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April 28, 2015

Title: Is Hillary Clinton a Fake?
Topic: Hillarygate
Discussed by John Wohlstetter
with John Wohlstetter (

More than half of the American public does not trust Hillary Clinton and find her various activities to be suspicious, at the least,” guest John Wohlstetter recently tweeted. John reviews some of the latest polls and information surrounding Hillary and those on the Republican ticket. He also compares these numbers to past elections.

At this point, John believes that the only thing that can sink Hillary’s candidacy is if she is caught on open mic mistreating employees and screaming curse words at people. Too many people either don’t know or don’t care about her past behavior. They know her name. They know her husband. They simply don’t care what she’s done or hasn’t done.

Republicans in Blue States don’t stand a chance when Hillary is set to raise $2.5 Billion for her campaign. The MSM won’t give the Republican candidates the time of day. But perhaps the greatest hurdle Republicans must face are their own fellow Republican candidates.

John Wohlstetter is a Senior Fellow at the New York- based (Herb) London Center and the Seattle-based Discovery Institute. You can find him [here].

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August 12, 2013

Title: US Weakness Empowers Terrorists
Topic: Impotent Obama
Discussed by John Wohlstetter
with John Wohlstetter (

Alleged chatter intercepted between al-Qaeda leaders caused Obama administration to turn tail and close embassies.

When we close down umpteen embassies in response to terror threats, we are on the run, not the terrorists,” states John Wohlstetter.

The less they fear us, the more aggressive they will become. Will they just simply talk about doing big things and watch us run and hide? Listen in.

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January 18, 2013

Title: Hollywood Hypocrites
Topic: Hollywood and Guns
Discussed by John Wohlstetter
with John Wohlstetter (

Part 1 of 2

Hollywood has been making movies and TV shows depicting every type of violent crime and unimaginable torture scenes for decades. The many recent tragic shootings in the US have many wondering - are these perpetrators acting alone or are they copying something they have seen in a movie or on TV?

And why is the public so obsessed with these killer-type of movies?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Hollywood and Guns
Discussed by John Wohlstetter
with John Wohlstetter (

Mental illness is a serious disease and not something to be taken lightly.

Yet, many of the recent perpetrators have been found to have been on medication or previously medicated for some form of mental illness.

Guest John Wohlstetter, and others, believes that we must pass more adequate mental health laws and provide better quality care to those suffering from mental illnesses.

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March 9, 2012

Title: Will Israel Spring THIS Spring?
Topic: Israel vs. Iran
Discussed by John Wohlstetter
with John Wohlstetter (

Part 1 of 2

Does an attack appear markedly more likely than it seemed last fall?

Will the US strike only if Iran blockades the Strait of Hormuz? Does Obama mean what he said? Is he known to "speak with a forked tongue"?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Israel vs. Iran
Discussed by John Wohlstetter
with John Wohlstetter (

Does Israel believe fanatical mullahs can be deterred?

Will Israel act in 2012 if it sees Iran crossing red lines? Will Obama win the Jewish vote in November?

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February 9, 2012

Title: With Israel Preparing for a Preemptive Strike Against Iran, Should America be on the alert?
Topic: Israel vs. Iran
Discussed by John Wohlstetter
with John Wohlstetter (

Part 1 of 2

Is an Israeli attack imminent against Iran to keep them from placing nuclear material on one of their missiles (which they have already test fired)?

Are the Israelis more likely to attack because they feel that Obama does not have their back diplomatically?

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Title: How do you deter a madman who is ready to meet his 72 virgins?
Topic: Israel vs. Iran
Discussed by John Wohlstetter
with John Wohlstetter (

Part 2 of 2

Is it possible to compromise or negotiate peace with Jihadists or Fanatics?

When did we miss the best opportunity to stop a nuclear Iran?

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July 28, 2011

Title: Obama’s Trillion-Dollar Gamble
Topic: Government Spending
Discussed by John Wohlstetter
with John Wohlstetter (

President Obama pleads for new taxes on the corporate jets. If we would just do what is “fair” some of our problems would simply disappear. So what’s the rest of the story?

His own stimulus bill in 2009 revived the corporate tax break!

The corporate jet tax break amounts to about $3 billion for the coming decade…he increased Pell Grants from $17.5 billion in FY 2010 to $36.2 billion in FY 2012. Has Obama figured out that there are more college students than corporate jet owners so he is willing to take away from a few and give, and give, and give MORE to college students?

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June 8, 2010

Topic: Book Review
Discussed by John Wohlstetter
with John Wohlstetter (

Was Israel framed concerning the “flotilla”? Did Obama shame Americans by condemning Israel’s actions? Visit to order one of John’s books.

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