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February 20, 2014

Title: Girl Scouts and Planned Parenthood
Topic: Girl Scouts of America
Discussed by Steve Ertelt
with LifeNews

There has been a lot of chatter about the Girls Scout’s connection with Planned Parenthood lately. Steve Ertelt, with LifeNews, gives the details in this interview. In fact, LifeNews is being threatened by the Girls Scouts of America for the fight they are waging against their cookies!

Girl Scout leaders have been trying to cover up their ties with Planned Parenthood but the facts are there. They have supported pro-abortion politicians and have allowed Planned Parenthood representatives to come to their troop meetings to discuss and promote their agenda.

Listen to this interview to find out what’s really happening and share the link with all your friends so they can know the truth!

Host Note: The Girl Scouts of America recommended Wendy Davis (the pro-abortionist gubernatorial candidate for Texas) as their 2013 Woman of the Year.

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