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August 11, 2023

Title: Is God Calling You to Homeschool?
Topic: Homeschooling
Discussed by Tim Lambert
with Texas Homeschool Coalition (

The fundamental, God-given right of parents to raise their children as they see fit is the foundational basis of their right to homeschool their children.

Tim Lambert is the President of the Texas Homeschool Coalition. Tim is committed to protecting a parents’ right to choose the method of education for their children. He says: “Parents, not institutions, should make decisions for children, including how and where they are educated.”

Click here for more information about the Texas Homeschool Coalition.

Questions/Issues Discussed

Has God called parents to train children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord?

What did former Texas Attorney General Jim Maddox believe about homeschooling? Listen close! This is outrageous! Tim Lambert also discusses what the Texas Supreme Court ruled in the case Leeper vs Arlington ISD.

Why has the number of home-educated students increased over the past couple of years?

Has homeschooling exploded in the black community? Tim Lamber discusses Kirk Cameron’s new documentary “The Homeschool Awakening and MSNBC’s condemning remarks about the documentary and homeschooling in general, claiming that homeschooling is “racist”.

Does homeschooling adequately prepare students for college, vo-tech, or to enter the real world of work? Are homeschoolers “anti-social”?

Is it too late to think and plan about homeschooling this fall? SHORT ANSWER: No! Click on the link above for more information about homeschooling in Texas.

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June 16, 2022

Title: Is God Calling You to Homeschool?
Topic: Homeschooling
Discussed by Tim Lambert
with Texas Homeschool Coalition (

The fundamental, God-given right of parents to raise their children as they see fit is the foundational basis of their right to homeschool their children.

Tim Lambert is the President of the Texas Homeschool Coalition. Tim is committed to protecting a parents’ right to choose the method of education for their children. He says: “Parents, not institutions, should make decisions for children, including how and where they are educated.”

Click here for more information about the Texas Homeschool Coalition.

Questions/Issues Discussed

Has God called parents to train children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord?

What did former Texas Attorney General Jim Maddox believe about homeschooling? Listen close! This is outrageous! Tim Lambert also discusses what the Texas Supreme Court ruled in the case Leeper vs Arlington ISD.

Why has the number of home-educated students increased over the past couple of years?

Has homeschooling exploded in the black community? Tim Lamber discusses Kirk Cameron’s new documentary “The Homeschool Awakening and MSNBC’s condemning remarks about the documentary and homeschooling in general, claiming that homeschooling is “racist”.

Does homeschooling adequately prepare students for college, vo-tech, or to enter the real world of work? Are homeschoolers “anti-social”?

Is it too late to think and plan about homeschooling this fall? SHORT ANSWER: No! Click on the link above for more information about homeschooling in Texas.

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May 15, 2020

Title: Home Educating Now and in the Future
Topic: Homeschooling
Discussed by Tim Lambert
with Texas Homeschool Coalition (

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo recently tweeted: “The risk to children is NOT from home schooling. The risk is from radical leftist scholars seeking to impose THEIR values on OUR children.

Tim Lambert is the President of the Texas Home School Coalition. Today, he discusses the general attitude people around the country have toward home schooling during the Coronavirus.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How many children across America have now experience schooling from home because of COVID-19?

Tim Lambert talks about their newest initiative: Coronavirus Home Schooling. Can all home schooling parents, from the novice to the experienced pro, benefit from the “tips and tricks”?

Has the THSC received many stories of students thriving during this difficult time? Does this lend credibility to the idea that many families may choose to continue home schooling?

Has there been a huge backlash against Harvard University’s push to ban home schooling?

Does the Supreme Court of the United States give every parent the right to home school their child?

If you are contemplating home schooling your child in the fall, Tim Lambert offers some advice. You can click here  for more details.

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March 19, 2020

Title: Yes, You CAN Homeschool Your Kids!
Topic: Homeschooling
Discussed by Tim Lambert
with Texas Homeschool Coalition (

If your school district has not already closed its door indefinitely, it will soon. That means YOU, the parent, will more than likely be responsible for your child’s education for the foreseeable future.

Tim Lambert is the President of the Texas Home School Coalition. He says you CAN do this!

Click here  for information about curriculum from the THSC.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is it legal to homeschool in Texas?

