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November 28, 2017

Title: The Price of Electricity in Texas vs California
Topic: Electricity: Reliable and Affordable
Discussed by Chuck DeVore
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Do you dread opening your electric bill each month, especially during those hot summer months? Be thankful if you live in Texas because we have some of the lowest energy costs in the United States!

Listen as Chuck DeVore, the Vice President of National Initiatives with the Texas Public Policy Foundation, discusses the varying rates in states and why Texans should pay close attention.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the price we pay for electricity the same in every state?

Why is the price difference between electricity in Texas and California so significant?

Does the price of electricity factor into business relocation decisions?

Which works best for consumers and businesses: capitalism or socialism/communism?

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August 26, 2011

Title: Obama Should Wave The White Flag And Surrender In His War Against Fossil Fuels
Topic: Electricity: Reliable and Affordable
Discussed by Tom Borelli
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

“In the wake of our current economic crisis, President Obama must surrender his war on fossil fuels by calling off the EPA’s harassment of the industry,” states Tom Borelli, Ph.D., Director of the National Center’s Free Enterprise Project.

Mr. Borelli continues, “In addition to harming today’s economy, the actions taken by the EPA will reduce our competitiveness and our national security.”

Are American families ready for more layoffs, higher electric bills and the real threat of brown-outs and black-outs for no real benefit in their health? We must all tell our elected officials, "Send EPA bureaucrats home NOT more American workers!"

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Title: President Obama Escalates His War on Fossil Fuels
Topic: Electricity: Reliable and Affordable
Discussed by Tom Borelli
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

Part 1 of 2 of a Best of Interview

Prior to his election in 2008, did Candidate Obama state what he would do to the price of electricity across America?  Did Americans listen?

With many families already struggling to just make ends meet, it’s shocking that Obama is advancing regulations that will add additional financial burdens to strained budgets of hardworking Americans.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 of a Best of Interview
Topic: Electricity: Reliable and Affordable
Discussed by Tom Borelli
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

Obama’s war on fossil fuels is a war against hardworking American families. It’s tragic that the president is siding with the desires of the social and environmental elite over the needs of American families who can least afford to pay higher energy prices.

Ironically, the Americans who are hurt the most by rising energy prices are the poor and those on fixed-incomes. Obama is responsible for waging environmental class warfare against low and fixed-income families while his fellow elites remain unaffected.

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July 14, 2011

Title: Is the EPA the Road Block to Job Growth and Economic Recovery? And If So, What Should Congress Do?
Topic: Electricity: Reliable and Affordable
Discussed by Mike Carey
with American Council for Affordable and Reliable Energy (

Since January, the EPA has been implementing an entire suite of green-house regulations intended to make it painfully expensive for utilities to continue burning coal for electricity generation.

Mr. Carey explains how much electricity is produced by using coal as the boiling fuel for steam powered generators. He further reminds our audience how President Obama as a candidate explained that he would not mind bankrupting the electric utilities that burn coal.

Without affordable and reliable electricity, consumers are hurting along with businesses that are discouraged from expanding or building new facilities.

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Title: President Obama Escalates His War on Fossil Fuels
Topic: Electricity: Reliable and Affordable
Discussed by Tom Borelli
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

Part 1 of 2

Prior to his election in 2008, did Candidate Obama state what he would do to the price of electricity across America? Did Americans listen?

With many families already struggling to just make ends meet, it’s shocking that Obama is advancing regulations that will add additional financial burdens to strained budgets of hardworking Americans.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Electricity: Reliable and Affordable
Discussed by Tom Borelli
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

Obama’s war on fossil fuels is a war against hardworking American families. It’s tragic that the president is siding with the desires of the social and environmental elite over the needs of American families who can least afford to pay higher energy prices.

Ironically, the Americans who are hurt the most by rising energy prices are the poor and those on fixed-incomes. Obama is responsible for waging environmental class warfare against low and fixed-income families while his fellow elites remain unaffected.

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November 20, 2008

Topic: Electricity: Reliable and Affordable
Discussed by Bill Peacock
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Mayor Bill White advocated for “smart meters”. What is a “smart meter”? Guest Bill Peacock explains this and other hot electricity issues. Log onto for more.

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January 10, 2008

Title: Will Texans Have Enough Electricity in 2015?
Topic: Electricity: Reliable and Affordable
Discussed by Andrew Kleit
with Independent Institute

Will Texans face rolling blackouts in the future unless more power plants are built? And if Texas allows new plants to be built, should they use oil, natural gas, coal or some other boiler fuel? For more log onto

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Title: Should the electric industry be totally deregulated?
Topic: Electricity: Reliable and Affordable
Discussed by Andrew Kleit
with Independent Institute

Is it time to totally deregulate the electric industry in America? If so, why and what affect will this have on the price and reliability of electricity? For more log onto

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Title: How can we reduce or eliminate the threat of electric blackouts?
Topic: Electricity: Reliable and Affordable
Discussed by Andrew Kleit
with Independent Institute

Remember the winter of ’83 when the extreme cold weather caused HL&P to have rolling blackouts? Where did you go to stay warm? Must Texas build more power plants? For more log onto

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September 28, 2006

Topic: Electricity: Reliable and Affordable
Discussed by Bill Lauderback
with The American Conservative Union

Experts agree that the population in Texas will increase by 6 million people over the next 10 years! Bill Lauderback, with the American Conservative Union, discusses this shocking reality. Also, within 18 months, Texas will be maxed out on electrical generator capacity. Then, why is Mayor White against building more generator plants?

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