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March 4, 2020

Title: The Boy Scouts are Broke!
Topic: Boy Scouts of America
Discussed by Patti Garibay
with American Heritage Girls (

Part 1 of 2

The news that the Boy Scouts of America filed for bankruptcy amid child sex-abuse allegations is yet another glaring reminder that it's time to re-evaluate the future of scouting. What will be the future of scouting? Will it be a new virtual scout program online as a safe ‘no-touch’ zone? Or an interactive app where boys and girls can hunt virtual animals and have imaginary campouts?

Patti Garibay is the co-founder of American Heritage Girls, a faith-based scouting-type youth ministry. Patti is a living tribute to traditional values of old. For twenty-five years, her mission has been to help raise Godly girls, who also happen to enjoy camping and other outdoor adventures, in every state and in fifteen countries across the world.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

When did the Boy Scouts of America go bankrupt?

Over two decades ago, the Girls Scouts eliminated belief in God from their curriculum. Is this why Patti and her husband decided to break ties with them and form the American Heritage Girls?

In what other ways does the AHG differ from the GS?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - The Boy Scouts are Broke!
Topic: Boy Scouts of America
Discussed by Patti Garibay
with American Heritage Girls (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has AHG avoided high-profile negative incidents and lawsuits?

Do they train their volunteers and workers extensively? Do they perform background checks on all adult workers?

What are some of the activities included in the American Heritage Girls? Patti discusses badgework, camping, and outdoor adventures…

Is Trail Life a Christian scouting alternative to the Boy Scouts?

Click here  for more about the American Heritage Girls.

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