With public and private schools closed because of the Coronavirus, could parents decide right now to homeschool for the remainder of the academic school year? Tim says ABSOLUTELY!

NOTE: Later in this segment, Tim discusses the necessary steps parents in TEXAS must take if they continue to homeschool once the quarantine is over.

How can they quickly obtain curriculum?

What are the required subjects? The Texas legal requirements are: reading, spelling, grammar, math, and good citizenship. Easy peasy!

Could parents pool their talents, abilities, and interest and team teach? Tim suggest Googling “free online homeschool” for a plethora of good resources.

Do parents have more flexibility with homeschooling than other forms of education?

What must parents in TEXAS do if they decide to homeschool their kids when/if the quarantine is lifted? The “Letter of Withdrawal” can be found here.

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June 4, 2018

Title: Do Families Have the Right to Homeschool?
Topic: Homeschooling
Discussed by Tim Lambert
with Texas Homeschool Coalition (

Since the modern era of homeschooling, debate has raged between two opposing groups – those who believe that families should have the freedom to homeschool their children without interference and those who call for more oversight and regulation.

In Texas, families value the right to direct the care, control, and upbringing (including the education) of their children, contributing to successful and responsible future generations.

Listen in as Texas Homeschool Coalition President Tim Lambert offers more insight on this issue and how future decisions could affect your family.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

In Texas, some are pushing for more restrictions, regulations, and oversight on families that choose to homeschool their children. What arguments do they bring to the table?

Are homeschooled children more likely to be abused/neglected than children in public or private school? Are there studies that prove this to be untrue?

Do colleges actively recruit homeschooled students?

What are the current restrictions/requirements placed homeschool families?

Are there plenty of free or inexpensive resources available for families to use that adhere to the state requirements concerning homeschooling?

To learn more about homeschooling, click here.

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April 30, 2018

Title: Do Families Have the Right to Homeschool?
Topic: Homeschooling
Discussed by Tim Lambert
with Texas Homeschool Coalition (

Since the modern era of homeschooling, debate has raged between two opposing groups – those who believe that families should have the freedom to homeschool their children without interference and those who call for more oversight and regulation.

In Texas, families value the right to direct the care, control, and upbringing (including the education) of their children, contributing to successful and responsible future generations.

Listen in as Texas Homeschool Coalition President Tim Lambert offers more insight on this issue and how future decisions could affect your family.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

In Texas, some are pushing for more restrictions, regulations, and oversight on families that choose to homeschool their children. What arguments do they bring to the table?

Are homeschooled children more likely to be abused/neglected than children in public or private school? Are there studies that prove this to be untrue?

Do colleges actively recruit homeschooled students?

What are the current restrictions/requirements placed homeschool families?

Are there plenty of free or inexpensive resources available for families to use that adhere to the state requirements concerning homeschooling?

To learn more about homeschooling, click here.

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November 4, 2016

Title: Homeschool and Education Savings Accounts
Topic: Education Savings Accounts
Discussed by Tim Lambert
with Texas Homeschool Coalition (

Part 1 of 3

The government controls the educational funding paid by every Texas family. Parents of more than 600,000 students in Texas are paying twice for their kids’ education and others are stuck without options.

Tim Lambert, President of the Texas Homes School, believes that Texas is on the right track to give parents more choice – and more money – through Education Savings Accounts.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is it time for parents to truly control their children’s education opportunities?

What are Education Savings Accounts?

Has anyone proposed a bill for ESA’s?

What are the downsides to school choice and ESA’s?

What is the Texas Homeschool Coalition’s position on ESA’s?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Homeschool and Education Savings Accounts
Topic: Education Savings Accounts
Discussed by Tim Lambert
with Texas Homeschool Coalition (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who opposes ESA’s and why?

In Texas, parents have the right to homeschool their children. What are some of the requirements to do so? Listen in as Tim Lambert explains the battle which transpired years ago and how parents won.

How much money do public schools spend on non-educational materials?

Could the Texas Legislature change the law at any time and require homeschool parents to use state-approved curriculum and testing guidelines?

How often do Democrats files legislation which would place restrictions on homeschool families?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Homeschool and Education Savings Accounts
Topic: Education Savings Accounts
Discussed by Tim Lambert
with Texas Homeschool Coalition (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is the Tim Tebow Bill?

Does the bill just include sports or other activities, as well?

