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January 18, 2013

Title: Hollywood Hypocrites
Topic: Hollywood and Guns
Discussed by John Wohlstetter
with John Wohlstetter (

Part 1 of 2

Hollywood has been making movies and TV shows depicting every type of violent crime and unimaginable torture scenes for decades. The many recent tragic shootings in the US have many wondering - are these perpetrators acting alone or are they copying something they have seen in a movie or on TV?

And why is the public so obsessed with these killer-type of movies?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Hollywood and Guns
Discussed by John Wohlstetter
with John Wohlstetter (

Mental illness is a serious disease and not something to be taken lightly.

Yet, many of the recent perpetrators have been found to have been on medication or previously medicated for some form of mental illness.

Guest John Wohlstetter, and others, believes that we must pass more adequate mental health laws and provide better quality care to those suffering from mental illnesses.

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