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September 3, 2024

Title: Deciphering the True Jobs Numbers
Topic: Lying Politicians
Discussed by Chris Talgo
with Heartland Institute (

The US economy created 818,000 fewer jobs between April 2023 to March 2024 then previously reported. How can the Bureau of Labor Statistics be off by 30% for 12 months? Was someone using “invented math”?

Chris Talgo is the Editorial Director for the Heartland Institute and a research fellow for Heartland's Socialism Research Center. Today, Chris discusses the US Bureau of Labor and Statistics’ massive error in their latest employment numbers report.

Click here for more from Chris on this and other issues.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What types of jobs were created between April 2023 to March 2024? Chris Talgo explains that most “new” jobs were part-time jobs people were forced to get due to inflation and the tanking economy. In addition, seniors who are retired are now working part-time just to make ends meet because their Social Security checks aren’t cutting it anymore.

Is the rapidly rising number of immigrant workers as compared to the lower birth rate of US-born citizens a major concern for the future of our nation? How many “new” jobs went to illegal immigrants?

Why is the Democrat Party ignoring the warning signs? Chris believes it all boils down to Dems wanting “cheap labor” and buying votes.

The pathetic jobs report is not the only troubling economic signal to emerge in recent months. There have been reports of a number of corporate bankruptcies, as well. How many of those bankruptcies are small businesses, which employee millions of people?

Do US consumers have the same disposable income as compared to a few years ago?

Does government spending fuel inflation? Chris discusses recent laws (since 2021) that have increased the national debt by a massive amount, causing the government to print more money, resulting in the increase in inflation.

Over the past three-and-a-half years, have the American people been gaslit by the government and the MSM concerning the true state of the US economy?

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January 3, 2024

Title: Voter Fraud PROOF from the Violators Themselves
Topic: Voter Fraud
Discussed by Chris Talgo
with Heartland Institute (

Part 1 of 2

Leading up to the 2020 election, many states eliminated commonsense guardrails designed to prevent mail-in voting fraud.

Today, Chris Talgo discusses a recent poll  the Heartland Institute conducted with the Rasmussen Report on voter fraud among registered and non-registered voters. Chris Talgo is the Editorial Director and Socialism Research Fellow at the Heartland Institute.

Click here for more from Chris Talgo.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What guardrails were eliminated in 2020 that resulted in rampant voter fraud?

Is it extremely easy to commit voter fraud via mail-in ballots?

How many people admitted they illegally filled out a ballot for a friend or family member?

How many people admitted that a friend or family member illegally filled out their ballot?

How many people admitted to illegally voting in a state they no longer lived?

How many people admitted to illegally signing a ballot for a friend or family member?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Voter Fraud PROOF from the Violators Themselves
Topic: Voter Fraud
Discussed by Chris Talgo
with Heartland Institute (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Way back in 2012, what did the Pew Center on the States find when they analyzed state voter registration rolls?

Did the handling of mail-in ballots and the voter registration rolls irregularities play any significance with the Biden victory over President Trump? CHRIS TALGO REVEALS HOW MANY MAIL-IN BALLOTS ARE NORMALLY REJECTED COMPARED TO HOW MANY WERE REJECTED IN 2020. THIS NUMBER IS APPALLING!!

How many Democrat voters believe that journalists and media outlets should be punished for reporting that the 2020 election was tainted with voter fraud?

In 2005, what did former President Jimmy Carter and former US Secretary of State James Baker discover and report on about mail-in voter fraud?

Why does Chris Talgo believe that the true winner of the 2020 election was Donald Trump?

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