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March 1, 2017

Title: Out of Control Property Taxes
Topic: Property Tax Relief
Discussed by James Quintero
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

If you own a home in Texas, you are well aware of the outrageous property taxes leveled upon you each year.  James Quintero offers some insight about what the Texas Public Policy Foundation is planning for this Legislative Session.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are property taxes literally forcing Texans from their homes?

How much have property taxes increased every year since 1996?

Even if you do not home a home, property taxes affect you. Listen as James Quintero discusses three reforms that could help every person in Texas in regards to their home. He will continue on this topic in the next segment…

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Out of Control Property Taxes
Topic: Property Tax Relief
Discussed by James Quintero
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is the only county in Texas that unanimously supports SB2, which would offer property tax relief to all Texans? NOTE: There has been several bills introduced in the House, as well, which address property tax relief, which is wonderful news!

What are the three areas of reform which James and others are working on concerning real property tax relief?

Is there a portion of HB2 that states county officials cannot go above a certain cap and if they do, the citizens automatically get a vote?

Who in Austin is willing to fight for the needed restructuring?

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November 9, 2015

Title: Give the Ax to Property Tax
Topic: Property Tax Relief
Discussed by Dr. Vance Ginn
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1

All across the state of Texas, homeowners are losing their American Dream.  It’s not that they can’t necessarily afford their home – they just can’t afford the ever-increasing property tax!  Do you really own your home if the state continually taxes you more and more to live in it?

Dr. Vance Ginn is an economist for the Center for Fiscal Policy at the Texas Public Policy Foundation.  Dr. Ginn reveals how, in regards to the most burdensome property taxes in the nation, Texas is ranked fourteen and it is sky rocketing every year!

The two issues at hand today are home appraisals and tax rates. The rate increase is directly connected to the appraisal. “Property appraisals are soaring. Many times, they aren’t even matching the market value is of the house,” Dr. Ginn states. If the tax rate is slowed, can the appraisals be lowered enough to help? Listen in as Dr. Vance Ginn offers his opinion and offers some suggestions for relief in the next segment!

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Give the Ax to Property Tax
Topic: Property Tax Relief
Discussed by Dr. Vance Ginn
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

What do the 4,000 plus Texas government taxing entities use property taxes for?  Aren’t property taxes needed to help these agencies operate?  Dr. Vance Ginn explains the four major taxing jurisdictions in Texas: schools, cities, counties, and special districts (water, higher education, etc).  However, Dr. Ginn has discovered that it is not easy to view the information online for these agencies. Where are they spending the money?  What are they hiding?

With the current tax rate increasing anywhere from seven to ten percent per year, too many families are being forced out of their homes; some can’t even afford to buy one!  One way to fight back is to gather petition signatures, as Dr. Ginn explains.  You would think this would be easy as pie, but that is very difficult to do.  Listen in as he discusses this obstacle.

With so much financial assistance stemming from property taxes, how can we sustain a working government if that support is no longer available?  If people could actually see where the money is going, they might fight back a little harder!  If the property tax is switched to a blanket home sales tax, will that be any better?  Listen in as Dr. Ginn explains how this will absolutely be beneficial to every home owner in the state.  He says, “That is a much more efficient form of taxation over time.

What is your opinion? Send me your comments using the link above!

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February 4, 2015

Title: Texas Legislator Files Major Property Tax Relief Bill
Topic: Property Tax Relief
Discussed by State Rep. Dwayne Bohac
with State Rep. Dwayne Bohac (

Dwayne Bohac is nicknamed the “Taxpayer’s Best Friend for a Reason. "Texas homeowners need a break," he says. "With the inflated price of real estate in our state right now, Texans are taking a hit on the front end when they purchase a home and again annually as their appraisals grow exponentially".

Every Legislative Session, Dwayne files some sort of property tax relief bill and this year is no exception. He has filed two bills to help home owners: HB 957 and HB 958. HB 957 will reduce the appraisal cap from 10 percent to 5 percent, while HB 958 will increase the standard homestead exemption from $15,000 to $30,000 for school district tax purposes.

Listen in as Representative Bohac discusses these bills and what they mean for home owners in Texas.

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February 15, 2010

Topic: Property Tax Relief
Discussed by The Honorable Talmadge Heflin
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Should the Texas Legislature consider eliminating property taxes? If the property tax is eliminated, the Texas Legislatures could then say: “Okay. We abolished the property tax. Here’s a new one.” So what are we to do? Talmadge Heflin is the former Chair of the Texas House Appropriations Committee and current Director of the Center for Fiscal Policy at the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Log on to for more on this issue.

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Topic: Property Tax Relief
Discussed by The Honorable Talmadge Heflin
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Some argue that eliminating the property tax in Texas would cut jobs; others disagree. If you would like more information on this and other issues affecting the day-to-day lives of Texans, log on to

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April 15, 2008

Title: Are we willing to pay more sales taxes for a reduction in property taxes? Good Question!
Topic: Property Tax Relief
Discussed by The Honorable Talmadge Heflin
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

According to the Texas Task Force on Appraisal Reform, the average increase in a single-family residential tax bill over a four your period was almost 46%, climbing from an average of $2,151 to $3,138. How much more can we afford?

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April 19, 2007

Topic: Property Tax Relief
Discussed by Michael Sullivan
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

What are the obstacles in the way of property tax relief? Who are the tax spenders? Can you and I help? Log onto for more info. Also, please call then Capital switchboard at 512.463.4630 and ask to speak with your Senator or Representative about this and other issues.

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