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October 11, 2011

Title: Should Executive Branch Officials Be Charged With Murder?
Topic: Fast and Furious Project Gunrunner
Discussed by Kellen Giuda
with The Tea (

Was Operation "Fast and Furious" an inherently idiotic idea that has resulted in the death of many Mexican Nationals AND a Border Patrol Agent in the US of A?

Did Attorney General Eric holder lie to congress under oath about his knowledge of Fast and Furious?

Kellen Giuda further discusses, in his opinion, that three egregious criminal actions took place during Operation "Fast and Furious."

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September 30, 2011

Title: Governor Rick Perry stumbles and Herman Cain wins Florida straw poll from out of nowhere.
Topic: Old Topic - 2012 Republican Presidential Candidates
Discussed by Bryan Shroyer
with The Tea (

Prior to Governor Perry jumping in the race people looked at the candidates and thought that there was no single person for them. Governor Perry entered the race and they thought he would be a strong conservative leader. They thought he would be blunt, plain spoken, and tell it like it is. But after consecutive failures at the debate to prove that was who he is, people turned to Herman Cain who had led strongly in the debates. He was the one answering questions on point and directly. Herman Cain was willing to call out other people and he does so by not attacking other candidates.

Switching topics, would the Southern Baptists and the Southern States like South Carolina and the Iowa Evangelicals support a Mormon like Mitt Romney? Listen in to find out.

In a Primary, any Republican would be better than Obama. But would the Tea Party make an endorsement for a particular candidate before the Republican Candidate is chosen? If Mitt Romney wins the Republican Primary, will Republican Christians vote for a Mormon?

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September 16, 2011

Title: Is Social Security Really a Ponzi Scheme? And, How To Fund Mail Delivery In America?
Topic: Government Spending
Discussed by Bryan Shroyer
with The Tea (

Was Candidate Governor Perry telling the truth when he stated that the social security system is a ‘ponzi scheme’?

Bryan Shroyer further states in this interview that if the ‘social security system’ was run as a private enterprise, the owners would go to jail for running a ponzi scheme.

Switching topics: Bryan further discusses the U. S. Postal System and steps to operate it in the black. Steps such as closing some post offices, raising the rates for mailing bulk mail, stopping the Franking Privilege and making Federally elected officials pay for their own mail, and limiting the days of delivery.

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September 6, 2011

Title: Colin Powell Not Sold On Obama – Now!
Topic: Obama Flip-Floppers
Discussed by Kellen Giuda
with The Tea (

Why did Colin Powell support Obama in 2008?

Is Colin Powell now suffering from ‘buyer’s remorse?”  Is Colin Powell going to join the growing list of Obama Flip-Floppers?

Will Tea Parties across America make endorsements in contested primaries? Should they make endorsements? Will it be their downfall?

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July 19, 2011

Title: The First Twitter Presidential Debate
Topic: Twitter Presidential Debate
Discussed by Dustin Stockton
with The Tea (

The invites all to participate in the First Presidential Debate this Wednesday, July 20, starting at 3:00 PM Eastern.

Questions will be limited to 140 characters and the candidates are limited to 140 characters when they reply. The candidates will be allowed to response more than once.

To participate log onto Twitter using @140townhall

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July 13, 2011

Title: How Many “Gray Hairs” Will Participate in the Upcoming Twitter Presidential Debate?
Topic: Twitter Presidential Debate
Discussed by Dustin Stockton
with The Tea (

Part 1 of 2

Save the date: Wednesday, July 20 Save the time: 3:00 to 4:30 PM Eastern Many of the top tier Republican Presidential candidates have confirmed that they will participate in the upcoming Twitter Debate.

Dick Morris, political analyst and pollster will be the moderator – he will tweet the questions, limited to 140 characters. The candidates will be limited to 140 characters in their response. They will be able to answer each question multiple times, but limited in time and space.

Confirmed candidates include: Rep. Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain, former Speaker Newt Gingrich, Rep Thaddeus McCotter, former Gov. Tim Pawlenty and former Sen. Rick Santorum.
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Title: You Can Participate In the Upcoming Twitter Presidential Debate
Topic: Twitter Presidential Debate
Discussed by Dustin Stockton
with The Tea (

Part 2 of 2

Save the date: Wednesday, July 20 Save the time: 3:00 to 4:30 PM Eastern Candidates will introduce themselves to all those that participate with a videotaped message at the beginning of the debate, and then the activists can begin tweeting their questions to the candidates.

Moderator Dick Morris will select a range of questions to pose to the candidates, who will answer in real time. Direct democracy doesn’t get more direct than this. Dick Morris has stated: “Maybe the Twitter limit of 140 characters to each tweet will make them get to the point and answer the question.”

Confirmed candidates include: Rep. Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain, former Speaker Newt Gingrich, Rep Thaddeus McCotter, former Gov. Tim Pawlenty and former Sen. Rick Santorum.

Log onto  to find out how you can participate.

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