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February 14, 2014

Title: Myth of Raising a Family on Minimum Wage
Topic: Minimum Wage
Discussed by Peter Ferrara
with The Carlson Center for Welfare Reform

Part 1 of 2

The President recently said in his SOTU address that: But Americans overwhelmingly agree that no one who works full time should ever have to raise a family in poverty.”

When it comes to “money earned”, how much do people “really” make?

Peter Ferrara, a Senior Fellow at The Carlson Center for Welfare Reform, gives some statistics.

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Title: part 2 of 2
Topic: Minimum Wage
Discussed by Peter Ferrara
with The Carlson Center for Welfare Reform

President Obama has done nothing to decrease the unemployment dilemma in this country.

We all know that the economy is tanking, jobs are being lost and outsourced to foreign workers, prices for every day goods are rising, and the American Family is struggling.

But why? Take a look at the numbers and you will find our “leaders” once again lying to us to gain votes.

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March 12, 2013

Title: Sequester Lies
Topic: Sequestration
Discussed by Peter Ferrara
with The Carlson Center for Welfare Reform

Even Obama said the ‘sky will fall’ if the federal government doesn’t spend more money. Now, the sun is still shining, the birds are still chirping, and the earth is still spinning on its axis.

The only thing accomplished by Sequestration is: the federal government is now spending less than what was budgeted…but still more than last year.

The majority of Americans know that government is spending too much money. The majority of Americans know the government cannot keep on borrowing so much money. Even China, Russia, and India are turning to Reaganomics. The world’s leading socialist states now know: capital investment drives economies, not government spending. When will the low-information voters wake up?

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October 22, 2012

Title: Courts Have Ruled: Politicians Have The Right to Lie and Have Burdened the Voter With The Task of Figuring Out The Lies!
Topic: Constitutional Rights
Discussed by Peter Ferrara
with The Carlson Center for Welfare Reform

Does Mitt Romney plan to raise middle class taxes if he is elected President? Why is the Obama campaign claiming the Romney does plan to raise taxes?

In what ways are Romney's proposed tax cuts similar to Reagan's 1981 Kemp-Roth tax cut? How do tax rate cuts promote economic growth and prosperity? In what ways does Obamacare violate promises Obama made during his campaign in 2008? What other tax cuts is Romney proposing?

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