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February 14, 2013

Title: What? No More Thin Mints?
Topic: Girl Scouts of America
Discussed by Dianne Edmondson
with Republican National Coalition for Life (

Lately we have heard a lot about the Boy Scouts and whether or not they will allow gays and lesbians to serve openly as leaders in their organization.

But what about the Girl Scouts? What is their policy? And how are the Girls Scouts tied to Planned Parenthood?

If you want a great, Christ-centered alternative, try the American Heritage Girls!

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January 30, 2013

Title: Someone Needs to File a Class Action Lawsuit Against Planned Parenthood!
Topic: Planned Parenthood Lies
Discussed by Dianne Edmondson
with Republican National Coalition for Life (

Planned Parenthood advertises that they are a “Woman’s Health Clinic”. While they do provide free or low-cost birth control to women, their main objective has always been abortion. Doctors are only available to perform abortions, not to give health advice or even prescribe medicine; that’s the nurse’s job.

The biggest lie from Planned Parenthood is about mammogram testing and breast cancer detection. Dianne Edmondson, the Executive Director of the Republican National Coalition for Life, says that ALL facilities, doctors, hospitals, etc. must be licensed in order to obtain mammogram machines and perform mammograms. But ZERO Planned Parenthood facilities in America are licensed! Someone should sue them for false advertising!

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March 22, 2012

Title: $1.00 Abortions Coming Soon & Guess Who Gets To Pick Up The Tab???
Topic: Pro-life
Discussed by Dianne Edmondson
with Republican National Coalition for Life (

Special guest Dianne Edmondson answers:

Will Obamacare mandate abortion coverage on all policies?

Did the pro-life members of the House and the Senate (and most national pro-life groups) predict this?

How do our listeners sign the petition? What should they do after they sign the petition to spread the word?

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August 23, 2011

Title: Texas Abortuaries Cited for health Violations
Topic: Abortion Clinic Regulations
Discussed by Dianne Edmondson
with Republican National Coalition for Life (

Part 1

Five Texas abortionists are being called before the Texas Medical Board to answers allegations of many violations in abortion facilities throughout Texas.

Have these abortionists and the clinics they supervise/own/run disposed of human aborted baby remains improperly by just throwing them in dumpsters. Have they illegally dumped private patient medical information in dumpsters?

Are woman at risk because abortion clinics are not properly regulated, properly inspected and because medical boards are reluctant to fine or to revoke licenses of either the abortionists and/or their clinics?

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Title: Dumpster Divers Discover Deadly Details
Topic: Abortion Clinic Regulations
Discussed by Dianne Edmondson
with Republican National Coalition for Life (

Part 2

Dumpster Divers discover aborted baby parts illegally dumped behind several abortion clinics in Texas placing citizens at great risk?

Private medical information was also discovered in several dumpsters behind abortion clinics in Texas.

Did MSM – main-stream-media – cover this issue in the major markets in Texas? Nope. If found guilty by the Texas Medical Board will the abortionists and/or their clinics be fined and/or have their licenses revoked?

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June 24, 2011

Title: Exercising Their Seventh Amendment Right to a Trial by Jury, Minnesota Pro-life Students Win the Right to Exercise Their First Amendment Right
Topic: Exercising Our Constitutional Rights
Discussed by Dianne Edmondson
with Republican National Coalition for Life (

The principal of a Minnesota high school refused to grant the All Life Is Valuable (ALIVE) student organization official status because it allegedly did not “support the student body as a whole”. Exercising their Seventh Amendment Right to a Trial by Jury, the students, working with the alliance Defense Fund filed a lawsuit.

Rather quickly, the school district recognized their error and rescinded its decision. But for exercising their Seventh Amendment Right the students would have been denied their First Amendment Rights. Praise God for the Seventh Amendment!

More information can be found at

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June 23, 2011

Title: Exercising Their Seventh Amendment Right to a Trial by Jury, Minnesota Pro-life Students Win The Right To Exercise Their First Amendment Right
Topic: Exercising Our Constitutional Rights
Discussed by Dianne Edmondson
with Republican National Coalition for Life (

The principal of a Minnesota high school refused to grant the All Life Is Valuable (ALIVE) student organization official status because it allegedly did not “support the student body as a whole”. Exercising their Seventh Amendment Right to a Trial by Jury, the students, working with the alliance Defense Fund filed a lawsuit. Rather quickly, the school district recognized their error and rescinded its decision. But for exercising their Seventh Amendment Right the students would have been denied the First Amendment Rights. Praise God for the Seventh Amendment! More information can be found at

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