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May 24, 2018

Title: Texas is Number One – Again!
Topic: Girl Scouts of America
Discussed by Dr. Vance Ginn
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

For the fourth year in a row, Texas has been ranked the best state to do business with in the nation by CEO Magazine.

Dr. Vance Ginn explains how Texas keeps prospering over the next two segments.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the Texas economy just a miracle or fluke? Or has it been planned over the last century by countless men and women whose only desire was to see Texas prosper?

Can state governmental policies encourage or discourage economic growth within its borders?

Are people in states like California and New York sick of the high taxes and liberal politics? Where are they moving? HINT: Texas!

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March 22, 2018

Title: Should Christians Buy Girl Scout Cookies?
Topic: Girl Scouts of America
Discussed by Bill Federer
with American Minute (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

How much do you know about the history of the American Girl Scouts? Has the organization morphed into something that emulates liberal ideology?

These questions, among others, will be answered today by our go-to historian, Bill Federer, the President/Founder of American Minute.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who founded the American Girl Scouts and why?

The original Girl Scout Moto was: "On my honor, I will try: to do my duty to God and my country, to help other people at all times, and to obey the Girl Scout laws."

Is this still the American Girl Scouts moto?

Is the modern leadership of the American Girl Scouts more secular/liberal in their beliefs, especially when it comes to sex outside of marriage, abortion, and homosexuality?

Are most moms unaware of the liberal indoctrination their daughters receive through the American Girl Scouts?

Is there another alternative to the American Girl Scouts? HINT: YES! Google “American Heritage Girls”.

Bottom line: Should Christians buy Girl Scout Cookies?

Click here to view Bill Federer’s editorial on this topic.

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February 20, 2014

Title: Girl Scouts and Planned Parenthood
Topic: Girl Scouts of America
Discussed by Steve Ertelt
with LifeNews

There has been a lot of chatter about the Girls Scout’s connection with Planned Parenthood lately. Steve Ertelt, with LifeNews, gives the details in this interview. In fact, LifeNews is being threatened by the Girls Scouts of America for the fight they are waging against their cookies!

Girl Scout leaders have been trying to cover up their ties with Planned Parenthood but the facts are there. They have supported pro-abortion politicians and have allowed Planned Parenthood representatives to come to their troop meetings to discuss and promote their agenda.

Listen to this interview to find out what’s really happening and share the link with all your friends so they can know the truth!

Host Note: The Girl Scouts of America recommended Wendy Davis (the pro-abortionist gubernatorial candidate for Texas) as their 2013 Woman of the Year.

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February 14, 2013

Title: What? No More Thin Mints?
Topic: Girl Scouts of America
Discussed by Dianne Edmondson
with Republican National Coalition for Life (

Lately we have heard a lot about the Boy Scouts and whether or not they will allow gays and lesbians to serve openly as leaders in their organization.

But what about the Girl Scouts? What is their policy? And how are the Girls Scouts tied to Planned Parenthood?

If you want a great, Christ-centered alternative, try the American Heritage Girls!

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