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November 12, 2018

Title: Life after the Election
Topic: Election Re-Cap
Discussed by David Christensen
with Family Research Council (

Although the Elections are over, with not-so-great results across the country, the violent outrage we witnessed from the Left is only going to accelerate. David Christensen, Vice President of the Family Research Council, encourages us to not stop our efforts.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

We survived the Clinton and Obama Presidencies – barely. Will we survive another Democrat-led House?

Some say we need to change our message and drop the emphasis on the social issues. Listen as David offers his opinion…

With the current make-up of the Supreme Court, will our religious liberties be upheld?

What must we do NOW to continue to protect more babies, help more families, and protect our God-given rights?

Click here  for more information about the Family Research Council and how you can help the fight for our religious freedom in America.

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May 1, 2018

Title: If You Believe in Christ You Can’t Adopt or do Foster Care
Topic: Adoption Not Allowed for Christians
Discussed by David Christensen
with Family Research Council (

Faith-based adoption and foster care providers are seeing threats by states and some localities. The Federal Government must not do the same, and Congress should make sure that the Federal Government does not punish or discriminate against adoption and foster care providers simply because they are faith-based.

Today, David Christensen offers more details about the blatant discrimination occurring and how the Child Welfare Provider Inclusion Act will help protect faith-based adoption agencies. David is the Vice President of Government Affairs at the Family Research Council.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How do a faith-based adoptions and foster care placements help society?

Is Federal money involved in adoption and foster care?

Why is there an organized push all across America to discriminate against the faith-based adoptions and foster care placements?

What is the Child Welfare Provider Inclusion Act? The House Bill 1881 is sponsored by Rep. Mike Kelly (R-Penn.) and the Senate Bill 811 is sponsored by Sen. Mike Enzi (R-Wyo).

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February 13, 2018

Title: Is Trump the Most Pro-Life President?
Topic: Donald Trump
Discussed by David Christensen
with Family Research Council (

President Donald Trump recently issued an Executive Order restoring and expanding the Mexico City Policy (MCP). The MCP halts federal funds from going to foreign non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that perform abortions or actively promote abortion as a method of family planning in other countries.

The Family Research Council applauds this move. David Christensen, the VP for Government Affairs with FRC, discusses…

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What President began the Mexico City Policy?

Did both Presidents Clinton and Obama rescind the Mexico City Policy?

President Trump is not only restoring the MCP, he is also expanding it by supplying MORE aid to countries with HIV/AIDS epidemics. Listen as David Christensen explains the BENEFITS of Trump’s expansion plan…

What are Trump’s critics saying about the new proposed MCP? HINT: The two most outspoken critics also perform the most abortions worldwide. No wonder they’re mad!

The President of the Family Research Council, Tony Perkins, made this statement concerning the MCP: “After past Elections, voters have become accustomed to Elected Officials pivoting away from promises made. But this is a President who is doing something rare in American politics – fulfilling campaign promises, including protecting taxpayers from having to pay for abortions.

Why is this such a rare occurrence?

Once elected, where does the pressure to conform to the “new world order policy” come from? Is the pressure coming only from the Left – or are Conservative business owners just as guilty?

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Title: Grading Congress
Topic: Congress
Discussed by David Christensen
with Family Research Council (

A record high 245 Members of Congress received a 100% rating of approval for the year of 2017 by the Family Research Council. David Christensen explains their decision in today’s segment…

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is meant by the “Frist Session of the 115th Congress”?

If a bill was not submitted or voted upon during the First Session, what happens to the bill in the Second Session?

What criteria did the FRC use to judge the Congress members?

How are some bills negotiated to receive enough votes to pass both chambers?

Why do some issues have higher numbers of approval than others?

How Democrats received a ZERO PERCENT approval rate?

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February 9, 2018

Title: Grading Congress
Topic: Congress
Discussed by David Christensen
with Family Research Council (

A record high 245 Members of Congress received a 100% rating of approval for the year of 2017 by the Family Research Council. David Christensen explains their decision in today’s segment…

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is meant by the “Frist Session of the 115th Congress”?

If a bill was not submitted or voted upon during the First Session, what happens to the bill in the Second Session?

What criteria did the FRC use to judge the Congress members?

How are some bills negotiated to receive enough votes to pass both chambers?

Why do some issues have higher numbers of approval than others?

How Democrats received a ZERO PERCENT approval rate?

