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May 4, 2015

Title: Hillary Wants to be Your Champion
Topic: Hillarygate
Discussed by Dr. Tamzin Rosenwasser
with Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (

Part 1 of 2

Hillary Clinton has declared that she wants to be your champion. She is going to fight for you. Do you want her to fight for you? But, perhaps more importantly, does the US Constitution require her to be your champion? Dr. Tamzin Rosenwasser finds her statement to be very patronizing and condescending. “I’ve never asked her to be my champion. She’s never been anyone’s champion anyway!” Whoa! What a statement! Listen in as Dr. Rosenwasser explains further.

Dr. Rosenwasser also makes the bold statement that “Hillary has already served her two terms” when she served alongside her husband Bill during his Presidency. You have to listen to hear what their daughter Chelsea said of her mom when she got sick at school one time! It’s classic!

How did Hillary treat the women that her husband Bill was accused of harassing? How did she react to the murder of 3,000 innocent people on 9/11 that was ordered by the very person Bill could have killed if he had only uttered the order? She certainly wasn’t acting as their champion, that’s for sure! Dr. Rosenwasser gives the juicy details!

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Hillary Wants to be Your Champion
Topic: Hillarygate
Discussed by Dr. Tamzin Rosenwasser
with Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (

During Bill Clinton’s first term, Hillary, in her role as Co-President, attempted to fool Congress with a healthcare bill, now dubbed “HillaryCare”. Dr. Rosenwasser explains in further detail what happened with HillaryCare. She believes, “Once you have control of someone’s medical care, you have control over someone’s life.

In this segment, Dr. Rosenwasser also discusses the medical care of animals vs the medical care of people. She says it easier to get medical care for her dog than it is for her to get an appointment at her regular physician, not to mention a specialist. Listen in as she gives the disgusting facts about surgery and the cost of it for her dog as compared to a person who needs the same exact surgery. It’s astonishing!

Back to Hillary wanting to be your champion….She has no problem with abortion. She is not the unborn child’s champion. She accepts money, oil, and other products from countries where women are forced to have abortions and their genitals mutilated. She is not their champion, either. And what about the red pill and blue pill? Listen in as Terry and Dr. Rosenwasser discuss who decides who is deemed worthy to live longer and who should be put to death. She is not the champion for the elderly, sick, or disabled.

There are many horrific issues which people seem to have forgotten about in which Hillary had a direct hand, like Benghazi. Dr. Rosenwasser believes that Hillary will definitely be asked to answer for her actions when in front of God Almighty.

Click [here] for more from Dr. Tamzin Rosenwasser.

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April 28, 2015

Title: Is Hillary Clinton a Fake?
Topic: Hillarygate
Discussed by John Wohlstetter
with John Wohlstetter (

More than half of the American public does not trust Hillary Clinton and find her various activities to be suspicious, at the least,” guest John Wohlstetter recently tweeted. John reviews some of the latest polls and information surrounding Hillary and those on the Republican ticket. He also compares these numbers to past elections.

At this point, John believes that the only thing that can sink Hillary’s candidacy is if she is caught on open mic mistreating employees and screaming curse words at people. Too many people either don’t know or don’t care about her past behavior. They know her name. They know her husband. They simply don’t care what she’s done or hasn’t done.

Republicans in Blue States don’t stand a chance when Hillary is set to raise $2.5 Billion for her campaign. The MSM won’t give the Republican candidates the time of day. But perhaps the greatest hurdle Republicans must face are their own fellow Republican candidates.

John Wohlstetter is a Senior Fellow at the New York- based (Herb) London Center and the Seattle-based Discovery Institute. You can find him [here].

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March 16, 2015

Title: The Last Straw on the Camel's Back
Topic: Hillarygate
Discussed by Dr. Mitch Land
with Regent University (

Dr. Mitch Land has extensive experience in the area of media ethics and propaganda. He is currently Dean of the School of Communication and the Arts at Regent University, teaching courses on media ethics, international communications, public relations cases and campaigns, public opinion and propaganda, media law, and a host of other topics. Dr. Land is here today to discuss the recent revelation that Hillary Clinton has been duping the American public – again.

First, Dr. Land wants to explain how organizations like the “Associated Press” came to fruition and what their purpose and mission is. During the Civil War, several newspapers would gather together and choose one reporter to cover the story and represent all of them at the same time. This was quite risky, because not all newspapers had to same ideal in mind. “It is supposed to be an un-biased source of news, but…..” What happened along the way?

Dr. Land is very passionate about this issue. The MSM has been left-leaning for decades and that is not the way reporters are to behave. “Whenever public office holders attempt not to tell the truth or try to cover up, they need to be held accountable!” Dr. Land contends. He doesn’t care what political party they identify with, but the MSM certainly does!

Now, what about Hillary Clinton’s latest attempt at hiding the fact that she used a private email address and personal server for all her State Department correspondence? This all came to light because the AP filed a lawsuit to obtain Hillary’s records. It’s public information. Anyone can request them! Listen in as Dr. Land reveals more information about this lawsuit. “There is a definite double standard. This administration has been the most opaque administration in the history of the American Presidency,” proclaims Dr. Land.

For more from Dr. Mitch Land, click [here].

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