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May 30, 2017

Title: Is the American Dream Dead?
Topic: Is the American Dream Dead?
Discussed by Ed Martin
with Phyllis Schlafly Eagles (

Ed Martin is the President of Phyllis Schlafly Eagles. Ed also hosts a radio show, “Radio Live”, with Cherilyn Eagar. Today, Ed gives us a fascinating history lesson on the American Dream. Is it still alive and attainable for all?

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the "American dream" dying or just plain dead? Ed Martin has two cautionary statements in response to this question.

Who was Horatio Alger?

What does “pluck” mean?

Who was Norman Vincent Peale?

Is there still hope?

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October 31, 2016

Title: The Conservative Case for Donald Trump
Topic: Donald Trump
Discussed by Ed Martin
with Phyllis Schlafly Eagles (

Part 1 of 5

Just one day after her passing, a new book by Phyllis Schlafly, Brett M. Decker, and current guest Ed Martin was released: “The Conservative Case for Donald Trump. We dedicate this program to Mrs. Phyllis Schlafly, her family, and the entire Eagle Forum staff. We mourn with you, my friends, but we also know that she is much, much happier now with Jesus than she ever was here on earth.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does America need to return to the path of Ronald Reagan’s Conservative Revolution?

Why is Donald Trump more appealing than just “the only way to defeat Hillary Clinton”?

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Title: Part 2 of 5 - The Conservative Case for Donald Trump
Topic: Donald Trump
Discussed by Ed Martin
with Phyllis Schlafly Eagles (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do liberal Democrats believe it is their call in life to take care of the masses from cradle to grave with government programs funded by hard-working Americans?

Does Donald Trump believe, like Ronald Reagan, that the hard-working people in America should keep more of their earnings?

Phyllis Schlafly said many times: “You want a third party, fourth party, fifth party – go to Europe!

Many liberal Democrats seems hell-bent on not only getting the government into your bedroom, but also into your bathroom, your laundry room, your closet, your kitchen, and the garage. How does Donald Trump view all this governmental meddling?

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Title: Part 3 of 5 - The Conservative Case for Donald Trump
Topic: Donald Trump
Discussed by Ed Martin
with Phyllis Schlafly Eagles (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Listen in as Ed Martin continues to discuss the LGBTQ’s agenda and abortion. Ed quotes Lou Holtz, from Notre Dame, who stated: “We are on the side of life. We have to stop being embarrassed. We have to be proud.

Are you proud? Or, are you ashamed? Do you shy away from political talk, especially when it comes to homosexuality and abortion? Don’t be afraid to speak up! We won’t win if we cower in the corner.

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Title: Part 4 of 5 - The Conservative Case for Donald Trump
Topic: Donald Trump
Discussed by Ed Martin
with Phyllis Schlafly Eagles (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

If Hillary Clinton is elected President, will America be invaded by millions from all around the world, enabled by our generous welfare and healthcare system paid for by the working class now?

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Title: Part 5 of 5 - The Conservative Case for Donald Trump
Topic: Donald Trump
Discussed by Ed Martin
with Phyllis Schlafly Eagles (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is this Presidential Election really about good vs. evil? Right vs. wrong? Socialism vs. Free Enterprise?

Listen in as Ed Martin closes out this interview with an urgent call for all Christians to vote for Donald Trump for President.

You can get a copy of “The Conservative Case for Donald Trumphere  or email Ed Martin directly at

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September 21, 2016

Title: The Conservative Case for Donald Trump
Topic: Donald Trump
Discussed by Ed Martin
with Phyllis Schlafly Eagles (

Part 1 of 5

Just one day after her passing, a new book by Phyllis Schlafly, Brett M. Decker, and current guest Ed Martin was released: “The Conservative Case for Donald Trump. We dedicate this program to Mrs. Phyllis Schlafly, her family, and the entire Eagle Forum staff. We mourn with you, my friends, but we also know that she is much, much happier now with Jesus than she ever was here on earth.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does America need to return to the path of Ronald Reagan’s Conservative Revolution?

Why is Donald Trump more appealing than just “the only way to defeat Hillary Clinton”?

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Title: Part 2 of 5 - The Conservative Case for Donald Trump
Topic: Donald Trump
Discussed by Ed Martin
with Phyllis Schlafly Eagles (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do liberal Democrats believe it is their call in life to take care of the masses from cradle to grave with government programs funded by hard-working Americans?

Does Donald Trump believe, like Ronald Reagan, that the hard-working people in America should keep more of their earnings?

Phyllis Schlafly said many times: “You want a third party, fourth party, fifth party – go to Europe!

Many liberal Democrats seems hell-bent on not only getting the government into your bedroom, but also into your bathroom, your laundry room, your closet, your kitchen, and the garage. How does Donald Trump view all this governmental meddling?

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Title: Part 3 of 5 - The Conservative Case for Donald Trump
Topic: Donald Trump
Discussed by Ed Martin
with Phyllis Schlafly Eagles (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Listen in as Ed Martin continues to discuss the LGBTQ’s agenda and abortion. Ed quotes Lou Holtz, from Notre Dame, who stated: “We are on the side of life. We have to stop being embarrassed. We have to be proud.

Are you proud? Or, are you ashamed? Do you shy away from political talk, especially when it comes to homosexuality and abortion? Don’t be afraid to speak up! We won’t win if we cower in the corner.

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Title: Part 4 of 5 - The Conservative Case for Donald Trump
Topic: Donald Trump
Discussed by Ed Martin
with Phyllis Schlafly Eagles (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

If Hillary Clinton is elected President, will America be invaded by millions from all around the world, enabled by our generous welfare and healthcare system paid for by the working class now?

