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August 3, 2016

Title: Trump vs Clinton on Social Media
Topic: Donald Trump
Discussed by David Bozell
with ForAmerica (

There was over 385 Million Facebook posts, messages, and interactions last month alone dealing with the 2016 election. This number will only increase leading up to November. According to one study,  most of those interactions have been favorable to Donald Trump.

David Bozell, President of ForAmerica, will be discussing this phenomenon today.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How in the world does Donald Trump (a Republican) rule social media when it is owned by Democrats? Note: David Bozell has a hilarious response to this questions – listen in!

How many people, on average, engaged on Donald Trump’s Facebook page last month?
Recent past Presidential Candidates like Bush, Romney, McCain, and even Ted Cruz rarely – if ever – engaged in any type of “war of words” with their Democrat opponent. Is this just Donald Trump’s nature or does he have a plan in mind?

Has Karl Rove become obsolete? Who is running Donald Trump’s campaign?

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June 10, 2016

Title: Congress Should Just Stay Home
Topic: Congress
Discussed by David Bozell
with ForAmerica (

Let’s be honest: The people who work on Capitol Hill aren’t doing anything productive to help this country recover from the mess Obama and the left have created. In many ways, Republicans have aided in the destruction.

David Bozell is the President of ForAmerica. He was asked to write a column concerning the 114th Congress and what Conservative voters should be demanding of their elected representatives. However, he couldn’t conjure any good recommendations. He says, “What’s the point?

Questions/Issues Discussed:

I think we would all be better off if they took their staff and volunteered at a charity back home,” he says. Why does David believe Congress has been so ineffective over the last few years?

Who is Senator Orrin Hatch and what did he say that has David so bothered?

What role does Texas play concerning the Obama administration?

How much vacation time will our elected officials take before the November election? HINT: Their holiday weekends usually last 7-14 days.

How does David describe our elected Republican officials?

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May 13, 2016

Title: Was Cruz Swamped by the Size of the Trump Social Media Tsunami?
Topic: Political Powerhouse
Discussed by David Bozell
with ForAmerica (

What happened to the Cruz campaign? Would he have won the Republican nominee if not for the Trump Social Media Tsunami?

New Guest David Bozell is the President of ForAmerica. Their mission is simple: To educate the American people of the truth in Washington. They are: For Freedom. For Prosperity. For Virtue.

David first explains one reason why Donald Trump has been so successful in the social media realm: Authenticity. When there was a Tweet or Post from the Trump campaign, you knew it was him. On the other hand, more often than not, when something was posted by the Cruz campaign, it was a staffer making the post on his behalf. David goes on to reveal the Facebook “likes” of both men’s pages and why he believes there is such a vast difference.

Donald Trump, ever the showman, understands that these communication vehicles, like it or not, are the most popular in the world,” David Bozell states. Millions of people were sharing Trump’s message to their family and friends. That’s how the message gets spread. Have you heard of “Hispandering”? I’m sure you saw the picture of Trump eating a taco bowl on Cinco de Mayo, saying he loved Hispanics. Was that offensive? That depends on who you ask. Was it effective? Absolutely!

You can follow David Bozell on Twitter  You can find ForAmerica on Facebook here.

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