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February 6, 2018

Title: Is Trump Fighting for Religious Liberty?
Topic: Trump Fights For Religious Liberty
Discussed by David Christensen
with Family Research Council (

The Family Research Council applauds the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) for announcing the formation of a new Conscience and Religious Freedom Division in the HHS Office for Civil Rights (OCR). HHS announced that the division "will provide HHS with the focus it needs to more vigorously and effectively enforce existing laws protecting the rights of conscience and religious freedom, the first freedom protected in the Bill of Rights."

David Christensen, the Vice President of Government Affairs with the FRC, explains this great news in more detail.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is President Trump delivering on campaign promises to protect religious liberties?

What will be the purpose of the new Conscience and Religious Freedom Division within the HHS office for Civil Rights?

Are there laws which protect ALL pharmacists, nurses, doctors, and other medical workers who do not wish to offer services or counseling that may be against their religious convictions? Key Word: ALL.

Did the Obama administration ignore these laws and even proactively discriminate and punish those who deeply held religious objections to performing and/or participating in activities that violated their religious freedoms?

Obama discriminated. Trump is protecting. Does this mean future administrations can set their own course? If so, do elections even matter?

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January 23, 2018

Title: Is Trump Fighting for Religious Liberty?
Topic: Trump Fights For Religious Liberty
Discussed by David Christensen
with Family Research Council (

The Family Research Council applauds the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) for announcing the formation of a new Conscience and Religious Freedom Division in the HHS Office for Civil Rights (OCR). HHS announced that the division "will provide HHS with the focus it needs to more vigorously and effectively enforce existing laws protecting the rights of conscience and religious freedom, the first freedom protected in the Bill of Rights."

David Christensen, the Vice President of Government Affairs with the FRC, explains this great news in more detail.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is President Trump delivering on campaign promises to protect religious liberties?

What will be the purpose of the new Conscience and Religious Freedom Division within the HHS office for Civil Rights?

Are there laws which protect ALL pharmacists, nurses, doctors, and other medical workers who do not wish to offer services or counseling that may be against their religious convictions? Key Word: ALL.

Did the Obama administration ignore these laws and even proactively discriminate and punish those who deeply held religious objections to performing and/or participating in activities that violated their religious freedoms?

Obama discriminated. Trump is protecting. Does this mean future administrations can set their own course? If so, do elections even matter?

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May 19, 2017

Title: UPDATE: What’s UP with Healthcare?
Topic: Obamacare: What Next?
Discussed by David Christensen
with Family Research Council (

No one has ever accused the Senate of efficiency, and the Obamacare repeal is no exception. Why can’t they get it together?

David Christensen, with the Family Research Council, will be discussing Senator Mitch McConnell’s job, Planned Parenthood, and other healthcare information in this segment today.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why should we be praying for Senator Mitch McConnell?

The US House of Representatives passed an Obamacare replacement bill and sent it to the US Senate.
David Christensen is hopeful for a positive outcome in the Senate. Listen closely as he explains what is happening now with the new healthcare bill.

Is defunding of Planned Parenthood a deal-breaker for Senator Collins from Maine?

Are there other ways to uncouple Planned Parenthood from taxpayer dollars?

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January 11, 2017

Title: What is Next for Obamacare?
Topic: Trumpcare
Discussed by David Christensen
with Family Research Council (

Is it better to keep the devil you know instead of taking the devil you don’t know? What are the next steps for Obamacare? Should we keep it, keep some parts of it, or repeal the whole thing?

David Christensen is the Vice President of Government Affairs with the Family Research Council. He is here today to offer insight and encouragement.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Were the American People lied to by those lobbying for Obamacare’s passage?

When Nancy Pelosi stated, “We have to pass it to know what’s in it”, what was she really saying?

Has Obamacare proven to be unworkable? David Christensen offers several reasons why…

Are there more or less options available to Americans with Obamacare?

Are people paying more or less for health insurance coverage through Obamacare?

Do people have more coverage with Obamacare? Yes, but…listen in for the details…

Overall, is Obamacare bad for Americans and America?

How should Donald and Trump and the new Congress deconstruct Obamacare?

How should we be praying for this issue?

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September 27, 2016

Title: Why it Matters which Party You Vote For.
Topic: Saving America Begins With You!
Discussed by David Christensen
with Family Research Council (

Part 1 of 2

Whether you vote or not, the political party system in America affects your daily activities. This is why it is so important for Christians to vote for Biblical, moral principles. Don’t just vote one way because your mama and daddy did. Vote your conscience! Research the candidates and the party platforms.

David Christensen is here today to help us break down the differences between the two main political parties in America and why one is definitely based on Biblical values while the other is most definitely not.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How vast is the difference between the Democrat and Republican Party Platforms?

