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June 11, 2015

Title: Everybody’s Doing it Anyway
Topic: Legal Drugs: Yes or No
Discussed by John Horvat
with Return to Order

Many claim the solution to the drug epidemic in America lies in legalizing drugs. They cite the billions of dollars and countless law enforcement hours that would be saved – forgetting about the thousands of drug dealers and users that would be freed from prisons. The newly legalized product could be taxed and regulated. All would benefit in the end.

John Horvat disagrees. Yes, there will always be some people who smoke, do drugs, and drink and drive. But it doesn’t have to be as bad as what it is now. “We live in a very materialistic culture that encourages ‘phonetic intemperance’. People want things instantly and effortlessly,” John opines.

John Horvat believes it all boils down to the lack of spiritual satisfaction and the absence of God in our society. People are not seeking God’s comfort and, therefore, they look to worldly things to satisfy their hunger. “In our culture money and pleasure rule. This only cause sadness and despair,” John says.

So what should America do? Is the answer to just legalize drugs and deal with the consequences? After all, we don’t want to become involved in a fierce confrontation or anything like that. (saracasm) Or should Christians pray without ceasing for God to touch our land and the hearts of her people? Listen in as John Horvat gives his opinion on this issue.

Click [here]  for more.

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July 22, 2011

Title: America Is Ravaged by Addictions. So Should We Simply Legalize Drugs?
Topic: Legal Drugs: Yes or No
Discussed by Dr. Gregory Jantz
with The Center - A Place of Hope (

Part 1 of 2

A recent report states that the war on drugs is not working and that drug enforcement policy needs to fundamentally change. We ask Dr. Jantz straight out: “Should we legalize drugs in America?” His answer: NO. Listen in for the reasons.

We ask Dr. Jantz: what percent of all kids will at least try drugs by the time they are 12?

What percent of all kids will be addicted to drugs before they graduate from High School?

Has the D.A.R.E. program been effective in persuading kids not to try drugs?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Legal Drugs: Yes or No
Discussed by Dr. Gregory Jantz
with The Center - A Place of Hope (

What’s the problem: a) drugs are illegal, and if we only legalized them, they would not be such a problem; or b) drugs are addictive, and that’s the problem!

Dr. Jantz is a Certified Chemical Dependency Counselor and Addiction Therapist with more than 27 years of experience treating addiction cases. His treatment center ( ) specializes in treating patients who have developed addiction to drugs, alcohol, food, gambling, and even social media.

Dr. Jantz states that drugs should NOT be legalized. Listen in for his reasons.

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