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February 13, 2018

Title: Grading Congress
Topic: Congress
Discussed by David Christensen
with Family Research Council (

A record high 245 Members of Congress received a 100% rating of approval for the year of 2017 by the Family Research Council. David Christensen explains their decision in today’s segment…

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is meant by the “Frist Session of the 115th Congress”?

If a bill was not submitted or voted upon during the First Session, what happens to the bill in the Second Session?

What criteria did the FRC use to judge the Congress members?

How are some bills negotiated to receive enough votes to pass both chambers?

Why do some issues have higher numbers of approval than others?

How Democrats received a ZERO PERCENT approval rate?

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February 9, 2018

Title: Grading Congress
Topic: Congress
Discussed by David Christensen
with Family Research Council (

A record high 245 Members of Congress received a 100% rating of approval for the year of 2017 by the Family Research Council. David Christensen explains their decision in today’s segment…

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is meant by the “Frist Session of the 115th Congress”?

If a bill was not submitted or voted upon during the First Session, what happens to the bill in the Second Session?

What criteria did the FRC use to judge the Congress members?

How are some bills negotiated to receive enough votes to pass both chambers?

Why do some issues have higher numbers of approval than others?

How Democrats received a ZERO PERCENT approval rate?

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January 25, 2017

Title: Congress MUST Do Its Job
Topic: Congress
Discussed by Phil Kerpen
with American Commitment (

Washington is a textbook example of the broken regulatory process which is turning democracy upside-down. Congress must do its job! Pass good bills. Stop Bad Bills. And “REIN” in out-of-control bureaucrats.

Phil Kerpen is the President of American Commitment. He will be discussing the “REINS Act”, a simple legislation that has the potential to end a long-standing dereliction of duty by our elected officials in Congress. The REINS Act would put a stop to broad, vague laws that turn the power to make the country's important policy decisions over to unelected bureaucrats. NOTE: The REINS Act is currently tabled, but Phil holds onto the hope that it will be reintroduced in the future.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are unelected bureaucrats grinding business expansion into the ground? Listen in as Phil Kerpen explains the voting process. It will blow your mind.

Does Congress, our elected officials, pass the ball to unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats by passing bills which are vague? In return, do the bureaucrats (through the regulatory process) expand and balloon their power?

Phil says: “We have a broken process because we end up with laws on the books that are passed, not by the majority, but with a bare one-third minority, plus one that’s required.”

Is it time to ‘Sun-Set’ every branch of government and pass new laws limiting the power of each?

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July 12, 2016

Title: Congress MUST Do Its Job
Topic: Congress
Discussed by Phil Kerpen
with American Commitment (

Washington is a textbook example of the broken regulatory process which is turning democracy upside-down. Congress must do its job! Pass good bills. Stop Bad Bills. And “REIN” in out-of-control bureaucrats.

Phil Kerpen is the President of American Commitment. He will be discussing the “REINS Act”, a simple legislation that has the potential to end a long-standing dereliction of duty by our elected officials in Congress. The REINS Act would put a stop to broad, vague laws that turn the power to make the country's important policy decisions over to unelected bureaucrats. NOTE: The REINS Act is currently tabled, but Phil holds onto the hope that it will be reintroduced in the future.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are unelected bureaucrats grinding business expansion into the ground? Listen in as Phil Kerpen explains the voting process. It will blow your mind.

Does Congress, our elected officials, pass the ball to unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats by passing bills which are vague? In return, do the bureaucrats (through the regulatory process) expand and balloon their power?

Phil says: “We have a broken process because we end up with laws on the books that are passed, not by the majority, but with a bare one-third minority, plus one that’s required.”

Is it time to ‘Sun-Set’ every branch of government and pass new laws limiting the power of each?

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June 10, 2016

Title: Congress Should Just Stay Home
Topic: Congress
Discussed by David Bozell
with ForAmerica (

Let’s be honest: The people who work on Capitol Hill aren’t doing anything productive to help this country recover from the mess Obama and the left have created. In many ways, Republicans have aided in the destruction.

David Bozell is the President of ForAmerica. He was asked to write a column concerning the 114th Congress and what Conservative voters should be demanding of their elected representatives. However, he couldn’t conjure any good recommendations. He says, “What’s the point?

Questions/Issues Discussed:

I think we would all be better off if they took their staff and volunteered at a charity back home,” he says. Why does David believe Congress has been so ineffective over the last few years?

Who is Senator Orrin Hatch and what did he say that has David so bothered?

What role does Texas play concerning the Obama administration?

How much vacation time will our elected officials take before the November election? HINT: Their holiday weekends usually last 7-14 days.

How does David describe our elected Republican officials?

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November 12, 2015

Title: Another Day. Another Lie.
Topic: Congress
Discussed by Ed Martin
with Phyllis Schlafly Eagles (

Republicans are taking their cues from Pelosi. Get elected. Make a few good calls. Then lie, lie, lie – all while smiling so you can get more money to get re-elected. I, for one, am sick and tired of the RINOs in Congress waiting in the shadows until the last minute and then siding with the Democrats.

Ed Martin, President of Eagle Forum, is with us today to discuss the recent two-year budget plan that Congress, including Republicans, passed. There is a very dangerous aspect of the budget which has many hotter than a red pepper: President Obama now has an unlimited spending limit until he is out of office in 2016. “We should all be ashamed of our Congress and worried for our future,” Ed Martin says.

NOTE: Only TWO Republicans Congressmen from Texas voted against Obama’s new budget. In fact, only twenty-nine Republicans across the nation voted against it! Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. They’ve fooled us too many times. It’s time for them to go.

It is important to realize that, before Obama was elected President, Congress was historically able to pass a budget on time. Under the Obama reign, however, this has not happened. “It’s a mess but it is not surprising. Liberals are not truth-tellers,” Ed admonishes. “What is surprising is when Republicans fall into a similar trap.”

Listen in as Ed Martin explains what has been going on with the “Boehner-Obama Budget Deal” and why every single American taxpayer should be scared. It’s Obamacare all over again: No one knew what was in the budget! Good grief! Will they ever learn? Will we?

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July 26, 2012

Title: Congress' Mismanagement Has Led Post Office to Brink of Fiscal Disaster!
Topic: Congress
Discussed by Pete Sepp
with National Taxpayers Union (

Part 1 of 2

If "pro" is the opposite of "con", does that mean congress is the opposite of progress?

What is happening with the Post Office that is a disaster waiting to happen?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Congress
Discussed by Pete Sepp
with National Taxpayers Union (

What business in America has more retail outlets and retail locations than Starbucks, 7-11, McDonalds, and UPS combined?

Are labor costs eating up over 80% of their cash flow? Has the mail volume declined by greater than 20% since 2007?

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May 3, 2012

Title: Since "Pro" Is The Opposite of "Con", Progress Must Be The Opposite of Congress!
Topic: Congress
Discussed by Pete Sepp
with National Taxpayers Union (

Part 1 of 2

Special guest Pete Sepp answers:

Is "pro" the opposite of "con"? If so, Is progress the opposite of congress? Why is the best congress one that is adjourned, not one that is in session?

What is the problem with the domestic fuels act of 2012? Why would the NTU come out against a bill that would increase the use of ethanol by 50%?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Congress
Discussed by Pete Sepp
with National Taxpayers Union (

Is this bill essentially a shield for an industry against liability? Why do you sympathize with industry?

Why would congress limit liability when they are mandating the use of a product? What is the underlying issue?

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