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May 7, 2015

Title: Higher Wages = Less Jobs
Topic: Minimum Wage
Discussed by Dr. Tracy Miller
with Center for Vision and Values (

Part 1 of 2

Dr. Miller is an associate professor of economics at Grove City College and fellow for economic theory and policy with The Center for Vision & Values. He has released a report on “Overcoming Stagnant Wages: Stronger Unions and Higher Minimum Wages are Not the Answer”.

Too often today in the exchange of different viewpoints, when one side begins to win the debate with sound facts, the other side resorts to attacking the presenter. Dr. Miller’s opinion on the minimum wage debate is obviously not very popular. CNN and NBC sure aren’t going to be calling him for an interview any time soon!

Concerning the stagnant wage cycle we’ve been hearing about, Dr. Miller reveals how, since 1979, wages have not risen as rapidly as productivity, with the exception from 1995-2000 when wages rose very rapidly. But where did that get us? Right now, in America, we are at a historic low for men in the work-force, largely in part to the rise in minimum wage and hiring foreign workers.

Dr. Miller also discusses “wage inequality” and breaks down the different population brackets. He believes that education most definitely affects your income. Just because you think you deserve a certain amount of money, doesn’t mean you should get it. Tune in to the next segment with Dr. Miller as he discusses this further.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Higher Wages = Less Jobs
Topic: Minimum Wage
Discussed by Dr. Tracy Miller
with Center for Vision and Values (

Dr. Tracy Miller continues with his discussion on the risks of raising the minimum wage. Historically, when the minimum wage is increased, the lowest skilled workers lose their jobs,” says Dr. Miller. Also, business owners who might hire three or four extra workers during the summer time might only hire one. This causes the employment numbers to plummet. In addition, “wage inequality” is going to exist in every society, no matter how hard the government tries to intervene.

Some experts are now saying that we are actually doing teens and college students a disservice by raising the minimum wage. They can’t find a job while in high school or college, therefore if they do in fact graduate from college with a degree, it is difficult for them to find a job – whether in their field or not – because they have little to no work experience at all. Dr. Tracy Miller agrees with this statement. Listen in as he elaborates.

Another concern when the minimum wage is increased is the number of businesses which will move their business operations overseas. America doesn’t need foreign workers doing their jobs – here or abroad. We need to get America back to work and raising the minimum wage is not the answer. Dr Miller has some suggestions on how we can get Americans back to work.

You can learn more about Dr. Tracy Miller and the Center for Vision and Values [here]. 

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June 14, 2013

Title: Who Will Decide What Is Spent On Your Mom’s Health Care?
Topic: Obamacare
Discussed by Dr. Tracy Miller
with Center for Vision and Values (

Part 1 of 3

From having babies, to receiving a new heart, health care is expensive. Eighty percent of health care is spent during the last six months of someone’s life.

Who will decide when there is no more money for your mom’s health care?

Is everyone in America (legal and illegal) entitled to the health care they want or need, no matter what, without having to wait for it, or pay for it?

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Title: U.S. Constitution Does NOT Guarantee The Right To Health Care.
Topic: Obamacare
Discussed by Dr. Tracy Miller
with Center for Vision and Values (

Part 2 of 3

Where in the U.S. Constitution does it state that anyone and everyone within our borders has the right to receive the health care they want and/or need without waiting in line?

As long as the U.S. Government, through taxpayers, is paying for services provided under Medicare and Medicaid, does it necessarily follow that someone within the government will decide who receives what and when?

Back to the most important question: is everyone in America (legal and illegal) entitled to the health care they want or need, no matter what, without having to wait for it, or pay for it?

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: Obamacare
Discussed by Dr. Tracy Miller
with Center for Vision and Values (

The sixty-four million dollar question: who is going to decide who receives what and when?

As long as the U.S. Government, through taxpayers is paying for services provided under Medicare and Medicaid, does it necessary follow that someone within the government will decide who receives what and when? Call it rationing or death-panels, and do not kid yourself, America has been practicing this for a long, long time.

Back to the most important question: is everyone in America (legal and illegal) entitled to the health care they want or need, no matter what, without have to wait for it, or pay for it?

Someone is going to decide the quantity and quality of care you receive. Will it be you and your family in consultation with your doctor? Will it be some advisory board at your hospital, some insurance gatekeeper, or, a death panel appointed by Obama?

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June 4, 2013

Title: Who Will Decide What Is Spent On Your Mom’s Health Care?
Topic: Obamacare
Discussed by Dr. Tracy Miller
with Center for Vision and Values (

Part 1 of 3

From having babies, to receiving a new heart, health care is expensive. Eighty percent of health care is spent during the last six months of someone’s life.

Who will decide when there is no more money for your mom’s health care?

Is everyone in America (legal and illegal) entitled to the health care they want or need, no matter what, without having to wait for it, or pay for it?

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Title: U.S. Constitution Does NOT Guarantee The Right To Health Care.
Topic: Obamacare
Discussed by Dr. Tracy Miller
with Center for Vision and Values (

Part 2 of 3

Where in the U.S. Constitution does it state that anyone and everyone within our borders has the right to receive the health care they want and/or need without waiting in line?

As long as the U.S. Government, through taxpayers, is paying for services provided under Medicare and Medicaid, does it necessarily follow that someone within the government will decide who receives what and when?

Back to the most important question: is everyone in America (legal and illegal) entitled to the health care they want or need, no matter what, without having to wait for it, or pay for it?

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: Obamacare
Discussed by Dr. Tracy Miller
with Center for Vision and Values (

The sixty-four million dollar question: who is going to decide who receives what and when?

As long as the U.S. Government, through taxpayers is paying for services provided under Medicare and Medicaid, does it necessary follow that someone within the government will decide who receives what and when? Call it rationing or death-panels, and do not kid yourself, America has been practicing this for a long, long time.

Back to the most important question: is everyone in America (legal and illegal) entitled to the health care they want or need, no matter what, without have to wait for it, or pay for it?

Someone is going to decide the quantity and quality of care you receive. Will it be you and your family in consultation with your doctor? Will it be some advisory board at your hospital, some insurance gatekeeper, or, a death panel appointed by Obama?

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June 29, 2012

Title: Homelessness and the A.D.M Syndrome!
Topic: Homelessness
Discussed by Dr. Tracy Miller
with Center for Vision and Values (

Is homelessness like any other social problem? Are the more tax payer dollars dedicated to try to eradicate it result in a greater problem? Or the more dollars that flow into trying to reduce homelessness do taxpayers end up with more and more - with more bureaucrats crying for and demanding more money?

Is there evidence that government-provided shelter has in any way solved or even reduced the problem of homelessness? Are private and religious-based programs more successful in assisting the homeless person or family? Is A. D. M (alcohol, drug abuse and mental illness) the major cause of homelessness? Do the majority of homeless individuals choose to live on the street?

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