Is the Democrat Party the same Party from the early 1900’s? David Christensen points out that the Democrat Party has changed drastically over the past two decades – even the Clintons!

Tune in to the next segment with David as he goes into more detail about the social differences between the two major political parties.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Why it Matters which Party You Vote For.
Topic: Saving America Begins With You!
Discussed by David Christensen
with Family Research Council (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does it really matter what’s in the Party Platforms? David discusses a recent study by a Professor at SFA which reports on the Platforms from 1980 until 2004. Listen in as he reveals those results.

David also reviews voting records on abortion issues and the “bathroom laws”. Which Party votes in line with your moral values?

Can the President of the United States draft legislation for the House or Senate to review and vote on? This is a short, but very important, discussion. Listen in as David responds.

Will the Democrat Party be as transparent at the Republican Party when it comes to voting on and adopting their Platform?

David has been the Vice President of Government Affairs for the Family Research Council since 2013. Before coming to the FRC, he was Education Manager and Assistant Editor at the Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity. For more information on the Family Research Council, click here.

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August 29, 2016

Title: Why it Matters which Party You Vote For.
Topic: Saving America Begins With You!
Discussed by David Christensen
with Family Research Council (

Part 1 of 2

Whether you vote or not, the political party system in America affects your daily activities. This is why it is so important for Christians to vote for Biblical, moral principles. Don’t just vote one way because your mama and daddy did. Vote your conscience! Research the candidates and the party platforms.

David Christensen is here today to help us break down the differences between the two main political parties in America and why one is definitely based on Biblical values while the other is most definitely not.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How vast is the difference between the Democrat and Republican Party Platforms?

Is the Democrat Party the same Party from the early 1900’s? David Christensen points out that the Democrat Party has changed drastically over the past two decades – even the Clintons!

Tune in to the next segment with David as he goes into more detail about the social differences between the two major political parties.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Why it Matters which Party You Vote For.
Topic: Saving America Begins With You!
Discussed by David Christensen
with Family Research Council (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does it really matter what’s in the Party Platforms? David discusses a recent study by a Professor at SFA which reports on the Platforms from 1980 until 2004. Listen in as he reveals those results.

David also reviews voting records on abortion issues and the “bathroom laws”. Which Party votes in line with your moral values?

Can the President of the United States draft legislation for the House or Senate to review and vote on? This is a short, but very important, discussion. Listen in as David responds.

Will the Democrat Party be as transparent at the Republican Party when it comes to voting on and adopting their Platform?

David has been the Vice President of Government Affairs for the Family Research Council since 2013. Before coming to the FRC, he was Education Manager and Assistant Editor at the Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity. For more information on the Family Research Council, click here.

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July 27, 2016

Title: Why it Matters which Party You Vote For.
Topic: Saving America Begins With You!
Discussed by David Christensen
with Family Research Council (

Part 1 of 2

Whether you vote or not, the political party system in America affects your daily activities. This is why it is so important for Christians to vote for Biblical, moral principles. Don’t just vote one way because your mama and daddy did. Vote your conscience! Research the candidates and the party platforms.

David Christensen is here today to help us break down the differences between the two main political parties in America and why one is definitely based on Biblical values while the other is most definitely not.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How vast is the difference between the Democrat and Republican Party Platforms?

Is the Democrat Party the same Party from the early 1900’s? David Christensen points out that the Democrat Party has changed drastically over the past two decades – even the Clintons!

Tune in to the next segment with David as he goes into more detail about the social differences between the two major political parties.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Why it Matters which Party You Vote For.
Topic: Saving America Begins With You!
Discussed by David Christensen
with Family Research Council (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does it really matter what’s in the Party Platforms? David discusses a recent study by a Professor at SFA which reports on the Platforms from 1980 until 2004. Listen in as he reveals those results.

David also reviews voting records on abortion issues and the “bathroom laws”. Which Party votes in line with your moral values?

Can the President of the United States draft legislation for the House or Senate to review and vote on? This is a short, but very important, discussion. Listen in as David responds.

Will the Democrat Party be as transparent at the Republican Party when it comes to voting on and adopting their Platform?

David has been the Vice President of Government Affairs for the Family Research Council since 2013. Before coming to the FRC, he was Education Manager and Assistant Editor at the Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity. For more information on the Family Research Council, click here.

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February 25, 2010

Topic: Saving America Begins With You!
Discussed by David Christensen
with Family Research Council (

Saving America begins with you! “President Obama Care” and his gang on Capitol Hill must be stopped! David Christensen is the Director of Congressional Affairs with the Family Research Council. Learn more at

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