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December 15, 2011

Title: For every action, there is a reaction - is the West already at war with Iran?
Topic: Iran
Discussed by Joel Rosenberg
with Joel Rosenberg (

Part 1 of 2

Is the West carrying out a covert war against Iran?

Is Iran retaliating? What will come next?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Iran
Discussed by Joel Rosenberg
with Joel Rosenberg (

What is the Tehran Initiative?

Will economic sanctions work against Iran? Who will use their military might - the USA or Israel? Who has the most to lose?

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November 9, 2011

Title: What is going on in Israel? Will they nuke Iran?
Topic: Israel vs. Iran
Discussed by Joel Rosenberg
with Joel Rosenberg (

Part 1 of 2

Is Iran getting close to building nuclear warheads?

Should the international community allow Iran to have nuclear weapons?

In the Middle East, do words spoken in public and in private mean something to their adversaries and allies? Recently, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu spoke to the Knesset about the Iran threat, do you agree with his assessment?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Israel vs. Iran
Discussed by Joel Rosenberg
with Joel Rosenberg (

Has former Vice President Dick Cheney speculated about an Israeli first strike?

Is the Obama administration publicly pressuring Israel not to hit first?

Should America allow the jihadist terrorists to acquire weapons of mass destruction and use them on our soil against Americans first, or would the majority of Americans demand that the NEXT president take a stand?

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