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July 21, 2021

Title: Cuba: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
Topic: Cuba
Discussed by Orlando Sanchez
with Orlando Sanchez (

Orlando Sanchez, political activist and former Treasurer for Harris County, is from Cuba. Today, he shares a unique perspective on the country.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why did Orlando’s family flee Cuba?

Interesting Fact: Orlando’s father was hired in 1962 to be the voice of the Houston Colt 45’s, which later became the Houston Astros.

In Cuba today, is there freedom of worship, freedom of assembly, freedom of the press, and freedom of speech? Who is allowed the freedom to own property and accumulate wealth?

Instead of faulting the Communist/Socialist government in Cuba, many blame America for the poverty and lack of healthcare in Cuba. Do those blaming America deserve three Pinocchio’s?

Are people around the world fleeing their home countries in order to live in Cuba?

Has Communism/Socialism ever been successful?

In Orlando’s opinion, will Cubans ever be free from the bondage of Communism/Socialism?

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October 16, 2019

Title: Orlando Sanchez vs Self-Dealing Brown
Topic: Orlando Sanchez
Discussed by Orlando Sanchez
with Orlando Sanchez (

Scandal Alert: A local developer obtained a low interest, multi-million-dollar loan through the City’s Housing and Community Development Department using the proceeds to purchase Commerce Street property owned by Brown paying Brown over $5 million dollars for the property.

Orlando joins us today with more details on the developing scandal.

Orlando Sanchez is the former Harris County Treasurer and now a candidate for Houston City Controller. More information about Orlando Sanchez can found here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How did this happen?

As Controller, was Brown required to disclose that he was involved with this real estate deal? More importantly – that he would profit financially?

Did the City Council approve – on video – the request for this real estate deal, all the while NOT knowing of Brown’s personal interest in the property?

It appears the fox assigned to guard the hen house not only ate the eggs but the all the hens, then walked away with the ‘golden egg’. Brown has egg on his face: it is also being reported that Brown is now a 25% owner in the development.

What punishment/penalty is Chris Brown facing?

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October 15, 2019

Title: Orlando Sanchez vs Self-Dealing Brown
Topic: Orlando Sanchez
Discussed by Orlando Sanchez
with Orlando Sanchez (

Scandal Alert: A local developer obtained a low interest, multi-million-dollar loan through the City’s Housing and Community Development Department using the proceeds to purchase Commerce Street property owned by Brown paying Brown over $5 million dollars for the property.

Orlando joins us today with more details on the developing scandal.

Orlando Sanchez is the former Harris County Treasurer and now a candidate for Houston City Controller. More information about Orlando Sanchez can found here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How did this happen?

As Controller, was Brown required to disclose that he was involved with this real estate deal? More importantly – that he would profit financially?

Did the City Council approve – on video – the request for this real estate deal, all the while NOT knowing of Brown’s personal interest in the property?

It appears the fox assigned to guard the hen house not only ate the eggs but the all the hens, then walked away with the ‘golden egg’. Brown has egg on his face: it is also being reported that Brown is now a 25% owner in the development.

What punishment/penalty is Chris Brown facing?

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October 27, 2016

Title: Did President Johnson Cheat?
Topic: Elections
Discussed by Orlando Sanchez
with Orlando Sanchez (

Orlando Sanchez is the Harris County Treasurer. He is here today to discuss some very important voting issues.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is the famous quote from Stalin concerning elections?

Did President Johnson cheat when he won his first election to the Senate in 1948?

Why did Orlando Sanchez run for Mayor in 2001? What happened in that election?

Shocking Information!!! How are ballots-by-mail counted? How is the post office and ACORN involved?

Orlando Sanchez escaped Cuba. What was that like? How is America different than Cuba?

Orlando warns all voters to double-check their electronic ballot before they cast their vote. Listen in as he explains why.

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October 26, 2010

Title: Do Hispanic Values Line Up with Republicans or Democrats?
Topic: Conversation with an Elected Official
Discussed by Orlando Sanchez
with Orlando Sanchez (

Orlando Sanchez explains that Hispanic Values of Faith Family and Freedom more closely align with Republican than with Democrats. Orlando came to America from Cuba with his mother and father when he was just a child. He has been a Houston City Councilman, a candidate for Mayor and is the current Harris County Treasurer seeking re-election. For more information log onto

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June 22, 2006

Topic: Candidate Interviews
Discussed by Orlando Sanchez
with Orlando Sanchez (

Will Orlando Sanchez stand up to the system and report unnecessary spending? Will Orlando Sanchez help unify the party and work after his election to expand the base? OR will Orlando Sanchez do like others and get elected and forget who elected him? For more log onto

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