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April 14, 2021

Title: What is Biden’s Gun Plan?
Topic: Second Amendment
Discussed by Alan Gottlieb
with Second Amendment Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

How did Hitler kill 11 million Jews? He lied to them.

Alan Gottlieb is a Jewish American author, Conservative political activist, gun rights advocate, and businessperson. Gottlieb has published over 19 books. He is also the Founder and Executive Vice President of the Second Amendment Foundation.

Click here for more from Alan and SAF.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Will criminals suddenly comply with gun laws if new ones are passed?

Are Biden’s proposed gun laws aimed at law abiding citizens, not the people who break the law?

Could a bill protecting our Second Amendment Rights pass the House and Senate with our current elected officials in WDC?

Could a bill restricting our Second Amendment Rights pass the House and Senate with our current elected officials in WDC?

If a restrictive bill passes both the House and Senate, would President Biden sign it into law?

Are there already back-ground checks for gun purchases at gun shows? This has a complicated answer of “yes” and “no”…

Does the Second Amendment only apply to the militia? How has the Supreme Court ruled on this issue?

What is a “ghost gun”? What is a “gun kit”?

Do criminals support Biden’s gun control laws? HINT: Yep!

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - What is Biden’s Gun Plan?
Topic: Second Amendment
Discussed by Alan Gottlieb
with Second Amendment Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Have strict gun laws made citizens safer?

What are “red flag lies”? Do they serve a good purpose? Are there some major flaws in the red flag laws?

Will criminals suddenly comply with gun laws if new ones are passed?

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August 20, 2012

Title: Are The Hounds Still Sniffing Holders Heels and Will They Bite Him On The Backside?
Topic: Fast and Furious Project Gunrunner
Discussed by Alan Gottlieb
with Second Amendment Foundation (

Please explain to our listeners what is the "fast and furious scandal"? Why will it not go away?

Why is the contempt-of-Congress charge against Attorney General Eric Holder historic? What exactly are the charges being brought against him?

Let's look into the crystal ball - after November 6th 2012, will the scandal go away, or will congress continue to press for the release of these documents?

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June 16, 2011

Title: Will Gun Owners Be Disarmed By The UN?
Topic: Gun Control
Discussed by Alan Gottlieb
with Second Amendment Foundation (

Why are 2nd Amendment American representatives being denied access to the latter-stage discussions to finalize a new UN treaty draft? It has been sold by the State Department under Hillary Clinton as an international gun sales check to fight against “terrorism”. Our guest, Alan Gottlieb, warns that we in American are looking at a UN Treaty that would allow the world’s dictators to access files containing gun ownership in America. Not on our watch we say! More information can be found at

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February 3, 2011

Title: Teachers “Teach” Their Ideology?
Topic: Teaching Ideology
Discussed by Alan Gottlieb
with Second Amendment Foundation (

Not In Lesson Plan. But Teacher Inculcates The Minds Of Mush With Her Version Of Gun Control. Alan Gottlieb shares the frightening tactics used by Dallas middle-school teacher pushing her version of ‘Gun Control’.

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