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November 21, 2011

Title: Are you a Married Mom AND a Solo Parent? Tune in for words of hope and Inspiration that can change your life.
Topic: Healthy Habits
Discussed by Carla Anne Coroy
with Carla Anne Coroy (

Part 1 of 4

Special guest Carla Anne Coroy answers:

How does your book Married Mom, Solo Parent, differ from other parenting resources available for mothers in the bookstore?  Is there life after being a solo mom?

Does this book only apply to married women who are “single mothers”, or can single MEN or women who are single or married with or without kids also glean something from its pages?

Does your book solely focus on the situation at hand, or more well rounded in that it teaches women how to talk to God, or but also how to be a better parent, friend, husband, wife, daughter?

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Title: Part 2 of 4
Topic: Healthy Habits
Discussed by Carla Anne Coroy
with Carla Anne Coroy (

Special guest Carla Anne Coroy answers:

What is a Martyr Mom versus a Servant Mom, what is the difference?  How do we know if you are a Martyr Mom?  How to protect ourselves from become Martyr Moms?

From your own experience as a Married Single Mom, how do you overcome loneliness, insecurity, and anger?  How do you raise kids to honor a father who is not around?

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Title: Part 3 of 4
Topic: Healthy Habits
Discussed by Carla Anne Coroy
with Carla Anne Coroy (

Tell us about the benefits and “The Challenge” of being a solo parent you write about in Married Mom, Solo Parent.

Why is it not okay if our children become our “social network” when we are dealing with loneliness? What should we do when we find ourselves in a group of friends who speak negatively about their husbands etc?

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Title: Part 4 of 4
Topic: Healthy Habits
Discussed by Carla Anne Coroy
with Carla Anne Coroy (

Special guest Carla Anne Coroy answers:

In your book, you said when we make a point to connect with God, to “RPO”?  What does that mean and why?

How young can children start doing chores?  Why must contribute while still young?

Tell us more about the free downloadable companion resources available on your website - can Married Mom, Solo Parent be studied by a small group?

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