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Title: Part 5 of 5 - The Conservative Case for Donald Trump
Topic: Donald Trump
Discussed by Ed Martin
with Phyllis Schlafly Eagles (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is this Presidential Election really about good vs. evil? Right vs. wrong? Socialism vs. Free Enterprise?

Listen in as Ed Martin closes out this interview with an urgent call for all Christians to vote for Donald Trump for President.

You can get a copy of “The Conservative Case for Donald Trumphere  or email Ed Martin directly at

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March 22, 2016

Title: Can Christians Vote for Trump?
Topic: Presidential Politics
Discussed by Ed Martin
with Phyllis Schlafly Eagles (

Part 1 of 2

Disclaimer: The information discussed in these two segments with Ed Martin does not necessarily reflect the opinion of host, Terry Lowry, who has not made a formal endorsement of any 2016 Presidential candidate. Please listen to these segments with an open mind and open heart, do your own research, and make the best choice for you.

Whether you’re a Baptist Conservative, Catholic, Mormon, Assembly of God, Presbyterian, Episcopalian, or other Christian denomination, how can you vote for a foul-mouthed, adulterer for President of the United States? After all, he’s just being honest with his comments about illegals and pretty women! We’re talking about Donald Trump here today, if you couldn’t tell.

Ed Martin is the new President of Eagle Forum. Ed wants to give us some reasons he and Phyllis Schlafly, former President and Founder of Eagle Forum, are supporting and endorsing Donald Trump for President, even though he may not be the most “Christian” candidate.

Many years ago, experts did not expect JFK to perform very well among Christian voters because he was Catholic. In response to this comment, Ed Martin reminds us of Thomas Paine, the author of Common Sense and one of the original Founding Fathers of our great nation. Listen in to hear why he loves Thomas Paine’s enthusiasm for our country, even though the end of his life was a little unhinged.

Phyllis Schlafly likes to say, “Politics is where the action is.” Ed explains what that statement means by saying, “Our lives are being formed [by politics] and checking out by not voting is not an option.”

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Can Christians Vote for Trump?
Topic: Presidential Politics
Discussed by Ed Martin
with Phyllis Schlafly Eagles (

Disclaimer: The information discussed in these two segments with Ed Martin does not necessarily reflect the opinion of host, Terry Lowry, who has not made a formal endorsement of any 2016 Presidential candidate. Please listen to these segments with an open mind and open heart, do your own research, and make the best choice for you.

The last Baptist elected President of the United States was Jimmy Carter, who turned out to be an absolute disaster and embarrassment. Can we trust another one? Or should we elect someone who doesn’t even consider himself in need of salvation, as Trump has stated on camera?

Ed Martin says, “When I heard how [Trump] was raised and the church he went, I understood.” However, the way he answered the question on salvation does concern him. This is one reason why Ed Martin and Phyllis Schlafly recently met with Donald Trump.

In an imperfect world, how can we get the person who best brings our values forward and then hold them accountable?” Ed asks. He goes on to explain that our culture is changing – and not for the better; that is why he and Phyllis and so many others and looking to Trump to turn things around.

A revival is never going to come from the President. It’s going to come from the pews and the pastors,” Ed declares. “We have to vote for a person that we think is lifted up at this moment.” Listen in as he uses examples from the Bible to explain these bold statements.

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November 12, 2015

Title: Another Day. Another Lie.
Topic: Congress
Discussed by Ed Martin
with Phyllis Schlafly Eagles (

Republicans are taking their cues from Pelosi. Get elected. Make a few good calls. Then lie, lie, lie – all while smiling so you can get more money to get re-elected. I, for one, am sick and tired of the RINOs in Congress waiting in the shadows until the last minute and then siding with the Democrats.

Ed Martin, President of Eagle Forum, is with us today to discuss the recent two-year budget plan that Congress, including Republicans, passed. There is a very dangerous aspect of the budget which has many hotter than a red pepper: President Obama now has an unlimited spending limit until he is out of office in 2016. “We should all be ashamed of our Congress and worried for our future,” Ed Martin says.

NOTE: Only TWO Republicans Congressmen from Texas voted against Obama’s new budget. In fact, only twenty-nine Republicans across the nation voted against it! Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. They’ve fooled us too many times. It’s time for them to go.

It is important to realize that, before Obama was elected President, Congress was historically able to pass a budget on time. Under the Obama reign, however, this has not happened. “It’s a mess but it is not surprising. Liberals are not truth-tellers,” Ed admonishes. “What is surprising is when Republicans fall into a similar trap.”

Listen in as Ed Martin explains what has been going on with the “Boehner-Obama Budget Deal” and why every single American taxpayer should be scared. It’s Obamacare all over again: No one knew what was in the budget! Good grief! Will they ever learn? Will we?

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September 22, 2015

Title: Never Stop Fighting for Babies
Topic: Planned Parenthood
Discussed by Ed Martin
with Phyllis Schlafly Eagles (

Ed Martin is the new President of Eagle Forum. Phyllis Schlafly, the Founder and CEO of Eagle Forum, says this: “Ed Martin is uniquely qualified and prepared to carry on the essential educational and political leadership of Eagle Forum.

Ed Martin is here today to discuss why it is so important that we never forget and we never give in. If we stay silent, they win. If we don’t fight, they win. If we don’t push Congress to stop funding Planned Parenthood, they win. We must stay focused. It’s not enough to just pass good pro-life legislation. We must stop Planned Parenthood dead in their tracks.

Listen in as Ed Martin explains the upcoming Senate vote and how it not only affects unborn babies, but all aspects of our lives. He believes that if the spending caps are passed, “It will be a betrayal beyond just life. It will be a betrayal of our basic principles.” If the RINO’s continue to side with the Democrats, it’s time they are fired once and for all. “There must be a set of principles that we will not retreat from,” Ed says. I agree with him 100%.

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