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March 9, 2012

Title: Will Israel Spring THIS Spring?
Topic: Israel vs. Iran
Discussed by John Wohlstetter
with John Wohlstetter (

Part 1 of 2

Does an attack appear markedly more likely than it seemed last fall?

Will the US strike only if Iran blockades the Strait of Hormuz? Does Obama mean what he said? Is he known to "speak with a forked tongue"?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Israel vs. Iran
Discussed by John Wohlstetter
with John Wohlstetter (

Does Israel believe fanatical mullahs can be deterred?

Will Israel act in 2012 if it sees Iran crossing red lines? Will Obama win the Jewish vote in November?

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February 9, 2012

Title: With Israel Preparing for a Preemptive Strike Against Iran, Should America be on the alert?
Topic: Israel vs. Iran
Discussed by John Wohlstetter
with John Wohlstetter (

Part 1 of 2

Is an Israeli attack imminent against Iran to keep them from placing nuclear material on one of their missiles (which they have already test fired)?

Are the Israelis more likely to attack because they feel that Obama does not have their back diplomatically?

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Title: How do you deter a madman who is ready to meet his 72 virgins?
Topic: Israel vs. Iran
Discussed by John Wohlstetter
with John Wohlstetter (

Part 2 of 2

Is it possible to compromise or negotiate peace with Jihadists or Fanatics?

When did we miss the best opportunity to stop a nuclear Iran?

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November 22, 2011

Title: Is Israel wrong in preparing to unilaterally pre-empt Iran from having nuclear weapons?
Topic: Israel vs. Iran
Discussed by David Rubin
with David Rubin Israel (

Part 1 of 2

Special guest David Rubin answers:

Is Israel wrong in preparing to unilaterally pre-empt Iran from having nuclear weapons?

How close is Israel to unilaterally attacking Iran?

How do your neighbors and other Israeli’s feel about Iran being close to having nuclear weapons?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Israel vs. Iran
Discussed by David Rubin
with David Rubin Israel (

Special guest David Rubin answers:

Are there other options, such as supporting the Iranian opposition, to encourage regime change in Iran?

What about economic sanctions against Iran?

When Israel unilaterally attacks Iran, will this cause World War III?

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November 9, 2011

Title: What is going on in Israel? Will they nuke Iran?
Topic: Israel vs. Iran
Discussed by Joel Rosenberg
with Joel Rosenberg (

Part 1 of 2

Is Iran getting close to building nuclear warheads?

Should the international community allow Iran to have nuclear weapons?

In the Middle East, do words spoken in public and in private mean something to their adversaries and allies? Recently, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu spoke to the Knesset about the Iran threat, do you agree with his assessment?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Israel vs. Iran
Discussed by Joel Rosenberg
with Joel Rosenberg (

Has former Vice President Dick Cheney speculated about an Israeli first strike?

Is the Obama administration publicly pressuring Israel not to hit first?

Should America allow the jihadist terrorists to acquire weapons of mass destruction and use them on our soil against Americans first, or would the majority of Americans demand that the NEXT president take a stand?

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March 29, 2010

Title: SET UP FOR A MELTDOWN? Part 1 of 2
Topic: Israel vs. Iran
Discussed by Professor Dr. Earl Tilford
with Center for Vision and Values (

America is Israel’s closest and only reliable ally in the Middle East. But when Vice President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Hilary Clinton condemned Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on the construction of new housing units in Jerusalem, they insulted Jews in the worst possible way. Find out the TRUTH at

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Title: SET UP FOR A MELTDOWN? Part 2 of 2
Topic: Israel vs. Iran
Discussed by Professor Dr. Earl Tilford
with Center for Vision and Values (

What really happened during the private meeting with President Obama and PM Netanyahu? Was more resolved than the White House is willing to expose? Log on to for more information on Israel and how you can help.

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