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April 15, 2011

Title: Operation Blessing International: Kids here help Kids There
Topic: Japanese Disaster Relief
Discussed by Bill Horan
with Operation Blessing International (

One elementary school stepped up to the plate and hit a home-run with their efforts to raise money for the quake/tsunami victims in Japan. They especially wanted to help other kids like them. Bill Horan, with Operation Blessing International, gives more details on this great story and tells how you can still help. Log on to  for more info.

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April 14, 2011

Title: Let There Be Light: Operation Blessing International Deploys Industrial Electrical Generators to Japan
Topic: Japanese Disaster Relief
Discussed by Bill Horan
with Operation Blessing International (

Segment 1 of 2

Bill Horan, President of Operation Blessing International, asked the village elders of an island off the coast of Japan what they needed the most. There response: laptops and electrical generators. Without ice for their fish, they could not go back to work. Without laptops, they could not access their bank accounts. Because of thousands of donors from across America, Operation Blessing International was able to fulfill these needs, and more! Log on today and make a donation. More information can be found at

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Title: Let There Be Light: Operation Blessing International Deploys Industrial Electrical Generators to Japan
Topic: Japanese Disaster Relief
Discussed by Bill Horan
with Operation Blessing International (

Segment 2 of 2

Besides the physical benefits these generators will provide, they will also provide hope in the hearts of those stricken by the disaster. Donors from all over America are bringing light to a dark place through Operation Blessing. We are living our faith in a most significant way.” stated Bill Horan. Students at one school in America donated $1,040 to be used to help kids in Japan. OB purchased new bicycles for the children at one shelter. Watch the video now posted on our website at  More information can be found at

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March 23, 2011

Title: Don’t be scammed when donating for Japanese disaster relief.
Topic: Japanese Disaster Relief
Discussed by Mickey Caison
with North American Mission Board (

Segment 1 of 2

Our hearts go out to the survivors of the great earthquake, tsunami, and now the ongoing problems with the nuclear power plants in Japan. But be very careful when donating for disaster relief; there are many scams cropping up everywhere. Mickey Caison, Disaster Relief Team Leader with the North American Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention, joins us with ways to help. More information can be found at 

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Title: Many can give financially, but we can all pray for the survivors of the ongoing disaster in Japan.
Topic: Japanese Disaster Relief
Discussed by Mickey Caison
with North American Mission Board (

Segment 2 of 2

Add the Japanese survivors to your Prayer List. Pray about giving! Is God calling you to go to Japan to assist in some way? Mickey Caison continues with an update on the survivors of the earthquake, tsunami, and the ongoing nuclear problems in Japan. For decades, Southern Baptists have assisted with disasters across America and around the globe. Millions of meals were prepared by various Baptist Men organizations for the American Red Cross and the Salvation Army to distribute. How in the world do you cook 25,000 to 50,000 meals per day from one parking lot somewhere near a disaster location? More information can be found at

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March 15, 2011

Title: Operation Blessing International Prepares To Deploy to Japan
Topic: Japanese Disaster Relief
Discussed by Bill Horan
with Operation Blessing International (

Stop and consider how much it would cost to ship a bottle of water from Houston, Texas to Japan. It is more cost effective to give a dollar from Houston and allow the humanitarian organization to purchase the bottle of water as close to the need as possible. The same applies to food supplies, blankets, and clothes. Bill Horan, the President of Operation Blessing International, joins us discussing the steps they are taking to deploy medical teams and other first responders to the stricken areas in Japan. Log onto their website at  for complete details. Please consider making a donation.

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