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October 8, 2015

Title: Helping South Carolina
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by Jody Herrington-Gettys
with Operation Blessing International (

Texans have received help time and time again when natural disasters have occurred. Now, it’s our turn to give back. South Carolina has been devastated by recent storms and floods. Some are calling it the “1,000 year flood”.

Jody Herrington-Gettys, with Operation Blessing, is here to give an update on the situation, explaining that the biggest issue right now is over 40,000 people not having safe drinking water. It’s hard for us to imagine here in America – not being able to turn on your kitchen faucet and get a glass of water!

Obviously another issue is the high water and people not being able to get back into their homes to see the extent of the damage. Jody explains the process known as “mud-out”: When flood waters come, there can be up to as much as eight feet of water in a home. Operation Blessing workers and volunteers help home owners get that mud out and salvage what belongings can be saved. They also help knock down walls, redo dry wall, and rebuild homes.

To donate to the South Carolina flood relief efforts, click [here].

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May 29, 2015

Title: Operation Blessing Helping Texas Flood Victims
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by Jody Herrington-Gettys
with Operation Blessing International (

We are to be the hands and feet of God in all situations, especially during times of devastation. Jody Herrington-Gettys serves as the Vice President of U.S. Disaster Relief & Programs for Operation Blessing International, overseeing domestic disaster relief operations and special programs. OBI already has a team in San Marcos helping victims of the recent floods in Texas.

Jody has helped with numerous disaster relief efforts. Their strategy is not to come in with guns blazing, telling the locals what to do. OBI does what the people want and need. They really take the time to listen to the victims to assess what their greatest needs are.

OBI asks first for prayer – for the staff, volunteers, and victims. The second need is volunteers. And of course, OBI asks for financial support. Unlike other charities who devour donation money for their director’s and CEO’s outrageous salaries, OBI will give 100% of designated donations to the victims of the 2015 Texas Floods.

If you are looking to volunteer your time or give money to a charity group to help the victims of the Texas floods, please click [here]  or call 757.226.3407. If you are within driving distance of San Marcos, Texas, feel free to just show up at Hill Country Church Monday through Saturday at 8 am. They will find a job for you to do!

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February 2, 2015

Title: Update from Operation Blessing
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by Jody Herrington-Gettys
with Operation Blessing International (

There are many families in Houston – and across the nation – who are struggling to put food on the table. Operation Blessing’s “Hunger Strike Force” has four major warehouses across the nation that are responsible for getting food to those families by way of local food pantries and other special programs.

OB also depends on local ministries to be their hands and feet. But how does OB get their donations? Listen in as Jody Herrington-Gettys discusses the donations and how the process works. If you are able to donate financially, or if you or someone you know owns a grocery store or manages a local franchise, please click [here]  to learn how you can donate goods, which can be tax deductible.

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September 6, 2012

Title: Operation Blessing International Deploys Disaster Relief Team To New Orleans!
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by Jody Herrington-Gettys
with Operation Blessing International (

Part 1 of 4

Louisiana has been devastated again, this time by hurricane Isaac?

How was Isaac in comparison to Katrina? How can our listeners help? Please tell our listeners who are unfamiliar with floods what happens to a business or a home that is filled with 2-4 feet of water?

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Title: Part 2 of 4
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by Jody Herrington-Gettys
with Operation Blessing International (

What happened during pre-hurricane Isaac? Were Operation Blessing workers just sitting in an office drinking coffee, hoping and praying that nothing devastating would occur?

Does Operation Blessing prepare for the worse? What is the preparation for a tornado like in comparison to preparation for hurricane? Where on the globe has Operation Blessing been?

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Title: Part 3 of 4
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by Jody Herrington-Gettys
with Operation Blessing International (

In what ways has Operation Blessing been helping those that have been devastated by hurricane Isaac? Is the need great?

What is the "Need Help, Want Help" call about? Tell our listeners about the need for money - why is it best to donate clothes instead of dollars?

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Title: Part 4 of 4
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by Jody Herrington-Gettys
with Operation Blessing International (

If a company wanted to send a crew over to work or if a listener has some type of skill that could help with disaster relief, would you welcome them?

What kind of volunteer help do you need today, tomorrow, this week, this month of September? How do you take care of your volunteers?

