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December 16, 2015

Title: The REAL Unemployment Numbers
Topic: Unemployment
Discussed by Patrice Lee
with Generation Opportunity

The Millennial Jobs Report for the month of November revealed that over thirteen percent (13%) of 18-29 years olds are now unemployed. During the month of November, 1.855 Million millennials dropped out of the job market because they just simply could not find a job. This number is embarrassingly high and horrifying to imagine. In just one month, my friends. One month lost 1.855 million millennials.

Patrice Lee is the spokesperson for Generation Opportunity. Patrice explains how the “effective” unemployment rate adjusts the numbers to include those who have simply given up looking for a job. The government doesn’t like to include the effective rate because it obviously makes them look bad. Additionally, the government likes to ignore the amount of people who are working part-time but would rather be working full-time. These numbers are extremely high, as well.

Patrice also discusses why millennials are waiting longer to get married and have children because they simply cannot afford to! Student loan debt is outrageous and it doesn’t seem to be getting better any time soon. “The cost of college sky-rocketed 500% because of the government’s intervention in the student financing model,” Patrice says. The madness needs to stop. Free college isn’t the answer. Student loan forgiveness is not an option. So, what is? Listen in as Patrice gives her opinion.

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May 8, 2014

Title: Your Kids do NOT Want to Pay off YOUR Debt
Topic: Out of Control Government Spending
Discussed by Patrice Lee
with Generation Opportunity

Generation Opportunity is a national non-partisan organization advocating for economic opportunity for young people. Today, Patrice Lee, the Director of Outreach at GO, discusses the real unemployment numbers for 18-29 year olds in America.

Patrice believes the government has lost its focus on what really matters. Young college grads don’t want – or need – cheap or free health insurance; they want a job. Period. They have student loans out the wazoo and no way to pay them back. They want to get married to their college sweetheart, but don’t because they simply cannot afford it.

The next generation of working adults (who actually aren’t working at all) cannot be saddled with OUR debt. And by “OUR” debt I mean “the government’s” debt.

For more information on Generation Opportunity and how you can join their fight for less government and more freedom, log on to

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