Who opposes the Tim Tebow Bill?

For more information on ESA’s and the Tim Tebow Bill, click here.

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February 26, 2010

Topic: Elections
Discussed by Tim Lambert
with Texas Homeschool Coalition (

Tim Lambert, with the Texas Home School Coalition PAC, has endorsed candidate Rick Green for Texas Supreme Court, Place 3. Who will you vote for? Google Texas Home School Coalition PAC to find a complete list of endorsements.

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July 24, 2009

Title: HOME SCHOOLING - HOW AND WHY? Part 1 of 3
Topic: Homeschooling
Discussed by Tim Lambert
with Texas Homeschool Coalition (

Come join the Texas Home School Coalition on Thursday, August 6, from 5-7 at the Woodlands Waterway Marriot (by the Woodlands Mall) for their annual home school conference. The Thursday night event is FREE! Governor Perry will even make an appearance! There will be other events on Friday and Saturday. If you’ve never home schooled before, then you need to attend the FREE Thursday night event. Log on to for all the registration information.

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Title: HOME SCHOOLING - HOW AND WHY? Part 2 of 3
Topic: Homeschooling
Discussed by Tim Lambert
with Texas Homeschool Coalition (

In this second segment today with Tim Lambert, the President of the Texas Home School Coalition, he discusses some of the legal aspects of home schooling in the state of Texas. For example, if your children have been attending a public school, who do you need to notify that your child will be home schooled?

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Title: HOME SCHOOLING - HOW AND WHY? Part 3 of 3
Topic: Homeschooling
Discussed by Tim Lambert
with Texas Homeschool Coalition (

Is it expensive to home school? What guidelines must be followed when home schooling? What subjects must be taught? Who are some of the presenters at the THSC Conference on August 6-8? What kind of exhibitors will be there?

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July 15, 2009

Topic: Homeschooling
Discussed by Tim Lambert
with Texas Homeschool Coalition (

How many students are home educated in Texas? What about in America? The answer might shock you! Tim Lambert is the President of the Texas Home School Coalition. Log on to for more info on home education.

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Topic: Homeschooling
Discussed by Tim Lambert
with Texas Homeschool Coalition (

What opportunities are available to home educated students when they graduate? Do they have a hard time getting accepted into a good college? Log on to for more info on home education.

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Topic: Homeschooling
Discussed by Tim Lambert
with Texas Homeschool Coalition (

What must be done before you home school? Who do you have to contact? Attend the upcoming Texas Home School Coalition Conference in the Woodlands on August 6-8 to learn more!

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July 13, 2009

Topic: Homeschooling
Discussed by Tim Lambert
with Texas Homeschool Coalition (

How many students are home educated in Texas? What about in America? The answer might shock you! Tim Lambert is the President of the Texas Home School Coalition. Log on to for more info on home education.

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Topic: Homeschooling
Discussed by Tim Lambert
with Texas Homeschool Coalition (

What opportunities are available to home educated students when they graduate? Do they have a hard time getting accepted into a good college? Log on to for more info on home education.

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Topic: Homeschooling
Discussed by Tim Lambert
with Texas Homeschool Coalition (

What must be done before you home school? Who do you have to contact? Attend the upcoming Texas Home School Coalition Conference in The Woodlands on August 6-8 to learn more!

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June 11, 2009

Topic: CPS Abuse
Discussed by Tim Lambert
with Texas Homeschool Coalition (

SB 1440 has received criticism from both Conservatives and Liberals. SB 1440 would essentially take away all parental rights during a CPS investigation and give caseworkers and judges authority to investigate all child neglect and abuse cases - without notifying the parent or a court hearing! Stop this abuse by CPS now! Call Governor Perry’s Citizen Opinion Hotline TOLL FREE at 800.252.9600 and ask Governor Perry to VETO SB 1440. For up to date information on SB 1440 and other issues, log on to

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March 10, 2008

Title: Is it legal and OK to home school in Texas?
Topic: Homeschooling
Discussed by Tim Lambert
with Texas Homeschool Coalition (

In light of the California Judicial ruling “against” the free right to choose to home school your children, Tim Lambert, founder and President of the Texas Home School Coalition discusses our rights in Texas.

