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August 26, 2016

Title: Race Relations Perspective
Topic: All Lives Matter
Discussed by Rebecca Theodore
with Rebecca Theodore

Why has black angst weaponized into the slogan, “Black Lives Matter,” and its converse, “Other Lives Don’t Matter–especially if they are policemen.” What began as a humane effort at drawing attention to the plight of victims of inner city injustice, has now been turbocharged into modern day lynchings.

Rebecca Theodore is a syndicated columnist, independent journalist, author, and public speaker based in Washington DC. She writes on trending topics of national security, politics, and human rights from a diplomatic perspective for the greatest benefit for all people.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is meant by “Black Lives Matter”? Is it used by those protesting what they saw as excessive police force?

Do blacks within their own communities only want a vigilante a group of blacks to be their enforcers? Or, do blacks want police officers who have been properly trained and have accountability?

Rebecca Theodore says, “We have some leaders whose only interest is coming into the black community only when there is a situation which they can use to capitalize upon.

Are race-relations better or worse after eight years of the Obama reign?

Don’t the black lives which are snuffed out nearly every day by other blacks in Chicago matter, too?

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August 2, 2016

Title: Race Relations Perspective
Topic: All Lives Matter
Discussed by Rebecca Theodore
with Rebecca Theodore

Why has black angst weaponized into the slogan, “Black Lives Matter,” and its converse, “Other Lives Don’t Matter–especially if they are policemen.” What began as a humane effort at drawing attention to the plight of victims of inner city injustice, has now been turbocharged into modern day lynchings.

Rebecca Theodore is a syndicated columnist, independent journalist, author, and public speaker based in Washington DC. She writes on trending topics of national security, politics, and human rights from a diplomatic perspective for the greatest benefit for all people.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is meant by “Black Lives Matter”? Is it used by those protesting what they saw as excessive police force?

Do blacks within their own communities only want a vigilante a group of blacks to be their enforcers? Or, do blacks want police officers who have been properly trained and have accountability?

Rebecca Theodore says, “We have some leaders whose only interest is coming into the black community only when there is a situation which they can use to capitalize upon.

Are race-relations better or worse after eight years of the Obama reign?

Don’t the black lives which are snuffed out nearly every day by other blacks in Chicago matter, too?

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