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February 24, 2017

Title: Why is Car Insurance so Important?
Topic: Car Insurance
Discussed by Dr. Tom Oliverson
with Dr. Tom Oliverson (

Approximately 1 in 4 lives lost on Texas roadways can be attributed to individuals who did not have a valid driver’s license.  Additionally, thousands upon thousands of tickets are written each year to drivers who do not have valid minimal liability insurance.

Dr. Tom Oliverson is the new Texas State Representative for District 130. He has authored HB1757, which will allow law enforcement officers to impound a vehicle if a driver does not have a valid driver license or some form of liability coverage.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is now the time for more than a simple slap on the wrist for those who drive motor vehicles without being licensed and without liability insurance?

Are unlicensed, uninsured drivers a danger to the public?

Do unlicensed, uninsured drivers greatly increase the cost of car insurance for the rest of us?

Listen as Dr. Oliverson describes the details of HB1757. Note: This bill only applies if the license or insurance of the driver cannot be found in the system, not if the driver simply does not have the license or insurance on their person at the time.

If this issue has affected you personally, please contact Dr. Tom Oliverson.

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