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April 16, 2012

Title: What To Do And How To Be Prepared When Disaster is Headed Your Way!
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by Jody Herrington-Gettys
with Operation Blessing International (

Part 1 of 3

Special guest Jody Herrington-Gettys answers:

After disaster happens, what goes into being prepared for such an event - what kind of preparedness/training do you all go through day after day, year after year?

Can you describe to our listeners what types of supplies your warehouses have for volunteers and first responders? How many people can be taken care of in a moment's notice?

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Title: Part 2 of 3
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by Jody Herrington-Gettys
with Operation Blessing International (

Once a disaster happens, what goes into the volunteer placing process - how do you get people to where they need to be? Do you have a large staff?

What is the National Reserve Staff? Can anybody join? How many years have you been involved with Disaster Relief in America? What is a "go bag"?

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by Jody Herrington-Gettys
with Operation Blessing International (

Can you explain the different types of disasters that you have worked? What is a planned versus unplanned disaster? What storms types have you weathered?

What happens if all the gas stations have no electricity, internet is down, credit card reader isn't reading - can one haeve trouble buying gasoline even with no cash?

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March 15, 2012

Title: Life Transformed - From Utter Despair To A Big Bundle of Joy!
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by Jody Herrington-Gettys
with Operation Blessing International (

Part 1 of 2

How long did it take after that tornado struck for you and Operation Blessing to show up on site?

After showing up after a storm, what are the first things Operation Blessing typically does?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by Jody Herrington-Gettys
with Operation Blessing International (

How does a newlywed travel across the country and how does your husband put up with you?

Tell us about the story of the new mother whose life was in utter despair and the way Operation Blessing blessed her and her family

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March 1, 2012

Title: A Mission You Can Believe In, A Charity You Can Trust; Operation Blessing.
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by Jody Herrington-Gettys
with Operation Blessing International (

Part 1 of 2

Special guest Jody Herrington answers:

In the fiscal year of 2011, what percentage of OBl's total expense went towards humanitarian relief programs?

How did Forbes Magazine recognize OBl? And is it true that The Chronicle of Philanthropy ranks Operation Blessing as the 6th largest international charity in the country?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by Jody Herrington-Gettys
with Operation Blessing International (

What were the living conditions for Luis and his family?  How did things take a turn for the worse?  Upon meeting Luis and his family, what did Operation Blessing do immediately?

Does the old Chinese proverb ring true in this story with Luis and his family "give a man a fish and you feed him for a day.  Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime"?

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December 9, 2011

Title: A Time of Need in the Tornado Aftermath - Will you be willing to help others who have lost everything?
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by Jody Herrington-Gettys
with Operation Blessing International (

Part 1 of 2

When Jesus was born, what did he have in common with 13 year old boy, Bradley, from Joplin?

How do you choose which families to help? How long did it take to rebuild the home in this story?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by Jody Herrington-Gettys
with Operation Blessing International (

Are Operation Blessings workers hired hands or volunteers?

Who is the Powell family? How can we donate to Operation Blessing?

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June 21, 2011

Title: Extreme Blessing – From The Foundation UP!
Topic: Disaster Relief
Discussed by Jody Herrington-Gettys
with Operation Blessing International (

The forecaster was right: the tornado came. It rained buckets, some say, “Cats and Dogs”! When it was all over, their home was nearly destroyed, standing but unlivable. One day a car drove up and a young lady approached John and Debbie, both in their mid-sixties. They were living in a tent behind what once was their home. She asked, “Can we help?” When all was said and done, John and Debbie had a new home built by 400 volunteers with Operation Blessing and Home Depot, including a tree house out back, built by the Joe Gibbs Racing Team’s Joey Logano, driver of the No. 20 Home Depot Toyota in the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series. Learn more at

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May 3, 2011

Title: What’s Going On In Tornado Ravaged Alabama And Other States
Topic: Disaster Relief
Discussed by Jody Herrington-Gettys
with Operation Blessing International (

When Operation Blessing arrives at a disaster location, the first question they ask is: “What do you and your community need?” Our guest, Jody Gettys describes what she has seen on the ground in Alabama. Jody explains the pain she is witnessing and the devastation that is so widespread. Even at the time this interview was recorded, Jody shared how she has witnessed residents calling out to love ones who are still not answering, many are still missing. What is needed most right now, is cash. Please go to the web site for Operation Blessing International and make a donation. Simply log onto  and donate today!

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