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August 3, 2007

Title: Is home schooling legal? How do I start? Why home school anyway? Part One of Four
Topic: Homeschooling
Discussed by Tim Lambert
with Texas Homeschool Coalition (

The Texas Home School Coalition is hosting their 7th Annual State Convention and Family Conference August 16-18 at the Woodlands Waterway Marriott. Log onto for all the details

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Title: Is home schooling legal? How do I start? Why home school anyway? Part Two of Four
Topic: Homeschooling
Discussed by Tim Lambert
with Texas Homeschool Coalition (

The Texas Home School Coalition is hosting their 7th Annual State Convention and Family Conference August 16-18 at the Woodlands Waterway Marriott. Log onto for all the details

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Title: Is home schooling legal? How do I start? Why home school anyway? Part Three of Four
Topic: Homeschooling
Discussed by Tim Lambert
with Texas Homeschool Coalition (

The Texas Home School Coalition is hosting their 7th Annual State Convention and Family Conference August 16-18 at the Woodlands Waterway Marriott. Log onto for all the details

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Title: Is home schooling legal? How do I start? Why home school anyway? Part Four of Four
Topic: Homeschooling
Discussed by Tim Lambert
with Texas Homeschool Coalition (

The Texas Home School Coalition is hosting their 7th Annual State Convention and Family Conference August 16-18 at the Woodlands Waterway Marriott. Log onto for all the details

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July 25, 2007

Title: Is home schooling legal? How do I start? Why home school anyway? Part One of Four
Topic: Homeschooling
Discussed by Tim Lambert
with Texas Homeschool Coalition (

The Texas Home School Coalition is hosting their 7th Annual State Convention and Family Conference August 16-18 at the Woodlands Waterway Marriott. Log onto for all the details

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Title: Is home schooling legal? How do I start? Why home school anyway? Part Two of Four
Topic: Homeschooling
Discussed by Tim Lambert
with Texas Homeschool Coalition (

The Texas Home School Coalition is hosting their 7th Annual State Convention and Family Conference August 16-18 at the Woodlands Waterway Marriott. Log onto for all the details

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Title: Is home schooling legal? How do I start? Why home school anyway? Part Three of Four
Topic: Homeschooling
Discussed by Tim Lambert
with Texas Homeschool Coalition (

The Texas Home School Coalition is hosting their 7th Annual State Convention and Family Conference August 16-18 at the Woodlands Waterway Marriott. Log onto for all the details

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Title: Is home schooling legal? How do I start? Why home school anyway? Part Four of Four
Topic: Homeschooling
Discussed by Tim Lambert
with Texas Homeschool Coalition (

The Texas Home School Coalition is hosting their 7th Annual State Convention and Family Conference August 16-18 at the Woodlands Waterway Marriott. Log onto for all the details

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July 19, 2007

Title: Is home schooling legal? How do I start? Why home school anyway? Part One of Four
Topic: Homeschooling
Discussed by Tim Lambert
with Texas Homeschool Coalition (

The Texas Home School Coalition is hosting their 7th Annual State Convention and Family Conference August 16-18 at the Woodlands Waterway Marriott. Log onto for all the details

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Title: Is home schooling legal? How do I start? Why home school anyway? Part Two of Four
Topic: Homeschooling
Discussed by Tim Lambert
with Texas Homeschool Coalition (

The Texas Home School Coalition is hosting their 7th Annual State Convention and Family Conference August 16-18 at the Woodlands Waterway Marriott. Log onto for all the details

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Title: Is home schooling legal? How do I start? Why home school anyway? Part Three of Four
Topic: Homeschooling
Discussed by Tim Lambert
with Texas Homeschool Coalition (

The Texas Home School Coalition is hosting their 7th Annual State Convention and Family Conference August 16-18 at the Woodlands Waterway Marriott. Log onto for all the details

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Title: Is home schooling legal? How do I start? Why home school anyway? Part Four of Four
Topic: Homeschooling
Discussed by Tim Lambert
with Texas Homeschool Coalition (

The Texas Home School Coalition is hosting their 7th Annual State Convention and Family Conference August 16-18 at the Woodlands Waterway Marriott. Log onto for all the details

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May 2, 2007

Topic: Driver's Education
Discussed by Tim Lambert
with Texas Homeschool Coalition (

Are students who are taught Driver's Education by their parents a danger to you and your family? Is the manual used by the state an inadequate tool for parents to use? Log onto for information on this and other issues.

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