to sell. Children are exposed to too much violence on TV, but do we need the ‘nanny state activists’ to begin to dictate everything? When is too much too much? Are parents now ready to turn over the TV turner to some nanny activist? What should be the government’s role in censoring TV commercials?

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April 18, 2011

Title: No Soda in Municipal Buildings in Boston. No Homemade Lunches for School Kids in Chicago. The Food Police are now after Chocolate Milk. What’s next?
Topic: Food Police
Discussed by Jeff Stier
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

The Food Police go after more free choices made by American citizens every day. The Mayor of Boston attacks the sale of soda in municipal buildings. Schools outside Chicago don’t trust mommies to pack the right lunch, so the ban homemade lunches. Where are the Food Police attaching Chocolate Milk? What will be next? Do the Food Police know best? Jeff Stier, Senior Fellow at the National Center for Public Policy Research takes aim at the Food Policy. Send us your thoughts by using our contact link above. More information can be found at

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