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May 26, 2021

Title: Millennials and The Church
Topic: Millennials Disavow Traditional Values
Discussed by Dr. George Barna
with Cultural Research Center (

Our nation is undergoing a seismic generational shift in worldview, driven by younger Americans—many of whom do not know, believe, or care that God exists and who overwhelmingly reject traditional moral values.

Dr. George Barna discusses a recent survey from the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University on beliefs and behaviors in the US regarding The Church.

Click here for more information.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do Millennials believe that the Bible is not infallible and not relevant?

Do Millennials believe that there are no absolute truths? For example, how many believe that looting is OK? Do they believe that paying back a loan is not necessary?

Are the Millennials having babies?

Is the number of believers dwindling?

Do Millennials attend church, pray, and read their Bible regularly?

Without Millennials believing, attending church, volunteering, and then bringing their kids, will the church door be locked and the key lost?

Is this a loud, clear, and direct challenge to Christian parents who truly want to see their children and grandchildren in heaven?

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November 3, 2020

Title: Millennials Disavow Traditional Values at an Unprecedented Rate
Topic: Millennials Disavow Traditional Values
Discussed by Dr. George Barna
with Cultural Research Center (

Part 1 of 2

FACT: Only 2% of Christian millennials believe in a Biblical worldview. Click here  for the statistics from the Cultural Research Center.

Dr. George Barna is the Director of Research at the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University. Today he offers more details about the disturbing, yet not completely surprising, results of their latest survey.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who are millennials?

What happened to the Golden Rule? Do millennials have less respect for others? How did Barna and the CRC come to this conclusion?

Did Barna just survey Christians?

How many questions/how long was the survey? Why is this just as important as the tone of the caller?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Millennials Disavow Traditional Values at an Unprecedented Rate
Topic: Millennials Disavow Traditional Values
Discussed by Dr. George Barna
with Cultural Research Center (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why are millennials breaking from traditional values at an unprecedented rate?

Are millennials more or less tolerant than older generations?

Do millennials believe rioting, looting, and violence for BLM and ANTIFA is acceptable behavior?

Who are Gen-Xer’s?

Can a nation survive when the younger generation is at war with the older generation’s moral values?

IIs it the church’s fault that only 2% of “Christian” millennials believe in a Biblical worldview?

Do too few families have dinner together without distractions?

Do too few families have a family devotion together?

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October 21, 2020

Title: Millennials Disavow Traditional Values at an Unprecedented Rate
Topic: Millennials Disavow Traditional Values
Discussed by Dr. George Barna
with Cultural Research Center (

Part 1 of 2

FACT: Only 2% of Christian millennials believe in a Biblical worldview. Click here  for the statistics from the Cultural Research Center.

Dr. George Barna is the Director of Research at the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University. Today he offers more details about the disturbing, yet not completely surprising, results of their latest survey.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who are millennials?

What happened to the Golden Rule? Do millennials have less respect for others? How did Barna and the CRC come to this conclusion?

Did Barna just survey Christians?

How many questions/how long was the survey? Why is this just as important as the tone of the caller?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Millennials Disavow Traditional Values at an Unprecedented Rate
Topic: Millennials Disavow Traditional Values
Discussed by Dr. George Barna
with Cultural Research Center (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why are millennials breaking from traditional values at an unprecedented rate?

Are millennials more or less tolerant than older generations?

Do millennials believe rioting, looting, and violence for BLM and ANTIFA is acceptable behavior?

Who are Gen-Xer’s?

Can a nation survive when the younger generation is at war with the older generation’s moral values?

IIs it the church’s fault that only 2% of “Christian” millennials believe in a Biblical worldview?

Do too few families have dinner together without distractions?

Do too few families have a family devotion together?

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October 6, 2020

Title: Millennials Disavow Traditional Values at an Unprecedented Rate
Topic: Millennials Disavow Traditional Values
Discussed by Dr. George Barna
with Cultural Research Center (

Part 1 of 2

FACT: Only 2% of Christian millennials believe in a Biblical worldview. Click here  for the statistics from the Cultural Research Center.

Dr. George Barna is the Director of Research at the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University. Today he offers more details about the disturbing, yet not completely surprising, results of their latest survey.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who are millennials?

What happened to the Golden Rule? Do millennials have less respect for others? How did Barna and the CRC come to this conclusion?

Did Barna just survey Christians?

How many questions/how long was the survey? Why is this just as important as the tone of the caller?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Millennials Disavow Traditional Values at an Unprecedented Rate
Topic: Millennials Disavow Traditional Values
Discussed by Dr. George Barna
with Cultural Research Center (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why are millennials breaking from traditional values at an unprecedented rate?

Are millennials more or less tolerant than older generations?

Do millennials believe rioting, looting, and violence for BLM and ANTIFA is acceptable behavior?

Who are Gen-Xer’s?

Can a nation survive when the younger generation is at war with the older generation’s moral values?

IIs it the church’s fault that only 2% of “Christian” millennials believe in a Biblical worldview?

Do too few families have dinner together without distractions?

Do too few families have a family devotion together?

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