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January 26, 2024

Title: WHO Set to Take Control
Topic: World Health Organization
Discussed by Dr. Chris Gacek
with Family Research Council (

Are unelected bureaucrats set to rule over everyone through the World Health Organization’s Pandemic Preparedness Agreement?

Chris Gacek is a Senior Fellow at the Family Research Council. Today, Chris explains the details of the Pandemic Preparedness Agreement and how it will affect Americans.

Click here to read the press release from the Family Research Council about the Pandemic Preparedness Agreement.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the World Health Organization (WHO) under the United Nations umbrella?

In its current form, will the Pandemic Preparedness Agreement create new political arrangements that transfer power and decision-making from individual members to global institutions and sub-structures, run by non-elected bureaucrats?

Is WHO gaslighting us? Should we expect surprises if the Pandemic Preparedness Agreement is passed and signed?

Does the Pandemic Preparedness Agreement require the US Senate’s approval?

Click here to help support the Family Research Council.

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June 29, 2017

Title: Polluted Logic Harming Children Worldwide
Topic: World Health Organization
Discussed by Angela Logomasini
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

Part 1 of 2

The world has been getting wealthier in recent decades. That economic growth has enabled millions of people around the globe to rise out of poverty. However, the World Health Organization (WHO) seems determined to leave children behind all for the sake being politically correct.

Angela Logomasini is a Senior Fellow in Environmental Risk, Regulation, and Consumer Freedom at the Competitive Enterprise Institute. In addition to her work with CEI, Angela manages Safe Chemical Policy and is a Senior Fellow at Independent Women’s Forum.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has economic growth supported by free market policies helped people around the world to improve their health and their quality of life?

WHO recently released two reports indicating that pollution kills 1.7 million children per year. Is the problem pollution or poverty? Listen as Angela reveals how WHO and other environmentalists word their reports to make it appear pollution is the culprit.

How does clean water play a factor in this issue?

Do fossil fuels really a have a negative effect on people’s health?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Polluted Logic Harming Children Worldwide
Topic: World Health Organization
Discussed by Angela Logomasini
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

Listen as Angela compares established countries with laws that value property rights and equal rights for its citizens against countries that do not. She also discusses the Berlin Wall and the horrible economic conditions people were subjected to.

Have WHO and others depicted a skewed picture of industrialization?

Is there a hidden agenda underlying the sustainable growth policies advocated by the WHO reports? Do their reports contradict their stated goals of promoting children’s health?

You can read more from Angela here.

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May 31, 2017

Title: Polluted Logic Harming Children Worldwide
Topic: World Health Organization
Discussed by Angela Logomasini
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

Part 1 of 2

The world has been getting wealthier in recent decades. That economic growth has enabled millions of people around the globe to rise out of poverty. However, the World Health Organization (WHO) seems determined to leave children behind all for the sake being politically correct.

Angela Logomasini is a Senior Fellow in Environmental Risk, Regulation, and Consumer Freedom at the Competitive Enterprise Institute. In addition to her work with CEI, Angela manages Safe Chemical Policy and is a Senior Fellow at Independent Women’s Forum.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has economic growth supported by free market policies helped people around the world to improve their health and their quality of life?

WHO recently released two reports indicating that pollution kills 1.7 million children per year. Is the problem pollution or poverty? Listen as Angela reveals how WHO and other environmentalists word their reports to make it appear pollution is the culprit.

How does clean water play a factor in this issue?

Do fossil fuels really a have a negative effect on people’s health?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Polluted Logic Harming Children Worldwide
Topic: World Health Organization
Discussed by Angela Logomasini
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

Listen as Angela compares established countries with laws that value property rights and equal rights for its citizens against countries that do not. She also discusses the Berlin Wall and the horrible economic conditions people were subjected to.

Have WHO and others depicted a skewed picture of industrialization?

Is there a hidden agenda underlying the sustainable growth policies advocated by the WHO reports? Do their reports contradict their stated goals of promoting children’s health?

You can read more from Angela here.

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November 6, 2015

Title: What’s the Beef with Beef?
Topic: World Health Organization
Discussed by Jeff Stier
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

The World Health Organization (WHO) research department recently released a report stating processed meats cause cancer.  Jeff Steir, the National Center for Public Policy Research Risk Analysis Director, is here today to say “It’s okay to eat bacon!!” Praise the Lord!

More importantly, however, Jeff explains how WHO came to the conclusion that processed meats are carcinogens. The World Health Organization Cancer Agency alleges that for each 50 grams of processed meats eaten daily, consumers increase their chance of colorectal cancer by 18%. Not “any type” of cancer only colon cancer.  And this is not a certainty; it is just a “risk”.

Without this context, it is easy to pay attention to the '18%' number without understanding context. It's like saying that living near a NASA facility triples your chances of getting hit by an errant space ship. It may be true, but it doesn't mean much,” Jeff Stier says. Furthermore, a person would need to eat this 50 grams of processed meat every single day for their entire life to meet this 18% expectation. That is highly unlikely.

As per usual, the MSM didn’t bother to dig deeper into the facts and started screaming “Don’t eat bacon! It will kill you!” PETA was cheering and applauding the fact that meat caused cancer. Why would anyone be happy that another human being was diagnosed with cancer? Simply put, PETA loves animals more than their fellow citizen.

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November 14, 2006

Topic: World Health Organization
Discussed by Tom Schatz
with Citizens Against Government Waste  (

The World Health Organization, teaming with companies in India, plan to push drugs on the open market throughout the world. These drugs are not properly tested and are in violation of U.S. Patent Laws. Log onto for more.

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March 14, 2006

Title: Taxpayers Won't Get Fooled Again
Topic: World Health Organization
Discussed by Tom Schatz
with Citizens Against Government Waste  (

The World Health Organization, teaming with companies in India, plan to push drugs on the open market throughout the world. These drugs are not properly tested and are in violation of U.S. Patent Laws. Log onto for more.

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