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August 16, 2021

Title: Sexual Harassment and Power: Why Cuomo is Clueless
Topic: Sexual Predators
Discussed by Dr. Gregory Jantz
with The Center - A Place of Hope (

Sexual harassment is an addiction that is often denied by the guilty party.

Dr. Gregory Jantz is the Founder of The Center – A Vision of Hope and has written nearly 40 books. His focus is to treat the whole person in need of help, not just their outward symptoms.

Learn more about Dr. Jantz here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is our society no longer willing tolerate sexual harassment?

Have important celebrities, politicians, and other leaders (even Christians) been led astray by the lust of their flesh?

Why does Dr. Jantz call sexual predators “delusional”?

What is the common denominator found in every addict?

Can someone begin the healing process without admitting they have a problem? Dr. Jantz explains that this is true for every addict, not just sexual predators. The problem is that most sexual predators do not see anything wrong with their behavior.

Must addicts accept responsibility for their own actions?

Is our society finally saying no to sexual misconduct?

Does right and wrong still exist in our society?

Is there a difference between being addicted to misappropriate sexual behavior and being a predator? Dr. Jantz gives a great explanation…

What can we learn from the actions of Governor Cuomo?

What are some good safeguards men and women can implement so they can avoid sexual misconduct?

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May 29, 2013

Title: How to Protect Your Children from Sexual Predators
Topic: Sexual Predators
Discussed by Dr. Judith Reisman
with Judith Reisman

Part 1 of 5

Americans are being brainwashed into thinking that humans are sexually active from birth. That sounds ridiculous, I know, but it is true. And not just in “liberal” states like California and New York.

Dr. Judith Reisman is an international expert on human sexuality. Dr. Reisman gives lectures and workshops worldwide, shedding light on what spawned the “sexual from birth” dogma which has polluted our schools, television, and the internet.

In this first segment, Dr. Reisman discusses the documentary by Dr. Kinsey, “The Children of the Table 34”. Dr. Kinsey is said to be the “father of the modern sexual movement”. Many of his “findings” are being taught to our children and made into laws protecting homosexuals.

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Title: Part 2 of 5
Topic: Sexual Predators
Discussed by Dr. Judith Reisman
with Judith Reisman

Many Americans, even Christians, are being desensitized into accepting gay activity as normal, and in some cases, the preferred lifestyle. Christians are afraid of being viewed as “intolerant” if they voice their disagreement with the homosexual lifestyle. They say, “Jesus loved everyone”. Yes, this is true. Jesus was the most loving person to ever walk the earth. But, Jesus was also the most intolerant person to ever walk the earth, as well. He would not tolerant sin. That is why He gave His life for us.

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Title: Part 3 of 5
Topic: Sexual Predators
Discussed by Dr. Judith Reisman
with Judith Reisman

Dr. Judith Reisman has followed the LGBT movement for many decades. Dr. Reisman has seen many of the LGBT’s goals accomplished in a short amount of time. She has also seen the LGBT movement lose some battles, but that doesn’t mean they have given up the fight. In fact, they are just picking up speed, gaining supporters faster than ever, giving them more money and more mouths to shout their agenda on every street corner, in every government building, and in every school across America.

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Title: Part 4 of 5
Topic: Sexual Predators
Discussed by Dr. Judith Reisman
with Judith Reisman

In 1972, a National Coalition of 200 Gay Organizations came together and announced a formal “Gay Rights Platform”. Their demands for change in America’s law and moral order would result in a total and radical transformation of our society and way of life.

In this segment, Terry and Dr. Reisman discuss 3 of the LGBT’s goals, one of which is to repeal all laws governing the age of consent.

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Title: Part 5 of 5
Topic: Sexual Predators
Discussed by Dr. Judith Reisman
with Judith Reisman

Whatever your view of a sexual predator is, understand this: they are everywhere - in our schools, at the mall, down the street, even in our churches. We cannot protect our children forever, but we must do all we can, while we can. We must instill in our children - both male and female - the right thoughts towards sex, when it is appropriate and what things are not ok. Help your children understand the dangers that lurk out there.

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