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November 4, 2019

Title: A Sickness Within the UN
Topic: United Nations
Discussed by Dr. Susan Yoshihara
with Center for Family and Human Rights (

Dr. Susan Yoshihara is the Senior Vice President for Research at the Center for Family & Human Rights where she advises UN delegations and US policy makers on peace and security issues, maternal and child health policy, population, and human rights.

Dr. Yoshihara has details about the campaign against assistant secretary of state Kevin Moley, and his senior advisor, Mari Stull. You can learn more here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Was Kevin Moley effective in regards to curtailing the Communist Chinese influence within the UN?

What is meant by “deep state”?

Was there a reduction of overall US assessments to the UN under his leadership?

Was Moley singled-out for his pro-life, pro-family beliefs?

Do we need more time to clean up the swamp?

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October 12, 2018

Title: Saving One More Baby is NOT on the UN Agenda
Topic: United Nations
Discussed by Dr. Susan Yoshihara
with Center for Family and Human Rights (

Dr. Susan Yoshihara has more details about the UN “She Decides” campaign. Dr. Yoshihara is the Senior Vice President for Research at the Center for Family and Human Rights. She also directs and oversees the International Organizations Research Group at C-Fam. Before joining C-Fam, she was a US Navy helicopter pilot, leading missions in Africa, Asia, and the Pacific Islands.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Should the UN be mandating the internal affairs of a free and sovereign nation concerning abortion?

Should the UN be focusing their attention – and money – on providing clean drinking water, education, and shelter to third countries instead of worrying about abortions? Dr. Yoshihara’s response is: “We are wasting our time on this issue!” Yes, we are!

According to the people, where does abortion rank on the list of pressing issues?

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July 24, 2018

Title: Fake News: Trump’s Breastfeeding Order
Topic: Fake UN News
Discussed by Dr. Susan Yoshihara
with Center for Family and Human Rights (

What really happened with the breastfeeding scandal in Geneva? Did Trump order a stop to breastfeeding overseas?

Dr. Susan Yoshihara has the “real news” for us today. She is Senior Vice President for Research at the Center for Family and Human Rights in Washington. Before joining C-Fam, Dr. Yoshihara served for twenty years as an active duty U.S. Navy helicopter pilot in the Western Pacific. She led combat logistics missions in the Gulf War and conducted humanitarian assistance missions in Africa, Asia, and the Pacific Islands.

Share this segment on Social Media so people know what really happened with Trump, the UN, and breastfeeding mamas!

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Did President Trump UN negotiators really ban breastfeeding around the world? Listen as Dr. Susan Yoshihara shares the back story…

Is every new mother able to breastfeed?

For the mothers who cannot breast feed, what is the alternative for their young babies?

How many countries around the world actually followed the 37-year-old WHO edict virtually banning formula?

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December 1, 2016

Title: Trump’s Nominee for UN Ambassador (Continued)
Topic: Donald Trump
Discussed by Dr. Susan Yoshihara
with Center for Family and Human Rights (

Dr. Susan Yoshihara gives more information concerning Nikki Haley’s appointment as the US Ambassador to the United Nations.

Note: Dr. Susan Yoshihara was on the faculty at the U.S. Naval War College where she taught national security decision-making and international relations. In her twenty-year career as a U.S. Navy helicopter pilot, she held the rank of Commander, led combat logistics and search and rescue units in the Pacific and Persian Gulf, advised the Atlantic Fleet commander, and worked for the Under Secretary of Commerce for International Trade as a White House Fellow. We all owe Dr. Yoshihara a great deal of gratitude for her many years of service to our country.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Listen in as Dr. Susan Yoshihara shares why she is so pro-life and pro-family.

Is Dr. Yoshihara hopeful that Nikki Haley will be a breath of fresh air?

How will her staff affect the future, even after she leaves?

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March 6, 2015

Title: New Regulations Force Christian Organizations to Compromise
Topic: King Obama
Discussed by Dr. Susan Yoshihara
with Center for Family and Human Rights (

The Obama Administration just doesn’t know when to quit. Obama continually discovers new ways to force his sovereignty onto the lives of others. He doesn’t care what the issue is; he just wants to be in control.

Obama is now attacking faith-based organizations in the US who help refugee families. He is asking these organization to refer refugee children to abortion services, although this clearly violates their personal, religious, and moral beliefs. Of course, if they do not comply with this new regulation, these organizations will lose all government funding.

FACT: These regulations were issued on Christmas Eve, 2014. Christmas Eve, Folks. They really tried to slip this one under the radar, but we’re much too smart for that!

Several faith-based organizations have come together to fight this new regulation, saying they are protected under the Religious Freedom Act. Listen in as Dr. Susan Yoshihara also discusses how the Obama Administration is making plans to allow tax-dollars to be spent promoting abortion in other countries around the world!

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May 18, 2011

Title: UN Wants Billions from U.S. Taxpayers to Fund HPV Vaccinations for all Girls Around the World
Topic: HPV Vaccine
Discussed by Dr. Susan Yoshihara
with Center for Family and Human Rights (

The UN wants governments around the world to fund the vaccination of every girl in the world against the sexually transmitted disease HPV. Please understand: the US taxpayers would pay 25% of the costs. When local governments here in America tried to mandate the inoculation of school girls against HPV several years ago, popular outcry quashed the initiatives, including in Texas when Governor Perry signed an Executive Order mandating the shots for all school girls. For more information, log onto

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