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December 12, 2019

Title: The “Merry Christmas Texas” Project
Topic: Merry Christmas
Discussed by Jonathan Saenz
with Texas Values (

It is sad that the war on Christmas has necessitated a “Merry Christmas Texas Project” but that’s where we are today. Jonathan Saenz, the President of Texas Values, has more details about State Representative Dwayne Bohac’s HB308, a one-page law passed in 2013.

Christmas has been recognized as a federal holiday by the United States since the 1870s. Landmark U.S. Supreme Court cases have made it clear that such expressions and displays are permissible. Since the passage of the Merry Christmas Law, Texas Values has helped defeat efforts across the state to attack Christmas.

We hope the Merry Christmas Texas Project means less Texas school districts are naughty, and more are nice,” said Jonathan Saenz, president of Texas Values.

For more information on the “Merry Christmas Texas Project” and your rights as a student, teacher, administrator, or parent, click here  or call their office at 512.478.2220.

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November 24, 2014

Title: Let's All Say "Merry Christmas!"
Topic: Merry Christmas
Discussed by State Rep. Dwayne Bohac
with State Rep. Dwayne Bohac (

The attacks from the left on Christmas are more than just a “Bah Humbug”. They are determined to drive any shred or sign of faith out of the public square. Isn’t it time Christians stood up and said “Not on my watch!”

Back in 2013, Dwayne Bohac authored and passed a bill which allows students, teachers, and administrators the right to say “Merry Christmas” and sing religious songs during Christmastime. Dwayne Bohac explains what prompted him to author this bill.

The Merry Christmas Law protects expressions of Christmas in our state’s public schools and stops anti-First Amendment forces from banning or suppressing them. Sadly, the ACLU has not given up. They are still attacking public schools and the nation’s public life as a whole. Teachers are fearful of losing their jobs or their principal will retaliate against them. The district leaders are hesitant to allow “Christmas Talk” because they don’t want to be sued by the ACLU. Guess what teachers and administrators: Texas has you covered!

Dwayne still needs your help. Please log on to  to sign the petition to protect Christmas! It’s easy and takes less than 30 seconds. Share the link on Facebook and Twitter; send an email to your contact list. There is even a page to print the Merry Christmas Law Summary to share with the principal of your kids’ school. Report the school’s response, whether it is positive or negative, but especially if they take offense to the law. We need to know so we can educate them on the law!

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November 15, 2013

Title: The Merry Christmas Law
Topic: Merry Christmas
Discussed by Jonathan Saenz
with Texas Values (

Part 1 of 2

The Texas Legislature passed The Merry Christmas Law and signed into law this year. This new law guarantees the freedom of our children, teachers, parents, and school administrators to acknowledge Christmas on school grounds without fear of censorship, persecution, or litigation.

We need your help to spread the word across Texas! Log on to  for all the details.

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Title: part 2 of 2
Topic: Merry Christmas
Discussed by Jonathan Saenz
with Texas Values (

Teachers in Texas, you can now display Baby Jesus in your classroom at Christmastime. Students in Texas, it is now okay to take Jesus Candy Canes to distribute to your friends. Parents in Texas, you can now read the story of Christ’s birth in your child’s classroom. School administrators in Texas cannot censor anyone in your school for their Christian beliefs at Christmastime.

Help spread the word! Log on to  to print out a summary of the Merry Christmas Law to give to your school district administrators.

It is time to put CHRIST back in CHRISTMAS!

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