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November 30, 2015

Title: Baltimore Braces for Trials by Fire
Topic: Baltimore Riots
Discussed by Lowell Ponte
with The Great Withdrawal (

The trial for the first of six police officers indicted in the death of Freddie Gray begins today, November 30. The riots which occurred after Gray’s death were atrocious – 200 police officers were injured, 350 business were damaged, and hundreds of vehicles and other structures were set on fire. Whether the police officers are found guilty or not, new protests are likely to occur, especially if the verdict is not guilty. America should be prepared.

Lowell Ponte, former editor for the Reader’s Digest, has written a new book with Craig R. Smith entitled: “We Have Seen the Future and it Looks Like Baltimore: American Dream vs. Progressive Dream”. In the book, they explore the past, present, and future of Baltimore, Maryland. The city was a great pioneer in the railroad industry and was one of the top two destinations for immigrants seeking the American Dream. Now, Baltimore is known as the “Heroin Capital of the World” and the standard of living is less than half of the entire state of Maryland.

Lowell Ponte believes America has been undergoing an enormous social transformation toward the progressive dream, which is all about collectivism. “You are not identified as a unique creation of God. You are, instead, identified as your racial group, your sexual preference, your religion, your ethnicity. It’s a war against all,” Lowell opines.

Lowell goes on to discuss the massive amount of murders which occur in Baltimore compared to cities with much higher populations, what the future looks like for this city, and what it could mean for all Americans.

Lowell and his co-author would like to give you a FREE copy of “We Have Seen the Future and it Looks Like Baltimore: American Dream vs. Progressive Dream”. Please call 800.630.1494 to get your FREE copy today. For more information about the book, click [here].

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