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September 9, 2014

Title: The Big Economic Engine Called Texas
Topic: Economic Growth
Discussed by Dr. Vance Ginn
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 3

Texas has a secret. But it is not a secret we want to keep to ourselves. We want to share it with the whole nation – the whole world!  From March to June, Texas added a tremendous amount of new, non-farm jobs.  So, what’s our secret?

Plain and simple: Reliable, inexpensive energy.  There aren’t any environmentalists telling us to stop.  There aren’t any unions putting regulations on everything. Why not?  Are they afraid?  Or do they just know we won’t be bullied?

The exploration for more fossil fuels is propelling the economy throughout Texas, boosting the well-being for many, many Texans.  Without abundant, reliable, inexpensive energy, Dr. Vance Ginn says hundreds of thousands of Texans would be waiting in the unemployment line.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - The Big Economic Engine Called Texas
Topic: Economic Growth
Discussed by Dr. Vance Ginn
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

It is vital that our leaders in Texas remain faithful to the growth of our great state. Our leaders are the people who allow the jobs to come to Texas. Our leaders have the power to increase or decrease regulations and taxes on businesses. Our leaders must stay on top of spending and placing limits on inflation.

To ensure that Texas remains the top state in the nation, VOTE this November – and take someone with you! Take TEN people with you!

Also discussed in this segment is “zero-based budgeting”. If you don’t know what that is (like millions of others!), listen in as Dr. Ginn gives an excellent, Aggie-approved explanation.

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - The Big Economic Engine Called Texas
Topic: Economic Growth
Discussed by Dr. Vance Ginn
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

In this final segment with economist Dr. Vance Ginn, he completes his explanation of “zero-based budgeting”. In a nutshell, this is how elected officials decide how much and where to spend tax-payer money. What is working? What is not working?

Surprisingly, there are groups and organizations that do not want zero-based budgeting in Texas! Crazy, right?! Who could possibly be OPPOSED to saving money and boosting the economy?

A great resource the Texas Public Policy offers for public review is the “The Conservative Texas Budget”. Dr. Ginn says it’s all about prioritizing. We do it with our family budgets; it’s high time our government does the same.

You can find more about this and other issues effecting Texas at

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February 6, 2013

Title: America Needs a New Jobs Council Headed by the NFIB
Topic: Economic Growth
Discussed by Holly Wade
with National Federation of Independent Business (

The last 4 years have been extremely tough on American families and businesses alike, especially small businesses.

Holly Wade, a Senior Policy Analyst with NFIB, takes a look at what we can expect to see over the next 6 months or so. Most small businesses (80%) did not add new employees in the latter part of 2012. And quite a few small business owners couldn’t fill positions they had open! Now that Obama has disbanded his Jobs Council, which didn’t accomplish much to begin with, what’s the next step?

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May 13, 2010

Title: Segment 2: Creating Jobs: How does Texas Rank as a State Segment 1 of 2
Topic: Economic Growth
Discussed by Bill Peacock
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Is Texas creating Jobs? What about Houston and South East Texas? For more information log on to

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Title: Segment 3: Creating Jobs: How does Texas Rank as a State Segment 2 of 2
Topic: Economic Growth
Discussed by Bill Peacock
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Is Texas creating Jobs? What about Houston and South East Texas? For more information log on to

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May 13, 2004

Title: How does Texas Rank as a State Segment 1 of 2
Topic: Economic Growth
Discussed by Bill Peacock
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Is Texas creating Jobs? What about Houston and South East Texas? For more information log on to

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