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April 12, 2018

Title: Lawsuit against Harris County Voter Registrar
Topic: Voter Fraud
Discussed by Erin Anderson
with Empower Texans (

New guest Erin Anderson is the Metroplex Correspondent for Empower Texans and Texas Scorecard. Her responsibilities include reporting on state and local issues, events, and government actions that impact Texas citizens in communities throughout the area.

One of the biggest issues affecting the people of Texas is voter fraud. Erin will be discussing the lawsuit brought against Harris County Tax Accessor Registrar, Ann Harris Bennett, by the Public Interest Legal Foundation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do Federal Laws require accurate, up-to-date voting rolls?

What are “motor voter laws”?

Does Federal Law require transparency, allowing citizens the right to insure laws are being followed?

Does Federal Law also allow citizens to sue the Voter Registrar if they believe a law has been broken?

How are jury duty and voter registration data bases connected? NOTE: For more on this issue, listen to the two segments with Chris Daniel that preceded this interview.

Why is the Public Interest Legal Foundation suing Harris County elected officials for non-compliance with Federal Election Laws?

Should only vetted, registered voters be allowed to cast their vote?

Is the current Democrat Tax Accessor Voter Registrar refusing to submit records which Federal Law and the Texas Public Information Act require they make available to the public?

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