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March 26, 2012

Title: Lions, Red Bulls & Monsters, OH MY! Can Energy Drinks Lead to Sudden Cardiac DEATH?
Topic: Healthy Habits
Discussed by Dr. Ramin Manshadi

Part 1 of 2

Special guest Dr. Ramin Manshadi answers:

What drinks are the fastest growing sector of this country's beverage market? How many teens are consuming them daily?

Are they so appealing because they have been heavily advertised and endorsed by big athletes?

Energy drinks are marketed as desirable and full of health benefits - true or false?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Healthy Habits
Discussed by Dr. Ramin Manshadi

Why should energy drinks have safety warnings on them? How much caffeine can be found in energy drinks?

What negative effects can energy drink usage lead to? What should parents, coaches and physicians do about it?

What are some tips for kids with a penchant for these super sweet substances? Where can our listeners purchase your book?

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February 17, 2012

Title: The 4 Step System For Conquering Professional and Personal Crises!
Topic: Healthy Habits
Discussed by Jim Moorhead
with Jim Moorhead (

Part 1 of 4

Special guest Jim Moorhead answers:

What is the number one mistake made when first facing a crisis?

Tell us about the first step: what is the problem?

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Title: Part 2 of 4
Topic: Healthy Habits
Discussed by Jim Moorhead
with Jim Moorhead (

Why should companies want to train their employees to move past the upheavals in their lives?

Tell us about the second step: Why do I have to start right now to solve it?

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Title: Part 3 of 4
Topic: Healthy Habits
Discussed by Jim Moorhead
with Jim Moorhead (

Tell us about your own personal story of surviving through crisis, from political defeat to career struggles.

Tell us about the third step: Who can help me?

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Title: Part 4 of 4
Topic: Healthy Habits
Discussed by Jim Moorhead
with Jim Moorhead (

Give us your commentary on today's top crisis, 2012 elections to economic struggles.

Tell us about the fourth step: What's the one step I can take right now on the path toward a solution?

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January 18, 2012

Title: New Year’s Resolution: Couch Potato to Marathon Runner!
Topic: Healthy Habits
Discussed by Mark and Robin Simpson
with Mark and Robin Simpson (

Part 1 of 2

Was Mark a couch potato before you guys started wanting to run marathons? Were you?

Whether our listeners are couch potatoes or already runners, must we get off the couch to reduce our health care costs?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Healthy Habits
Discussed by Mark and Robin Simpson
with Mark and Robin Simpson (

What is your goal with Marathon Makeover for the American people?

When you are saying Marathon Runners, must they be running the whole time? Or can people walk?

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November 21, 2011

Title: Are you a Married Mom AND a Solo Parent? Tune in for words of hope and Inspiration that can change your life.
Topic: Healthy Habits
Discussed by Carla Anne Coroy
with Carla Anne Coroy (

Part 1 of 4

Special guest Carla Anne Coroy answers:

How does your book Married Mom, Solo Parent, differ from other parenting resources available for mothers in the bookstore?  Is there life after being a solo mom?

Does this book only apply to married women who are “single mothers”, or can single MEN or women who are single or married with or without kids also glean something from its pages?

Does your book solely focus on the situation at hand, or more well rounded in that it teaches women how to talk to God, or but also how to be a better parent, friend, husband, wife, daughter?

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Title: Part 2 of 4
Topic: Healthy Habits
Discussed by Carla Anne Coroy
with Carla Anne Coroy (

Special guest Carla Anne Coroy answers:

What is a Martyr Mom versus a Servant Mom, what is the difference?  How do we know if you are a Martyr Mom?  How to protect ourselves from become Martyr Moms?

From your own experience as a Married Single Mom, how do you overcome loneliness, insecurity, and anger?  How do you raise kids to honor a father who is not around?

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Title: Part 3 of 4
Topic: Healthy Habits
Discussed by Carla Anne Coroy
with Carla Anne Coroy (

Tell us about the benefits and “The Challenge” of being a solo parent you write about in Married Mom, Solo Parent.

Why is it not okay if our children become our “social network” when we are dealing with loneliness? What should we do when we find ourselves in a group of friends who speak negatively about their husbands etc?

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Title: Part 4 of 4
Topic: Healthy Habits
Discussed by Carla Anne Coroy
with Carla Anne Coroy (

Special guest Carla Anne Coroy answers:

In your book, you said when we make a point to connect with God, to “RPO”?  What does that mean and why?

How young can children start doing chores?  Why must contribute while still young?

Tell us more about the free downloadable companion resources available on your website - can Married Mom, Solo Parent be studied by a small group?

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November 14, 2011

Title: Seasons are changing --- From my backside to marching outside.
Topic: Healthy Habits
Discussed by Dr. Ron McDonald
with Forty Days to Better Living

Part 1 of 2

As the days get shorter, is it important that we stop being couch potatoes and get outside? Does the amount of sunlight affect our moods? Do we get depressed in the wintertime?

While we are watching our moods and our loved ones' moods, should we also watch what we eat? Do we really crave a bunch of carbs?

Do you suggest, especially in the winter time, that we try to make more vegetable heavy foods like soups versus meat based foods?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Healthy Habits
Discussed by Dr. Ron McDonald
with Forty Days to Better Living

As the days get shorter, how important is it to get outside and get moving for at least 15 minutes? What are the best medicines for depression?

What if we have loved ones who live by themselves, how do we encourage them? Do we talk to them on phone? It is up to us to take that responsibility?

Is the opposite of depression, expression? Would painting be helpful in combating depression?

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October 28, 2011

Title: Can you die from a broken heart?
Topic: Healthy Habits
Discussed by Dr. Leo Battenhausen
with Defeating Depression (

Bad things happen to good people, but are too many people “popping” depressants?

How many Americans suffer from depression in the U.S.?

Today, have we in American been so conditioned that all you’ve got to do is go take this pill, problem solved?

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October 27, 2011

Title: Can you die from a broken heart?
Topic: Healthy Habits
Discussed by Dr. Bradley Nelson
with For Information on Having a Broken Heart (

What is broken heart syndrome?

In any given situation, with practice, can you choose the emotion?

How do you prevent severe emotional stress from having an adverse effect on your health?

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February 11, 2010

Topic: Healthy Habits
Discussed by Julie Gunlock
with Independent Women’s Forum (

First Lady, Michelle Obama, recently announced that the government needed to become more actively involved in the solution to the growing number of obese children in America. But, why must the government be involved in everything? Can’t anything be left up to the parents? Log on to for more on this and other issues.

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