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March 4, 2022

Title: Ukraine in Crisis
Topic: Russia and Ukraine
Discussed by Mason Pigue
with Operation Blessing International (

Part 1 of 2

As the conflict in Ukraine continues to unfold, families are facing turmoil and supply shortages. Hundreds of thousands of women and children have fled to neighboring countries.

Mason Pigue is the Director of Humanitarian Relief for Operation Blessing’s International Humanitarian Ministry. Today, Mason shares how we can help. He says: “It’s been so impressive at the same time sad that the Ukrainian people have stood their ground… They are clinging to their faith and believe they’re going to be delivered.”

To help Operation Blessing bless the people of Ukraine during this difficult time, TEXT OBCrisis to 71777 OR click here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What are the latest number of Ukrainian refuges entering Poland? How many are fleeing daily?

Is there plenty of accommodations for these refugees? Mason explains that the majority of refugees are scrambling to find shelter, food, and other necessities. Many Polish citizens are opening their own homes and churches are setting up cots.

What is the make-up of the Operation Blessing disaster team? Mason says that there has been a team of eight workers in Ukraine since 2014 providing food, medical assistance, and other necessities. There are more OB relief workers on the way to both Ukraine and Poland, including a water specialist and another doctor.

Why is it better for OB workers to purchase necessary items in the country they are providing aid to?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Ukraine in Crisis
Topic: Russia and Ukraine
Discussed by Mason Pigue
with Operation Blessing International (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does Operation Blessing have plans to set up medical clinics near the border and coordinate the distribution of medical care, food, hygiene kits, and water to those in tent camps?

How can we help? Mason says that the first need is prayer. The second need is financial support so they can provide Ukrainians what they need.

Is God’s Church thriving in Ukraine?

To help Operation Blessing bless the people of Ukraine during this difficult time, TEXT OBCrisis to 71777 OR click here.

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