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February 6, 2013

Title: America Needs a New Jobs Council Headed by the NFIB
Topic: Economic Growth
Discussed by Holly Wade
with National Federation of Independent Business (

The last 4 years have been extremely tough on American families and businesses alike, especially small businesses.

Holly Wade, a Senior Policy Analyst with NFIB, takes a look at what we can expect to see over the next 6 months or so. Most small businesses (80%) did not add new employees in the latter part of 2012. And quite a few small business owners couldn’t fill positions they had open! Now that Obama has disbanded his Jobs Council, which didn’t accomplish much to begin with, what’s the next step?

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October 10, 2012

Title: Is America Creating Jobs and Putting More People Back To Work?
Topic: Job Creation
Discussed by Holly Wade
with National Federation of Independent Business (

How many hundreds of thousands of small businesses belong to NFIB? What kind of questions do you ask them every month? How long has NFIB been doing this? Are these scientific surveys?

Do you believe that your snapshots represents the economy as a whole? Do you know of any huge manufacturing arm that is actually hiring?

Is it still true that upwards of 80% of new jobs in America each month are created by small business firms? Can you define a "small business" for our listeners?

Holly Wade serves as an expert in providing in-depth research and analysis on small business policy issues including health insurance and international trade. In addition, she produces the monthly Small Business Economic Trends survey with NFIB's chief economist and other policy related surveys of small business owners.

The National Federation of Independent Business is the leading small business association representing small and independent businesses. A nonprofit, nonpartisan organization founded in 1943, NFIB represents the consensus views of its members in Washington and all 50 State capitals. NFIB’s mission is to promote and protect the right of its members to own, operate and grow their businesses.

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February 8, 2012

Title: If Jobs Are Being Created, WHERE ARE THEY? Is this a game of Hide and Seek, or Is It All Just In Someone's Head?
Topic: Employment
Discussed by Holly Wade
with National Federation of Independent Business (

Part 1 of 2

Special guest Holly Wade answers:

If there is a drop in the employment rate, then why aren't there more jobs being created? Are enough jobs being created to rev-up the economy?

Some are saying up to a million plus unemployed workers have simply given up, and since they aren't looking, they appear to be employed - is that just a numbers game?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Employment
Discussed by Holly Wade
with National Federation of Independent Business (

What percent of business in January said that they hired at least one employee?  Were there very many?

Did a number of your small business owners that responded to your monthly survey ever state that they had a job opening but could not find a qualified applicant?

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