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March 4, 2020

Title: The Boy Scouts are Broke!
Topic: Boy Scouts of America
Discussed by Patti Garibay
with American Heritage Girls (

Part 1 of 2

The news that the Boy Scouts of America filed for bankruptcy amid child sex-abuse allegations is yet another glaring reminder that it's time to re-evaluate the future of scouting. What will be the future of scouting? Will it be a new virtual scout program online as a safe ‘no-touch’ zone? Or an interactive app where boys and girls can hunt virtual animals and have imaginary campouts?

Patti Garibay is the co-founder of American Heritage Girls, a faith-based scouting-type youth ministry. Patti is a living tribute to traditional values of old. For twenty-five years, her mission has been to help raise Godly girls, who also happen to enjoy camping and other outdoor adventures, in every state and in fifteen countries across the world.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

When did the Boy Scouts of America go bankrupt?

Over two decades ago, the Girls Scouts eliminated belief in God from their curriculum. Is this why Patti and her husband decided to break ties with them and form the American Heritage Girls?

In what other ways does the AHG differ from the GS?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - The Boy Scouts are Broke!
Topic: Boy Scouts of America
Discussed by Patti Garibay
with American Heritage Girls (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has AHG avoided high-profile negative incidents and lawsuits?

Do they train their volunteers and workers extensively? Do they perform background checks on all adult workers?

What are some of the activities included in the American Heritage Girls? Patti discusses badgework, camping, and outdoor adventures…

Is Trail Life a Christian scouting alternative to the Boy Scouts?

Click here  for more about the American Heritage Girls.

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May 22, 2018

Title: Kiss the Boy Scouts Goodbye
Topic: Boy Scouts of America
Discussed by Robert Knight
with Robert H Knight (

Have the Boy Scouts evolved into the Geldings of America, with its homosexual leaders, transgender members, real girls, and a name change to rid itself of the dreaded word "boy"?

Listen as Robert Knight discusses the issue…

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has the Mormon Church finally figured out that they can’t do business with the devil?

The Boy Scouts faced suit after suit brought by those wanting homosexual leaders, transgender members, and real girls wanting to be admitted to the Boy Scouts. The BSA won every legal battle. Why, then, have they surrendered to the left?

FACT: Did you know that the heads of AT&T and UPS manage the Scout Board?

Robert Knight was an Eagle Scout. What did he learn growing up?

Is there a good Christian alternative to the BSA parents can choose for their sons? Click here  for more information.

NOTE: For parents of daughters, Google “American Heritage Girls” for a Christian alternative to the Girls Scouts.

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October 20, 2017

Title: Girls in the Boy Scouts
Topic: Boy Scouts of America
Discussed by John Horvat
with Return to Order

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

You have probably heard the horrifying news: The Boy Scouts of America is now allowing girls to join their boys’ club. John Horvat, author of “Return to Order”, shares the disturbing details…

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is anybody fooled by the shift to the “girlification” of the Boy Scouts?

Can boys just not be boys anymore? Can’t girls just be girls? Are role models wrong?

John Horvat has stated: “This is just another step in the self-destruction of the Boy Scouts.” Why?

Has there been a multi-generational move to destroy the masculinity of boys in America?

Should boys and girls sleep in the same tent?

Where can boys go to learn how to be gentlemen if the Boy Scouts can’t do it anymore?

Bottom line: Should girls be allowed to participate in the Boy Scouts?

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February 16, 2017

Title: The Boys and Girl Scouts Will Soon Be One
Topic: Boy Scouts of America
Discussed by Bill Federer
with American Minute (

Calvin Coolidge once said this: "The Boy Scout movement can never be ... a substitute but ... an ally of strict parental control and family life under religious influences.”

Sir Baden-Powell founded the Boy Scout organization in 1908 to promote morality and good citizenship in the rising generation. In fact, this was written about the Boy Scouts in 1908: "We aim for the practice of Christianity in their everyday life and dealings, and not merely the profession of its theology on Sundays.

Bill Federer has some more information about the origin of the Boy Scouts and the downward spiral their headed down.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for the government of any other.” Which Founding Father offered this statement?

Does the MSM show a moral concern for others? Was this lack of concern beginning to show its evil head even in the early 1900’s?

Why did Sir Baden-Powell start the Boy Scouts of America?

What were some of the original requirements of the Boy Scouts? Do they still follow these guidelines?

Now that the Boy Scouts are worth so much money, is the LGBTQ crowd targeting the organization?

Is there a good, true Christian alternative which parents can choose for their sons? Click here for more!

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May 1, 2013

Title: Gay Campers Allowed
Topic: Boy Scouts of America
Discussed by Robert Schwarzwalder
with Family Research Council (

Part 1 of 3

On Friday, April 26, 2013, the Boy Scouts of America proposed a compromise to their current policy prohibiting what they have termed “open and avowed” homosexuals from being Scouts or leaders. Listen in as Rob Schwarzwalder gives the ugly details.

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Title: Part 2 of 3
Topic: Boy Scouts of America
Discussed by Robert Schwarzwalder
with Family Research Council (

Hundreds of thousands of families have threatened to walk away from the Boy Scout Traditions if gays are allowed to be members and leaders. Will this be the end of weekend campouts, army knives for Christmas, and model behavior?

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: Boy Scouts of America
Discussed by Robert Schwarzwalder
with Family Research Council (

For decades, the Boy Scouts have recited the following: Be loyal, brave, clean, morally straight, and reverent and protect boys from premature sexualization. Hopefully, they won’t need to come up with a new slogan.

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February 8, 2013

Title: My Sons Are Boy Scouts
Topic: Boy Scouts of America
Discussed by Robert Schwarzwalder
with Family Research Council (

My sons are boy scouts. For now. Just last July, the BSA reaffirmed their moral stance on not allowing homosexuals to be a part of their long-standing, highly respected organization. Because a few people cried “discrimination!”, the BSA must now reevaluate their moral stance. Thankfully, they have decided to wait until May to make a formal decision on the matter.

However, Christians must not give up their part in this battle! Just because they have delayed the decision, doesn’t mean our job is done. Encourage your friends and neighbors to contact the BSA and tell them to uphold their long-standing moral and ethical decisions.

The Boy Scouts of America can be contact at

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