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January 22, 2019

Title: Communism, Socialism, and Millennials Today
Topic: Communism, Socialism, and Millennials Today
Discussed by Dr. Tom Oliverson
with Dr. Tom Oliverson (

Communism, a political theory derived from the philosophies of Karl Marx, has proven inconsistent with the ideals of liberty, prosperity, and dignity of human life. Communist regimes have committed gross atrocities under the leaderships of infamous totalitarian dictators such as Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong, Ho Chi Minh, Pol Pot, Nicolae Ceau?escu, the Castro brothers, and the Kim Dynasty.

So why do many millennials believe that communism or socialism is the way to go in America? Dr. Tom Oliverson, Texas Representative to District 130, discusses a resolution (HR24) he has filed to honor the victims…

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why does Representative Tom Oliverson believe it is important to honor and recognize he victims of communism?

Did President Trump declare November 7 of each year “National Victims of Communism Memorial Day”?

Has Communism suppressed, oppressed, and even killed millions upon millions of people?

Do millennials favor Socialism over our Capitalism?

What is the purpose of “National Victims of Communism Memorial Day”?

Why don’t millennials know the truth about the history of Communism?

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