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May 1, 2018

Title: If You Believe in Christ You Can’t Adopt or do Foster Care
Topic: Adoption Not Allowed for Christians
Discussed by David Christensen
with Family Research Council (

Faith-based adoption and foster care providers are seeing threats by states and some localities. The Federal Government must not do the same, and Congress should make sure that the Federal Government does not punish or discriminate against adoption and foster care providers simply because they are faith-based.

Today, David Christensen offers more details about the blatant discrimination occurring and how the Child Welfare Provider Inclusion Act will help protect faith-based adoption agencies. David is the Vice President of Government Affairs at the Family Research Council.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How do a faith-based adoptions and foster care placements help society?

Is Federal money involved in adoption and foster care?

Why is there an organized push all across America to discriminate against the faith-based adoptions and foster care placements?

What is the Child Welfare Provider Inclusion Act? The House Bill 1881 is sponsored by Rep. Mike Kelly (R-Penn.) and the Senate Bill 811 is sponsored by Sen. Mike Enzi (R-Wyo).

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